Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 733 The reason

In a certain coffee shop.

"So that's it, you are trying to lure the criminals involved in the serial beating of women to the bait!" Yu Gongming suddenly said.

"Yes, that's why we asked Officer Sato to pretend to be like that." Officer Megure said with a smile.

"But aren't you afraid of accidental injury or alerting others by doing this?" Yu Gongming said speechlessly:

"I saw her ballpoint pen fall and I kindly picked it up and gave it back to her! But when she came up, she threw me over her shoulder and several men with fierce looks rushed towards me."

"If I hadn't been afraid of some misunderstanding, you would have been in trouble!"

"I'm really sorry!" Officer Sato said with his hands clasped together, but he didn't mind what Hanemiya Akira said.

Although it was just a brief fight, she had seen the strength of Akira Hanamiya. Based on his previous record, Officer Sato felt that just by relying on a few people at the time, he might not be able to beat Akira Hanamiya.

Not to mention that there are Xiaolan and Mengyu behind him.

This Kanto karate champion, this national champion, are both ruthless people who once provoked dozens of thugs in Shikishima!

If the two of them also took action, it would probably not be enough for everyone present to fight together.

Mengyu turned to look at Yu Gongming, and then looked at Officer Megure with some confusion: "Officer, you must be monitoring the surroundings, right?"

"Well, yes, but because of the angle, we didn't see Brother Hanomiya's face, and the policemen who took action were not familiar with Brother Hanomiya..." Officer Megure explained with a smile.

"But didn't you announce that the suspect's height is 150 centimeters? You can tell it's not the case with Amin's height of 1.8 meters, right?"

"I'm really sorry!" several police officers apologized again.

Yu Gongming waved his hand: "Okay, it's not a big deal. It's just a misunderstanding. Just explain it clearly."

Officer Memu nodded slightly, and then sighed: "Oh! It's nerve-wracking. After all the commotion on the street, I'm afraid it's really a mistake. The prisoner has no clue at all..."

Officer Takagi also said: "The three women who were attacked have nothing in common except that they were dressed in exaggerated clothes."

"And the scene was also very messy, with almost no valuable clues." Officer Sato also said.

Officer Megure touched his chin and thought for two seconds, then said to Officer Takagi: "Can you show me the photos of those three ladies again?"

"By the way, let me introduce you to Brother Hanomiya."

Officer Takagi understood, placed several photos on the table, and introduced them from left to right:

"The first person to be attacked was Miss Mizutani Ryoko. She was attacked one night two weeks ago."

"She was driving through an intersection and was suddenly hit by a car. When she came down to complain, she was beaten with a metal stick by the gangster."

"Next is Miss Endo Hitomi. Ten days ago, she was attacked with a metal rod by a gangster when she came out of the restroom in the park."

"And the last one is Ms. Ishiguro Riko who was attacked yesterday. She was attacked when she came out of the phone booth."

"Phone booth? Is that the one just now?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Yes, that's the phone booth just now." Officer Megure nodded.

"So..." Yu Gongming twitched the corner of his mouth: "Obviously the place where the gangster committed the crime is completely different, why do you think she will still commit the crime in this phone booth?"

"Ah...well...we are just trying to get lucky..." Officer Megure was embarrassed again.

Then, he looked at Yu Gongming expectantly: "Brother Yu Gong, after hearing this information, did you find anything?"

Yu Gongming lowered his head to look at these photos, and first asked: "Excuse me, are the skin colors of these women natural or made up?"

"Ah? I know this!" Yuanzi immediately pointed to the three photos with interest and said:

"This kind of makeup on their faces is very popular among young girls recently!"

"Well, girls who wear this kind of makeup are usually called 101 hot girls."

"So that's it. The murderer specially picked people dressed like this to commit crimes..." Yu Gongming suddenly said.

"Yes, that's why we have no clue." Officer Takagi said with a distressed look on his face.

"It's too much to continuously attack these ordinary women!" A trace of anger appeared on Xiaolan's face.

"Yes, I have never heard of such a bad case before."

"Eh? Don't mention it, I've only heard of one case." Yu Gongming smiled and said:

"I have read my father's case file, and I remember that many years ago there was a case where a high school girl was hit by a car and ran away."

"Uh, forget it, I'll stop talking..." Yu Gongming suddenly stopped talking.

"Eh? Why didn't you say anything all of a sudden?" Officer Sato asked in confusion.

"Ahem! It's nothing, it's just that this case has nothing to do with the current case. If you want to know more, let's do it next time." Hamamiya waved his hand and handed a sign to Officer Megure opposite.

At this moment, Officer Megure's expression seemed a little gloomy. After seeing Hanomiya Akira's eyes, his expression softened slightly and he coughed lightly:

"Well! Anyway, let's focus on the current case! Brother Hanomiya, do you have any ideas?"

"It's hard to say yet, but I suspect that maybe the woman dressed like this did something excessive to the murderer, so he had a grudge against the woman dressed like this."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully:

"Because we met the same murderer in Izu before."

"Hey! Senior Hanomiya is not talking about that time..." Sonoko's expression changed!

"Yes, it's the Taoist Association case," Yu Gongming confirmed Yuanzi's guess.

"Can you be more specific?" Officer Sato urged.

Therefore, Akira Hanomiya briefly explained the case in which Dao Xie Masahiko attacked the tea-haired girl.

After listening to the narration, Officer Megure looked thoughtful: "So that's it, because the girl with brown hair hurt his feelings, so he has a grudge against such a girl... This is indeed similar to this case."

"But, in this case, the scope is still very large. There are so many girls dressed like this now, how do we know when they have committed crimes against whom?" Officer Takagi scratched his head.

"Eh? Look!" Conan suddenly pointed at the photos and said:

"The bracelets and necklaces worn by the sisters in these photos seem to be exactly the same as those of Sister Xiaolan and the others!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Xiaolan and the other girls, including themselves.

Yu Gongming compared them and nodded slightly: "Yes, they are exactly the same."

"Then where did you buy these bracelets?" Officer Megure immediately perked up and asked eagerly.

"I didn't buy it." Mengyu explained:

"This is a promotion at a nearby department store. You can use the receipt to receive gifts worth 10,000 yen at the exit, which is what we have."

"That is to say..." Officer Megure took a deep breath: "These three victims are all customers of that department store!"

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