Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 666 Auntie, I don’t want to work hard!

The gray Mercedes swerved and turned into a deep alley.


The Mercedes stopped just before it hit the wall at the end of the alley.

"Get off the car right here." Bellmode signaled.

Yu Gongming and his party, who had already packed up, immediately got out of the car as quickly as possible.

Yu Gongming opened the trunk and looked inside.

He didn't forget that there was a black Sakura killer in Ori in the trunk.

At this moment, the killer was facing away from Yu Gongming, and his whole body was covered with help. His eyes and mouth were covered with tape, and his ears were blocked with cotton.

This was Belmod's impromptu suggestion when he put the killer in the trunk.

According to her, when certain senses are restricted, other senses will gradually become sharper.

First, restrict his hearing and vision to facilitate interrogation later.

After thinking about it, Yu Gongming thought that it would be safer to do this. When he woke up, he wouldn't be able to see himself.

However, what happened next was a bit unexpected, and he was bitten by Black Sakura's people on the way.

Now after passing Sister Bei's car all the way, after such a bumpy ride, I wonder if this guy has woken up?

Even if Akira Yumiya secretly gave him a shot of Dr. Ari's special powerful anesthetic needle at the end, it didn't seem very safe according to the situation on the road...

If he woke up, would he have heard the conversation that he and the others had just had in the car?

Yu Gongming recalled it carefully.

Before Sister Bei took over the driving, he was driving relatively steadily. With the powerful anesthetic, it was impossible for this guy to wake up.

After Sister Bei took over the driving seat, the conversations between them did not reveal any identity content, and their voices were all disguised, so it didn't matter if they were heard.

Thinking of this, Yu Gongming felt a little calmer.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you get this guy out quickly?" Belmod's voice came from beside him.

After hearing this, Yu Miyazaki came to his senses and worked together with Belmod to get the killer of Black Sakura out.


Akira Hanomiya closed the trunk and came to Belmod's side to support the killer with her.

He took a look at the surrounding environment: "Why did you choose to park here? There are residential areas nearby, and there are some homeless people or drunkards wandering around in the middle of the night."

"There's no way we can get out now with this guy on our shoulders."

"Because I have my car here!" Belmod laughed.

"Huh?" Yu Gongming and Meng Yu's expressions changed at the same time, and they immediately looked out of the alley.

Across the alley, there is a private garage with its rolling shutter door tightly closed.

"Yes, that's my garage, with one of my cars in it." Belmode smiled.

"Since your car is here, then... your accomplices aren't nearby, right?" Yu Gongming frowned.

Although he knew that Sister Bei would definitely not take them directly to find the organization members, he still had to do what was necessary.

"I told you that I worked alone and had no accomplices. Why don't you believe me?" Belmod said helplessly:

"Besides, my phone has been confiscated by you, how can I notify my [companions]?"

"If you are worried, you can drive the car out yourself." Belmod smiled:

"You have the car keys and the garage keys."

Yu Gongming pondered for a while, then looked at Meng Yu: "I'll drive, you guys watch her here."

Mengyu nodded slightly, handed the backpack on his back to Yu Gongming, and at the same time took out the pistol from his arms and pointed it at Belmode.

Belmod shrugged, seemingly unfazed by this.

Akira Hanomiya found Belmod's belongings from his backpack, and there was indeed a bunch of keys inside.

After finding the key, he put on his backpack and walked toward the alley.

The reason why the backpack is not returned to Mengyu is to ensure Mengyu's mobility to deal with emergencies.

After all, a certain Thousand Faced Witch is not a law-abiding master.

When he arrived at the entrance of the alley, Yu Gongming carefully looked around for a while. After seeing that there were no people or surveillance cameras around, he ran out of the alley and came to the closed garage opposite.

After some experiments, Yu Gongming successfully opened the garage.

Akira Hanomiya turned on his flashlight and looked into the garage, and a light blue Lamborghini sports car came into view.

"I'll go!" Yu Gongming couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"It's at least a luxury car worth more than 100 million yen! It's worthy of Sister Bei! Just looking at this car, I have the urge to shout "Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore!"..."

Shaking his head slightly, Yu Gongming dismissed distracting thoughts and found the car keys.

With a click, the Lamborghini was successfully unlocked!

Yu Gongming rubbed his hands, opened the door and got into the car.

"Hiss! Although I know it may be a psychological effect, I still feel that the seats in the Lamborghini are much more comfortable than the Mercedes-Benz just now!"

In two lifetimes combined, Yu Gongming has never driven a luxury car of this level. Every time he passes by a 4S store, he can only look at the "store treasures" in the most conspicuous position. The eight-digit number (RMB) sighed.

Although he already has a small amount of money as a famous detective in this life, a luxury car worth more than 100 million yuan can almost bring him back to before liberation.

As a Chinese who was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze, it is absolutely impossible for Yu Gongming to use the little savings he finally saved for this level of enjoyment.

"Just for this luxury car, it won't be a loss if you come out tonight!"

Yu Gongming suppressed his excitement, inserted the key and started the car.

Not long after, Akira Hanomiya drove his Lamborghini to the entrance of the alley and turned the trunk toward the alley.

In the rearview mirror, Mengyu and the others seemed to know it was time to get in the car, and walked out from the depths of the alley.

After stuffing the killer into the trunk of the Lamborghini, Belmode, Dream Whisperer, and Conan got in the car one after another.

Conan pulled up his seat belt and looked a little surprised: "I've seen this car at a car show. It's worth at least 150 million yuan."

Meng Yu also looked at the luxury car curiously: "I didn't expect Miss Chris to be so luxurious!"

"Isn't the money earned used to enjoy life?" Belmode said with a smile:

"Then, let me see the performance of this luxury car!"

With that said, Yu Gongming had already released the clutch, changed the gear, and lightly stepped on the accelerator.

The blue Lamborghini made a smooth turn and reentered the road, picking up speed in less than two seconds.

"Where should we go next?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "It's not like I didn't do anything just now. I was observing along the way and found a good place."

"Oh? Where?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

"You'll know when we get there!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

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