Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 667 Unlucky Fujita

Yu Gongming slowly stopped the car.

Meng Yu turned her head and looked across the road: "Eh? This is it!?"

"Yes, this is the place I chose!" Yu Gongming snapped his fingers and said with a smile.

Meng Yu's bright eyes turned slightly and she also smiled: "It seems like this place is really good!"

Across the road is the Mihua Library!

"Oh? I haven't been here before... Why did you choose this place?" Belmode asked doubtfully.

"Because there is no one here in the middle of the night, the staff have already got off work, and there is no oil or water here at all, and almost no thieves will come to steal things, so there are no security guards, and you see..." Yu Gongming pointed not far away of an office building.

There were still lights on underneath the office building, and it seemed like someone was still working.

But the most eye-catching thing is that there is a Maserati parked in front of the office building!

Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "In an office building where people are not working, and a similarly expensive Maserati, if there is a Lamborghini parked next to it, it doesn't seem to be a problem, right?"

Meng Yu gave him a thumbs up: "Yeah! Nothing wrong!"

"It's really thoughtful." Belmode was quite satisfied with this place.

"Okay, get out of the car." Yu Gongming collected the car keys and got out of the car first.

The other people also followed up, and it was still Yu Gongming and Belmode who carried the killer out together.

By the way, Yu Gongming took another anesthesia injection before getting in the car. Although the effect may be reduced due to frequent use of medicine in a short period of time, it didn't take long to get to the library. There is no way the killer would wake up now. come over.


who I am?

where am I?

what happened?

The classic confusion flashed through his mind, and Fujita regained consciousness.

However, he soon discovered his current situation.

His whole body was tied with rope, his mouth and eyes were covered with tape, and even his ears were blocked with something.

After a brief period of confusion, Fujita soon realized what had happened.

He is a killer of Black Sakura, who was ordered by his superiors to go to a tram station to search for suspicious targets.

To be honest, he was quite reluctant when he received the task.

At that time, he was in a custom shop, flirting with a very charming girl.

After the foreplay was done, he was about to get into the main show, when a phone call came and ruined his good plans!

Although I felt unhappy for a while, the other party had already made it clear that this was a mandatory task of the organization, and unless I really couldn't get away, I couldn't refuse.

The grass on the grave of the last person who forcibly refused has been changed several times...

He had thought about making up a random excuse to excuse him, but when he thought that he had already talked about tonight's itinerary with another colleague with whom he had a better relationship before coming to the custom shop, it was difficult to hide this matter.

If the superiors knew that he did not go on a mission because of this kind of thing, the grass on his grave would probably be several meters high next year.

In desperation, he reluctantly accepted the mission and reported his location.

Then, he was sent to the tram stop.

According to the above statement, if you find a woman with obvious Western features, report it immediately.

After understanding the general situation, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

After blocking everyone in the apartment, the target was still able to escape?

Are those action guys all losers?

If it weren't for their incompetence, I would have started to show off my glory long ago!

Although he was a little unhappy, since he had accepted the task, he could only cheer up.

As a veteran who has been in Black Sakura for more than two years, he knows very well that every mandatory mission means huge danger.

Sometimes seemingly ordinary instructions may contain deadly threats!

If you are not careful, you will fall into an irreversible situation!

Therefore, when he arrived at the tram station, he immediately tensed up his nerves and was ready to deal with emergencies at any time!

As soon as he entered the tram station, Fujita heard footsteps.

He was startled, immediately slowed down his steps, and cautiously continued deeper into the tram station.

What surprised him was that as he got closer, instead of getting louder, the footsteps seemed to be getting farther away.

has a problem!

Fujita was secretly frightened and became more and more cautious.

However, as he went deeper, he still found no one, which made him feel more and more uneasy.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps, and Fujita's heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively hid behind the support pillar of the station.

Then, he saw a middle-aged man walking over while chatting with a kid.

After the two figures disappeared, Fujita felt slightly relieved.

Then, he was knocked unconscious!

At the last moment of fainting, a trace of confusion flashed through his mind.

Someone could come up behind him silently! ?

When he regained consciousness, he found that he was lying on a flat surface.

Through his body's perception, he could roughly tell that he was in a high-speed car.

Then, his nightmare began.

The car would make sharp turns from time to time, and sometimes the car would even tilt.

He rolled here and there all of a sudden, and his head was hit several times!

During this period, he seemed to faintly hear some voices, but he was so confused that he had no time to distinguish the content of those words.

In the end, he hit his head again and was knocked unconscious...

At the last moment before losing consciousness, he swore that if he knew who was driving, he would beat him to pieces with a submachine gun!

When he regained consciousness, he found himself being dragged forward.

There is a smell of perfume on her body, and judging from the touch, it seems to be a woman?

Before he could continue to feel it, the person holding him had already lifted his body up with another person and threw him onto a certain surface.

Fujita was wondering where he was thrown, when he suddenly felt a pain in his neck.

Then, a strong wave of drowsiness immediately swept over his consciousness, which was not quite awake at all, and completely engulfed his consciousness in an instant.


If Fujita had mastered some profound language, he would have cursed like this in his heart.

However, there are not so many what-ifs in the world. He just cursed "bastard" in his heart and fainted.

After an unknown amount of time, he regained consciousness again.

This time he was more awake than the previous two times and immediately began to sense his situation.

He was still bound, with his eyes, ears, and mouth sealed.

But what was different from before was that he seemed to be leaning on a hard surface.

Judging from the touch coming from the hands tied behind his back, it should be a wall.

At this time, he felt that the thing blocking his ears was removed.

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