Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 732 Inexplicable Conflict

Just when Xiaolan was a little confused, a childish voice rang:

"Sister Yuanzi, don't change the subject!"

Xiaolan took a look and found that Conan had walked over at some point.

Yuanzi suddenly glared: "What did you say, brat?"

"Isn't it?" Conan tilted his head and looked at Yuanzi:

"Sister Yuanzi, who are you choosing clothes for now?"

"Give it to Kyogoku." Mengyu answered in a very cooperative manner.

"Then who has been hesitating and not knowing what others want?"

"Is it Yuanzi?" Xiaolan also roughly understood what Conan meant, and took over the words before Yuanzi.

Conan nodded seriously: "Right? It's obviously a problem between Sister Sonoko and Brother Kyogoku. Why does Sister Sonoko involve Brother Shinichi?"

"Isn't this just changing the subject!"

"Yes Sonoko, everyone can see Xiaolan's position in my brother's heart, right? My brother is not a boring gourd like Kyogoku!" Meng Yu stabbed her again.

"You... why are you all bullying me?" Yuanzi suddenly had the urge to burst into tears.

What's going on here? Even though everyone was out shopping together, she felt so lonely... There was no love in this world!

After some laughter, Mengyu became a little more serious: "By the way, as the daughter of the Suzuki family, it shouldn't be difficult to find a tailor, right?"

"Why not find a tailor, let you help design the pattern and style, and then the tailor will be responsible for sewing?"

"This way you can express your feelings and you don't have to go to various clothing stores."

"Eh?" Yuanzi's eyes lit up: "This method seems pretty good! Why didn't I think of it before?"

She clapped her hands suddenly: "Okay! Then when I go back, I will help Ah Zhen design his exclusive love sweater!"

"Yuanzi, you have to work hard!" Xiaolan said her heartfelt blessing.

Afterwards, the garden regained its vitality, and several girls began to visit the clothing store again.


"Okay! Let's go have lunch next!" Yuanzi walked out of the department store, looking like he still had something to say:

"I know a pretty good ramen restaurant nearby, let's go try it out!"

"Yes, if it can satisfy the eyes of your eldest lady, the taste will definitely not be bad." Meng Yu said with a smile.

The few people chatted and laughed all the way, and walked to the restaurant under Yuanzi's guidance. .

At this time, from a phone booth ahead, a woman with dyed hair and fashionable clothes came out, and then continued to move forward.

Yu Gongming's eyes moved and he came to the phone booth and picked up a ballpoint pen: "This pen..."

"It seems that the sister in front of me dropped it, right?" Conan looked forward. He just saw that the ballpoint pen fell from the body of the woman in front of him.

"Okay, then I'll go and give it back to her." Yu Gongming said, temporarily handing the things in his hands to Meng Yu, and then trotted to catch up with the blond woman.

He patted the woman on the shoulder from behind and said, "Miss, you..."

Before he could finish his words, the hand on the woman's shoulder was grabbed.

Then, a powerful force suddenly came, pulling Yu Gongming's body to roll forward.

Yu Gongming was shocked: "What? I just slapped you on the shoulder! Can you beat me like a gangster?"

Although he was surprised in his heart, Yu Gongming's reaction was not slow. His wrist suddenly shook and his body pressed down, interfering with the opponent's strength and stabilizing his center of gravity at the same time.

Considering that the other party might have mistakenly thought that he was a gangster, Yu Miyazaki kept his center of gravity and after a temporary stalemate with the other party, he did not make any drastic moves. He just slipped his hand and broke away from the woman's grasp, while jumping back a step. .

At this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps from all directions, followed by a loud shout: "Don't move!"

Yu Gongming glanced around and saw several strong men surrounding him with fierce looks.

"What the hell? What's going on? Is this the latest immortal dance routine?"

Yu Gongming murmured in his heart, and his expression darkened.

Judging from the movements and steps of these people, they seem to be Lianjiazi, so they should be taken seriously.

A thought flashed through his mind, and the first person had already rushed in front of him, reaching for his shoulder.

Yu Gongming frowned: "This starting position...why does it feel a bit familiar..."

With doubts in his heart, Yu Gongming pressed his figure, then stepped forward slightly with his left foot, and suddenly stretched out his right leg!


A knee bump hit the opponent's stomach hard!

Although the power of this blow is not small, Yu Gongming's main purpose is to push him away, so the force is more of a continuous impact, and the instantaneous explosive power is not that strong.

As Yu Gongming expected, the man's body flew out quickly.

And the direction he was flying to was exactly two other men who had already formed a faint encirclement.

When the two men saw their companion, they immediately reached out to catch him and stabilize him.

However, with this delay, the encirclement had lost its meaning. Yu Gongming did not want to fight and retreated directly to Xiaolan Mengyu and the others.

Meng Yu and others were also shocked by this sudden situation. Meng Yu and Xiao Lan had already put down their things and got ready to take action at any time.

After Yu Gongming came to a few people, he looked ahead again.

I saw that the few men just now had formed their formation and looked at Yu Gongming with unkind eyes, while the woman had also turned her head and looked over.

However, the moment the two parties met, both the woman and Yu Gongming were stunned.

"Detective Hanomiya? Why is it you?" The woman's face was full of surprise.

The corner of Yu Gongming's mouth also twitched: "Are you... Officer Sato? So, these people next to you are..."

"So it's the police arresting people?" Meng Yu also reacted, and her expression immediately became weird.

The men were also stunned when they heard the conversation, and looked at Officer Sato almost at the same time.

Officer Sato pulled off the wig on his head and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, don't be nervous, he can't be a prisoner."

Several men relaxed after hearing this.

Akira Hanomiya rubbed his forehead speechlessly: "Let me tell you, Officer Sato, what did you do? I was almost knocked down by you just now!"

Officer Sato immediately showed an embarrassed look on his face: "Sorry, sorry, I heard rapid footsteps approaching, and I didn't hear anyone speaking, so I thought it was a prisoner!"

Yu Gongming was even more speechless: "No, when I patted your shoulder, I also said hello to you. You can't even hear my voice?"

"Maybe you were too nervous at the time? I didn't even pay attention to what you said..." Officer Sato said awkwardly.

"Brother Yu Gong!" came a familiar voice.

Everyone turned around and saw Officer Megure and Officer Takagi walking over.

When Yu Gongming saw this battle, he thought, this is going to cause trouble again.

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