Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 674 Parting ways

Just when Yu Gongming was about to reach the end of the bookshelf and was about to reach the corner, there was a sudden vibration in his ears!

Yu Gongming's expression changed instantly!

He immediately realized what was going on.

The last row of bookshelves was pressing towards him!

And the most terrible thing is that in order to better lock the opponent's position, he had always walked close to the last row of bookshelves.

After this pressure, he had no time to dodge!

In desperation, he had no choice but to stretch out his hands to support the fallen bookshelf.

"He's going to run!"

Bang bang bang!

The voice of Dream Talk sounded almost at the same time as a series of dull gunshots filtered by the silencer!

Hearing this, Yu Gongming's face became more and more ugly, his eyes flashed sharply, and his hands suddenly exerted force, pushing the bookshelf upward a little.

Then he suddenly shrunk, rolled again, and finally escaped from the confinement of the bookshelf.

Ignoring the chain reaction caused by the collapse of the last row of bookshelves, Akira Hanomiya immediately walked around to the last aisle and looked ahead.

I saw that the man in black robe had tied Fujita on his back, and his figure had already rushed out to the window on the other side of the bookshelf.

The window that should normally be closed was open at this time!

The man in black robe came to the window, without any hesitation, put his hands on the window frame, turned over and jumped out!

Yu Gongming's pupils shrank and he immediately rushed to the window!

There were footsteps behind him, and Meng Yu and Belmode also rushed towards the window.

In just a few seconds, several people had gathered at the window.

I saw a hook hanging on the window at some point.

The three of them looked down and saw that the man in black robe had led Fujita along the rope to the ground in the backyard of the library.

In the dim light, I saw the man in black robe raised his head slightly, looked at a few people for a moment, then gently pulled the hook back, and then ran towards the back door of the library without looking back.

Yu Gongming and others just watched as the man in black robe easily opened the back door, then turned into a nearby alley and disappeared.

"This guy seems to have been prepared for a long time..." Meng Yu frowned.

"No." Yu Gongming shook his head slightly:

"The hook just now should have been placed in the short period of time when he jumped out of the window."

"If he had prepared his hook by the window from the beginning, he would have run away before you could arrive."

"But this guy probably chose this place because he had scouted the terrain in advance and knew that the window of the reading room was not closed, so he chose to run here."

"So, the person was still snatched away by him... Tsk!" Belmode also looked a little unhappy.

Meng Yu snorted softly: "If I weren't afraid of making too much noise, I wouldn't mind catching up and taking a look."

"The matter has come to this. It's useless to say more. It seems we should leave here." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Now they have obtained as much information as possible from Fujita, and Fujita was kidnapped by the man in black robe.

Then there is no need for them to stay here.

Several people recovered all the bullets that Mengyu had just shot, and then left the library after meeting Conan who was staying outside the door.

Back on the Lamborghini, Akira Hanomiya couldn't help but rub his wrist: "Who is that guy?"

"Looking at his appearance, he does not seem to be on the same side as Black Sakura, and he does not have any ill intentions towards us." Mengyu analyzed.

"Well, at least judging from his previous behavior, he should be a mortal enemy of Kuro Sakura. If he takes Fujita away, there is a high probability that he will not expose our secrets."

Belmod narrowed his eyes slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Conan rubbed his forehead and asked: "Now that the killer has been kidnapped, we should also deal with the problem of Sister Chris now, right?"

"How about we part ways and stay within the river?" Belmod said with a smile.

"It is possible to consider separation now, but it is almost impossible not to interfere with the river." Yu Gongming looked coldly:

"Now that you know our identities, we can't let you run around. If you are caught by Black Sakura, we will be in danger."

"Don't worry, I won't betray you!" Belmode promised.

"Hmph! What if they use waterboarding like that in the library, or even other punishments?" Yu Gongming asked with a sneer.

Belmode was silent for a while and shook his head slightly: "Well, to be honest, if they really use coolness, I really can't promise not to speak.

"Especially our relationship, it's not worth my keeping a secret for you."

"So, we have to make sure you don't get caught by Black Sakura." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"Then I really want to thank you very much!" Belmode smiled.

"Then, leave your contact information. If you encounter trouble from Black Sakura in the future, or find clues about Black Sakura, remember to contact us and we will help." Hanemiya Ming said.

When Belmode heard this, his eyes flickered for a while, and after a moment, he finally nodded:

"No problem, can you give me a piece of paper?"

Mengyu pulled out a blank piece of paper from the pile of papers recording Black Sakura's information, and handed it to Belmod along with the ballpoint pen.

Belmode took the pen and paper, wrote on the paper for a while, and then handed it to Yu Miyazaki: "This is my contact information."

"This is mine." Yu Gongming also wrote his contact information on a piece of paper and handed it to Belmode.

After the two exchanged contact information, Belmod extended his hand to Yu Gongming: "Wish us a happy cooperation?"

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Yu Gongming stretched out his hand and shook Bellmode's hand lightly before withdrawing his hand.

Belmode still stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Now that we have reached an agreement, can you return my car keys to me?"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "Wait a moment, let me confirm the contact information you gave me."

Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed the number with his fingers, and then pressed the dial button.

A pleasant ringtone rang from the backpack in front of Mengyu.

Mengyu opened her backpack and took out the source of the ringtone.

It was Belmod's cell phone that was confiscated by Akira Hanomiya and others!

"Are you relieved now?" Belmod stretched his hand forward again.

Akira Hanomiya nodded slightly and handed the car keys and mobile phone to Belmode.

Belmod took back his cell phone and car keys, rolled his beautiful eyes slightly, and asked, "Can you return my other belongings to me? Make a copy of that information for me as well."

"Except for the weapons, everything else can be returned to you, and the information can also be copied by you." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"That's fine, my weapons will be used as a meeting gift for future partners!" Belmod looked unconcerned.

Hanemiya Akira and Mengyu handed over their belongings except weapons to Bellmod, and asked Bellmod to copy a piece of information about Fujita's confession.

Afterwards, at Bellmod's signal, Yu Gongming, Conan, and Mengyu got out of the car.

Afterwards, Belmod and Akira Hanomiya said a brief farewell and drove away in the Lamborghini.

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