Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 71 Finding Gold

The next day.

Akira Hanomiya got up early in the morning, and also woke up Mouri Kogoro and Conan.

After the three of them washed up, they came to the front hall of the public hall together.

After a while, Xiaolan and Mengyu also arrived.

"Hey! Hatemiya boy, are you in such a hurry? It's not even breakfast time, do we have to go looking for gold on an empty stomach?" Mouri Kogoro complained.

"I already have a clue, just follow me." Yu Gongming whispered.


Akira Hanomiya pressed Mouri Kogoro's mouth, and lowered his voice helplessly: "Uncle, please lower your voice. After all, this is the village chief's place. It's inconvenient to say some things. Come with me first."

After seeing Mouri Kogoro nod slightly, Hanomiya Akira let go of his hand:

"Let's go."

Several people nodded slightly and then left the public hall together.


After leaving the public hall and seeing no one around, Hanomiya Akira briefly told Mouri Kogoro what happened in the early morning.

Of course, the reason they went out in the first place was still to find [Adventure] Conan.

Conan could only cover his head where he was punched by Moori Kogoro, glanced at Hanemiya Akira resentfully, and silently continued to bear the blame.

"So that's it. So the gold is in the cave where the undead navy is rumored to be wandering, right?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"If Aoki is not lying, it is true. Let's go to the lighthouse now. We should be able to observe the location of the cave from the lighthouse."

"So Hanomiya boy, what are you going to do after you find the gold?" Mouri Kogoro's expression suddenly became serious.

"It seems that Uncle Maori also realized the problem." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Mouri Kogoro snorted and said:

"If I hadn't realized this, I would have lived these decades in vain."

"Dad, Senior Yumiya, what are you talking about?" Xiaolan was full of doubts when she was forced out by Mengyu. Now she saw Yumiya and Ming playing riddles there, and finally couldn't help but ask.

Mouri Kogoro explained seriously:

"The village chief wants to embezzle the gold, but hires us to find it. So, why can he trust that we won't tell him the secret of embezzling the gold?"

"This...can't be right?" Xiaolan seemed to have thought of something, her face full of shock.

"Yes, there happened to be a problem with the signal base station on the island, and we almost lost contact with the outside world. So, if we had any [accident] on the island, it would be difficult for the outside world to know about it in a short period of time." Mouri Kogoro said solemnly.

"But can Village Chief Mikami really do such a thing?" Xiaolan still seemed a little unbelievable.

"Kinoshita Goro could tie up people and torture them for this billion yuan of gold. If we hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Aoki would have been killed by Kinoshita in the end."

"A small assistant can be so crazy for gold, let alone the village chief who is at the core of the island's power." Meng Yu said lightly.

"Then what should we do now?" Xiaolan said in panic.

"Don't worry, let's look for the gold first. Once we find the gold, we'll tell that Mikami Takeo and see how he reacts. If he keeps his promise, that's for the best. If he really has other thoughts, then we don't have to You’re welcome again.”

Akira Hanomiya briefly discussed the plan for discussion with Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro.

"Well, Mr. Yumiya has thought carefully enough, so let's do it."

"I hope the situation that Senior Hanemiya expected will not happen..." Although Xiaolan also agreed with Akira Hanemiya's plan, she still hoped that things would not develop in a bad direction.

While everyone was talking, they had arrived at the foot of the lighthouse.

Climbing all the way up to the observation deck on the top floor of the lighthouse, everyone saw a telescope at a glance.

"Strange, why is this telescope facing the mountain over there? Shouldn't it be facing the sea?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Perhaps there is something more worthy of attention than the sea on the other side of the mountain?" Akira Hanamiya said, stepping forward and starting to observe with the telescope.

"Sure enough, a cave was found on the side of the mountain, which is probably where the gold is hidden."

"Really? Let me see!" Mouri Kogoro said excitedly.

Akira Hanomiya stepped aside, and Kogoro Mouri stepped forward to observe.

"Hey! There really is a cave!"

Everyone confirmed the location of the cave, and after observing the route at the lighthouse, they rushed to the target cave without stopping.

More than ten minutes later, several people arrived in front of the cave.

"It's so dark..." Xiaolan looked at the deep cave and took a step back instinctively.

"Not only is it dark, but it is said that it is filled with dead souls of the navy!" Mouri Kogoro said in a strange tone.

"Ah! Dad, don't scare me!" Xiaolan exclaimed.

"Okay, there are so many of us, what are you afraid of? Hurry in and find gold. If Xiaolan is afraid, just come among us." Meng Yu said.

"Well..." Although Xiaolan was still a little scared, she felt a little more at ease when she saw Yu Gongming and others.

So, several people entered the cave one after another.

After walking for a while, a light source suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Walking closer, a table for enshrining the soul came into view, and the light source was the candle burning on the table.

"It seems that this is the so-called shrine dedicated to the dead of the navy." Yu Gongming said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange sound like the roar of a ghost suddenly came from the cave.

Xiaolan was so scared that she hugged Conan:

"Ke...Conan, don't be afraid, my sister will protect you!"

"Hey, hey, hey! You are obviously the most afraid of me, okay?" Conan was speechless while enjoying Xiaolan's embrace.

"This is not the wail of the undead, it's just the resonance caused by the wind blowing into the cave." Mengyu calmly explained.

"This god's throne should have been created by Aoki, right? To be able to make such a noise..."

Yu Gongming thought, came to the table and pushed hard.

The desk was slowly pushed open, revealing a new cave.

"It seems like the gold should be hidden inside." Mouri Kogoro said.

After everyone looked at each other, they entered the new cave one after another.

Yu Gongming was last and moved the table back to its original position.

Seeing darkness in front of him, Yu Miyazaki turned on the flashlight that came with his phone to provide light for his companions in front.

In the cave is a downward staircase, and everyone slowly descends along the staircase step by step.

"Wait a minute!" Conan suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at Conan in confusion.

"Brother Hanomiya, use your flashlight to shine on this step." Conan pointed to the first step in front of him.

Yu Gongming, who had already recalled the plot, nodded slightly and then pointed his flashlight at the stairs.

"Huh? Why are there such a different color on the stairs..." Mouri Kogoro was the first to see the clues.

He squatted down, clasped his hands on the steps, and pulled hard!

The entire brick that made up the stairs was pulled down by Mouri Kogoro.

Yu Gongming focused his flashlight on the brick.

"Eh? The downward side of the brick is actually golden... Could this be..." Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly, and an incredible look gradually appeared on her face.

"Kid Hanomiya, take a look at the other stairs!" Mouri Kogoro said excitedly.

Yu Gongming did as he was told.

Mouri Kogoro broke off a few more bricks and looked at them, his expression becoming more and more shocked:

"Hiss! This staircase is made of gold!"

"Let's continue walking down and have a look." Conan said.

Several people continued to walk down the stairs. Soon, the stairs broke halfway.

"It seems like all the gold is here." Meng Yu said.

"Look, there is light below!" Conan pointed downwards.

With curiosity, everyone continued to walk down, but because there were no stairs, it was quite difficult to go.

After a while, everyone successfully arrived at the bottom of the cave.

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