Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 642 Yu Gongming’s personal belongings

The safety staircase is very quiet and the light is not sufficient. Only the emergency light in the corner of the stairwell is on.

After entering the safety stairs, the three of them became more cautious. Akira Hanamong had the advantage of hearing and walked at the front, while Mengwu and Conan were at least half a flight of stairs away from him.

Only after Yu Gongming confirms that it is safe will Mengyu and the others come up.

The three of them cautiously made their way up. In the end, Yu Gongming first came to the door of the rooftop to investigate the situation.

As expected, the rooftop door is closed at the moment.

Yu Gongming stared at the rooftop door in front of him, his expression becoming more and more solemn.

He will never underestimate any sniper. He believes that every sniper will try his best to eliminate interfering factors and make certain plans for unexpected situations before sniping.

For example, ask a companion to help guard nearby, or set up some alarm devices yourself, or even directly block the sniper site, etc.

Now walking all the way, Yu Gongming didn't see anyone.

Then, either the accomplice was also hiding on the rooftop, or the sniper used other methods to eliminate interference and face surprises.

When Akira Hanomiya was observing with a telescope on the roof of the building before, he only saw the sniper and no other figures. However, he did not rule out the arrival of others when a few people drove there.

Yu Gongming frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly turned to face the stairs, squatted down slightly, and slowly took out a flashlight from his arms.

While he adjusted the brightness of the flashlight to maximum, he held it close to the ground and adjusted the angle to prevent the light from escaping toward the door.

The strong and concentrated flashlight illuminated the steps under Yu Gongming's feet and below.

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully observed the situation on the stairs.

After a while, he gradually gained confidence:

"Sure enough, few people usually use the stairs leading to the rooftop. The surface of the steps is covered with a layer of floating dust. Once someone passes by, they will leave relatively obvious footprints."

"There are now two sets of footprints on the stairs. After comparison, one set is obviously the one I just stepped on. As for the other set, I am afraid it was left by the sniper."

"I didn't see any flying objects all the way here. Parachutes and other things came to the top of the building. In other words, he was really the only one on the rooftop."

"Then, he should do some tricks on this gate."

Yu Gongming subconsciously wanted to shine the flashlight, but as soon as he raised the flashlight, he immediately reacted and quickly turned off the flashlight.

Although there is a door partition, the light intensity of his flashlight is not weak. If it is not kept straight, some light will shine through.

Yu Gongming lowered the brightness of the flashlight by one level, then took off his coat and covered the flashlight with his coat.

The light of the flashlight instantly became much dimmer.

Yu Gongming nodded with satisfaction, then pointed the dim flashlight at the door.

Not long after, he made a discovery.

A dark string that was the same color as the door was wrapped around the knob of the rooftop door. The string extended all the way to the crack of the door and was caught by the closed door.

"What kind of mechanism is this?"

Yu Gongming frowned and silently retreated to the lower stairwell.

Meng Yu and Conan had been waiting there quietly. After seeing Yu Gongming coming down, they both cast questioning glances at the same time.

Yu Gongming waved and motioned for them to follow him up.

Akira Haramiya led the two of them to the door again. Akira Akira Haramiya shined a weakened version of the flashlight on the string on the door, and then tapped the Morse code with his thumb and index finger to tell the two people the situation.

After listening, the two of them fell into thinking, and for a while, there was silence in front of the rooftop door.

After a long time, Conan's eyes suddenly lit up and he pulled the corner of Yu Gongming's clothes.

Seeing Yu Gongming looking over, he quickly said in Morse code:

[Counter alarm, push door, hit target, direction]

Yu Gongming chewed on the meaning expressed by Conan, and gradually realized in his heart.

According to his observation, if you want to open the door, you have to push it toward the rooftop.

After pushing the door, the string originally caught in the door gap will definitely be pulled, which means that the mechanism will be activated.

So, assuming that this mechanism is some kind of offensive design, in order to hit the target, the attack will definitely come in the direction of the opening of the door.

That is to the left and above after Akira Hatomiya opens the door.

And it is obviously easier to hit the potential opener from the side than from above.

Then, as long as Yumiya Akira comes to the wall to the left of the door, squats down, twists the doorknob, then quickly pushes the door open and retracts his hand at the same time, he can basically avoid possible attacks.

Akira Hanomiya cast an approving look at Conan, it was indeed a drum washing machine!

The trap at the door has been solved, but Yu Gongming still has no intention of going in.

Even if the mechanism can be avoided, the sound of triggering the mechanism will definitely attract the attention of the sniper.

In addition to the sniper rifle, it is not ruled out that the opponent also has other firearms or melee weapons such as daggers.

Once the opponent's attention is attracted, it is difficult for the three of them to deal with a sniper head-on without being injured.

Therefore, you must make a proper plan before taking action.

Yu Gongming pointed downstairs and motioned for the two of them to go downstairs to discuss.

Mengyu and Conan understood each other and followed Yu Gongming downstairs.

Quiet conversations are no longer a problem here.

Conan whispered: "Based on what we observed before, the sniper should be at the guardrail on the right side of the entrance."

"After walking around downstairs just now, I estimate that the rooftop of this building is about thirty meters long and twenty meters wide."

"Judging from the structure of the building, the location of this door should be in the middle right of the rooftop."

"In other words, after opening the door, you need to run about ten to fifteen meters to the right to get close."

"Coupled with the warning and delay from the agency, as long as the sniper is not too slow, he can definitely take out a weapon such as a pistol or a dagger in time."

"Once he takes out the pistol, we are very passive."

Yu Gongming's eyes flickered for a while, and he took a deep breath: "It seems that we can only use something like that."

Under the confused gazes of the Kudo brothers and sisters, Akira Hanomiya first put on the suction gloves, then took off the backpack from his back, unzipped it, and rummaged inside.

Not long after, he had something in his hand.

Conan's expression changed and he shouted: "You know how to have a pistol!?"

Yes, Yu Gongming was holding a pistol with a silencer!

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Yu Gongming made a silent gesture, and then explained:

"This is Gin's gun that was seized in the Pisco incident last time. I never thought about how to deal with it at the time, so I temporarily locked it in the safe and then forgot about it."

"I just remembered this when I came out today, so I brought it on just to be on the safe side. This is a Beretta 92F with a silencer!"

"However, because the bullets were lost last time, there are only three bullets left in the gun." He looked at Mengyu:

"This gun will be handed over to you later."

"No problem, I will listen to your arrangement." Mengyu nodded.

"Hey! Why didn't you say anything when you left such a dangerous thing behind?" Conan glared at Hanemiya Akira.

Yu Gongming looked innocent: "I really forgot before!"

"Only a ghost believes you!" Conan said disdainfully.

"Oh, don't worry, we will all be [masked men] by then, and no one will know it was us who shot!" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"You know I didn't mean this...forget it, I'll settle the score with you after the matter is over!" After Conan finished his sentence, he said no more.

Yu Gongming smiled and waved: "Come, let's discuss the action plan later..."

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