Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 673 In the Reading Room

The man in black robe suddenly raised his hand!


A burst of dazzling light suddenly burst out with him as the center!

It's a flash bomb!

The three of them, Yu Miyang, were not easy-going people. Although they were frightened, they closed their eyes and covered their ears almost at the same time. At the same time, they quickly left the current position and found bunkers to avoid based on the memory of the room layout in their minds.

Soon a few people found a bunker.

Yu Gongming opened his eyes slightly.

The flash bomb's effectiveness has expired, but because the other party's attack was sudden, it was still affected to some extent. His vision blurred for a while, and there were faint spots of light flashing.

Yu Gongming blinked his eyes several times, rubbed them gently, and finally recovered a little.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a burst of rapid footsteps.

"This not good!"

Yu Gongming immediately poked his head out from behind the bunker!

His pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw that the man in black robe had already ran out of the room carrying a figure!

"Look at this it the killer!?"

"He ran away! I'll chase him!" Yu Gongming reminded his companions while already rushing towards the door!


Yu Gongming followed the footsteps and chased the man in black robe to the safety stairs, and followed the man in black robe all the way downstairs.

When the man in black robe reached the third floor of the library, he did not continue downstairs, but rushed into the corridor of the third floor carrying Fujita.

Yu Gongming immediately rushed in!

In the meantime, the other party came all the way to the end of the corridor, and directly knocked open the door of the largest reading room at the end. The figure flashed and disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Yu Gongming immediately ran to the door of the reading room.

However, he did not go in immediately.

The other party brought someone with him, and instead of going downstairs to leave, he came to the third floor and rushed into this relatively closed reading room. He must have relied on something.

And it's definitely not the low-level trick of sneak attack from behind the door.

Because Yu Gongming was almost following the other party, when he came to the door, he still heard the sound of the other party's footsteps moving.

After about five seconds, the footsteps inside stopped.

"This at least ten meters away from the gate..."

With a judgment in his mind, Yumiya Akai jumped forward and rolled into the reading room.

Stabilizing his body, Yu Gongming immediately raised his head, and the flashlight he had already held in his hand immediately shined forward!

In front of him were rows of bookshelves filled with books. The bookshelves were lined up in rows, perfectly blocking Hanamiya Akira's sight.

Yu Gongming frowned slightly, stood up slowly, looked around, and his ears were always paying attention to the movements around him.

If he heard correctly, the footsteps stopped in the direction he was facing now.

The other party must be hidden behind these bookshelves!

Yu Gongming turned off the flashlight to prevent the light source from revealing his position.

Then he stayed there for about a minute, letting his eyes adapt to the darkness again, while silently reaching into his pocket and sending a message to Mengyu on his mobile phone.

After both things were completed, Yumiya Akira cautiously and slowly approached the bookshelves, always on guard against possible sneak attacks.

There was silence in the reading room. Apart from the sound of car engines occasionally passing by the library outside the window, Hanomiya Akira heard no other sounds.

Yu Gongming listened attentively for a while, but still did not hear any unusual sounds coming from the reading room.

There were no footsteps, no other sounds, not even a human gasp.

"Hiss! This guy has been carrying someone on his back for so long. How can he still keep his breathing so steady?"

Yu Gongming suddenly frowned.

Although his hearing is much sharper than that of ordinary people, he may still be able to hear the sound of normal breathing if they are face to face, but there is nothing he can do if it is more than two meters away.

I originally thought that if the other party was chased half a building by him with such a burden, he should be able to take a breath, right?

"Tch~ This guy has been pressing us for so long. On the one hand, he is letting us relax our vigilance, but at the same time, is he also recovering our strength?"

Yu Gongming murmured in his heart, and unknowingly he had arrived in front of the first row of bookshelves.

"According to the time when the footsteps stopped...he shouldn't be hiding behind the first row of bookshelves..."

Yu Gongming silently estimated in his mind, stepped across the first row of bookshelves, and came to the aisle between the first and second rows of bookshelves.

As expected, the man in black robe is not here.

"There are still four rows of bookshelves left..."

Yu Gongming calculated silently and moved forward more cautiously.

The second row of bookshelves...none.

The third row of abnormalities.

The fourth row... still found nothing.

Arriving in front of the fifth row of book swords, Yu Gongming stopped.

He listened attentively, and this time, he finally made a discovery!

When he reached this position, he finally heard a breath!

That breathing sound was intermittent, sometimes thick and sometimes shallow, quite unstable!

If Akira Hanomiya guessed correctly, this was definitely not the breathing sound of the man in black robe, but that of the killer Fujita!

Fujita had been tortured by waterboarding before, and his physical condition was not good to begin with. Moreover, because of the waterboarding, Fujita had an instinctive desire for oxygen.

Even if he lost consciousness due to being knocked unconscious by Belmod, the sequelae would not disappear in a short time.

Therefore, such an abnormal breathing sound was immediately caught by Yu Gongming!

"This location... is probably at the other end of this row of bookshelves..."

After Hanemiya Akira judged Fujita's position, he hesitated for a while.

Where is Fujita, where is the man in black robe?

Is he with Fujita?

Even though he didn't hear any sound along the way, it didn't mean that the other party hadn't moved.

Even the killer Fujita can deliberately suppress the sound of his own footsteps, let alone a master like the man in black robe.

After such a long time, although it was impossible for him to move in a wide range, it was still more than enough within this row of bookshelves.

Should I go directly into the aisle behind the last row of bookshelves, or go around the aisles in the fourth to fifth rows?

Or should I say, just wait for Mengyu and the others to come over?

At this moment, a rush of footsteps sounded outside the reading room, and then quickly entered the reading room.

"We're here!" Mengyu's disguised voice sounded.

Yu Gongming turned his head and saw Belmode and Mengyu slowly walking towards the bookshelf one after the other. Mengyu was pointing forward with a pistol in his hand.

"I'm here." Yu Gongming immediately reminded him of his location.

Meng Yu nodded slightly and glanced around with a wary expression.

When Yu Gongming saw that Meng Yu had arrived and that Conan was most likely ambushing him outside the door, he felt a lot more confident.

Then, he chose to walk in the direction of Fujita from the aisle between the fourth and fifth rows of bookshelves.

With Mengyu watching in the middle, he was not afraid that the man in black robe would take a detour and escape through the middle aisle.

Soon, he came to the end of the aisle and was about to turn to the fifth row of bookshelves.

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