"Wow! This place is actually connected to the sea. It's so beautiful!" Xiaolan said in surprise.

When the cave reaches this point, a huge gap appears. Beyond the gap is the blue sea. The warm morning sun shines on the sparkling sea, giving it a different kind of scenery.

Compared with Xiaolan who was amazed by the scenery here, Conan was more concerned about another thing:

"I remember that there was moss growing on the land near the seaside on the island, but I didn't see it on the ground here. This gap seems to have just formed not long ago..." He looked above the gap:

"And the traces on it seem to have been formed by the friction of something... It turns out that the Dragon God was rushed here before, and the entrance that was washed away at that time collapsed due to the storm, and the Dragon God has been hidden in the Here, it was not until recently that this gap appeared again, and the Dragon God floated out through this gap, and was finally discovered by the islanders."

Conan straightened out the causes and consequences, and Akira Hanomiya also narrated the things about the Dragon God according to the plot.

"In this way, the whole matter is basically clear, and the gold has been found. Let's go back and talk to the village chief now." Mouri Kogoro said.

No one had any objection. Kogoro Maori took a gold brick as proof of finding gold, and the three of them walked up the golden stairs again.

When he was about to reach the top position, Yu Gongming, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped, turned around, illuminated himself with a flashlight, and made a silencing gesture to the people behind him.

Although everyone was puzzled by what he meant, they still stopped and remained silent.

Yu Gongming also turned off the flashlight at the same time.

After a few seconds of silence, a gap flashing orange light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This means that someone has moved the obscured god away.

Everyone was tense and afraid to make a sound.

The next moment, the throne was completely pushed away, and a man's figure emerged.

The moment the figure emerged, Yu Gongming rushed towards the man without hesitation!

As the distance got closer, Yu Gongming made a fist with his right hand and hit the man in the face.

The man had just pushed the throne away, and before he had time to see clearly what was going on in the cave, how could he avoid Yu Gongming's surprise attack?



Akira Hanamiya's punch hit the bridge of the man's nose. The powerful force caused the man's body to lean back slightly, and his hands were waving randomly in an attempt to maintain balance.

Hanamiya Akira looked at the naked man without any courtesy. He used the grappling skills he learned from Moori Kogoro and instantly pushed the man to the ground.

He turned back and signaled to everyone in the cave that they could come out.

Seeing this, everyone in the cave walked out of the cave one after another.

"Is this guy Yasuo Uehara?" Mouri Kogoro said as he looked at the subdued man.

"It seems that this guy is also looking for gold." Meng Yu said.

"Which of you has gloves, please help search him. There is something good in the inner pocket of his coat!" Akira Hanomiya, who was pressing Yasuo Uehara, suddenly said.

"Oh? Good stuff?" Mengyu put on the adsorption gloves, squatted down, and started searching.

"Asshole! Stop!" Yasuo Uehara was only subdued and did not lose consciousness. Seeing Mengyu's actions, he suddenly struggled.

However, his struggle was of no use under Yu Gongming's powerful strength.

After searching for a while, Mengyu's eyes lit up and he took out a pistol from his coat, and then found two magazines in his pants pocket.

"Ara, you are holding a gun illegally! It seems that your nose was bleeding, and you were thinking about paying for medical expenses later, but now it seems that it is not necessary!" Mengyu played with the pistol and laughed.

When Yasuo Uehara saw that the pistol was confiscated, his face suddenly became a little defeated, and then he stared angrily at Akira Hanomiya and the others.

"Where did Mr. Uehara know about this place?" Akira Hanamiya maintained a capture posture and began to interrogate Yasuo Uehara on the spot.

"Hmph! I didn't expect someone to get there first. How did you find this place?" Uehara Yasuo said coldly.

"Mr. Uehara, you don't seem to understand the situation yet. You are not qualified to ask questions now. You only need to answer my questions." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

Uehara Yasuo was silent for a while and said: "I observed this cave from the lighthouse, so I came here to look for gold."

"Oh? Why do you think the gold will be here?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Because that lighthouse belongs to Aoki...that is, the lighthouse guard Hamada. He was the crew member of the Dragon God and the person most likely to know the whereabouts of the gold. He pointed the telescope at this cave, and I suspected that the gold Just hide it inside." Yasuo Uehara said.

"What's your relationship with Aoki?"

"Aoki and I are both crew members of the Dragon God. On that stormy night seven years ago, Aoki wanted to monopolize the gold. When the ship was shaking, he pushed everyone including the owner into the sea. I was lucky. He survived and returned to Tokyo."

"Are you here specifically to look for gold?"

"Yes, after I heard that the Dragon God appeared again, I suspected that the gold might still be hidden on this island or nearby, so I came here."

Seeing that there was nothing more to ask, Hanomiya Akira nodded slightly and let go of Uehara Yasuo.

"Mr. Uehara, you are now suspected of illegally possessing a gun. Come back to the public hall with us. When the police come, surrender yourself. Maybe you will be released after being locked up for a while." Hanemiya Ming said.

Uehara Yasuo sighed and said: "Okay, anyway, I have no hope of getting that batch of gold, so I admit defeat."

"Oh, by the way, when you return to the public hall later, don't reveal that we found a pistol and a magazine on you." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Huh? You guys..." Yasuo Uehara looked at Akira Hanomiya in surprise.

"Don't get me wrong, we are just trying to protect ourselves. After all, that Mikami Takeo is not a good person. We have to leave some means. For your own consideration, you'd better not tell this matter." Meng Yu said lightly. .

Yasuo Uehara frowned, then nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

Afterwards, several people walked out of the cave and returned towards the public hall.

When we returned to the public hall, the village chief, Takeo Mikami, happened to be in the front hall.

"Detective Mouri, Detective Hanomiya, what are you..." Takeo Mikami looked at the people walking into the front hall in surprise.

"Chief Mikami, we have found gold!" Mouri Kogoro showed the gold brick in his hand.

Mikami Takeo's eyes widened when he saw the golden color, and his breathing became rapid.

"Where did you find it? It should be more than this, right? Take me there quickly!" Takeo Mikami was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

"Haha, don't be anxious, Mikami Village Chief. Do you still remember what we agreed on at the beginning?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

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