Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 742 The so-called haunting

When Mouri Kogoro heard Hanomiya Akira's muttering, he immediately looked at Old Man Otonashi: "Hey! You didn't create these things on purpose to scare us, did you?"

"How could it be me?" Old Otonashi immediately became angry: "If this little brother hadn't called us out in time, what would have happened to us?"

"Am I also making fun of myself?"

"Well..." Mouri Kogoro was speechless, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"It certainly doesn't look like Mr. Otonashi. If Mr. Otonashi wants to complete the technique just now, he should have a remote control in his hand."

"But I didn't see him press the remote control just now." Meng Yu said.

"Are they the other three people?" Mouri Kogoro guessed.

"I think Banmachi and Yotsuya are more likely to be suspected. They seem to be the type who are very interested in ghosts." Mengyu expressed her opinion.

"No matter how we lock it, now that we have seen the first supernatural event, why not go to the toilet and have a look? Didn't it say that the toilet water will turn red?" Yu Gongming suggested.

"Ah? Is this really what you want?" Xiaolan shrank her neck, obviously reluctant to go.

Conan gently took Xiaolan's hand and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaolan, let's go together. I will prove to you that all supernatural events are just people pretending to be gods!"

The warmth from her palm seemed to give Xiaolan a lot of courage, and she finally agreed to go to the toilet.

The group first came to the toilet on the second floor.

As soon as she entered the toilet, Mengyu immediately covered her nose: "Hey! How come this toilet smells so bad? How long has it been since it was cleaned?"

Old Otonashi walked in with a strange expression: "It's strange, I usually clean it, but it didn't stink so much when I used it in the morning! What's going on?"

"Anyway, let's see if the water used to flush the toilet will turn red." Akira Hanomiya came to the toilet and pressed the flush button above.


A burst of water gushes out of the toilet.

"Ah! The water really turned red!" Xiaolan exclaimed.

At this time, the water in the toilet is not the normal transparent color, but a strange bright red color!

Yu Gongming frowned, then looked at Meng Yu: "Do you smell blood?"

Mengyu shook her head: "No, the smell is obviously stronger when the water flows out."



Conan and Akira Hanomiya asked almost simultaneously.

"Yes, and the smell is lighter now." Mengyu replied.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows and waited for a while.

This time, he could also feel that the stench had dissipated a lot.

"So that's it, someone has tampered with the water in the water tank..." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Conan nodded: "Yes, if I guessed correctly, it should be the kind of red liquid created by adding phenolphthalein solution and ammonia. This is why we smelled that smell just now."

"Phenolphthalein...ammonia, is this an experiment done in our primary school science class?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"I see, the smell just now does make sense." Mouri Kogoro also nodded in approval.

" this isn't a ghost?" Old Man Otonashi stared, as if he couldn't accept this fact.

"At least we can use science to explain the phenomenon just now. You can reserve your opinion, but we will definitely not believe that it is a ghost." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Grandpa Otonashi, are there any other supernatural phenomena?" Conan looked up at the old man, looking eager to try.

"Well... there is also a ghostly figure outside the window, but I don't know when it will appear."

"Where's the window?"

"It appeared in the corridor windows on the first and second floors."

"Okay, let's go out and take a look."

A group of people came out of the toilet, and there was a sound of footsteps, and then three residents on the first floor, Bancho, Yotsuya, and Mudan, came to them.

Mudan frowned and looked at a few people: "I said, you have been noisy since just now. What are you doing?"

Akira Yumiya showed an apologetic expression: "Sorry, we just encountered a supernatural phenomenon in this apartment, so we overreacted a little bit."

"Ouch! You've encountered it too!" Bancho suddenly became excited: "What did you encounter?"

"A strange woman suddenly appeared on the TV, and the toilet water turned red." Meng Yu said lightly.

"That is to say, you have only seen the ghost outside the window, right?" Yotsuya chuckled, with an expectant expression on his face:

"I really look forward to your expressions when you see the ghost appear..."

"Eh? What a coincidence. Look, isn't this the beginning?" Bancho suddenly showed a sinister smile and pointed to the window at the end of the corridor.

Everyone turned their heads at the same time.

On the window, I saw a human figure with a vague outline that seemed to be moving.

An exaggerated smile appeared at the corner of its mouth. There was no nose, and the entire mouth and eyes were completely black. It was as weird as it could be.


Xiaolan screamed again.

Yu Gongming was not frightened at all. He snorted and walked quickly to the window.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Banmachi exclaimed. He was obviously not frightened by the "ghost" that appeared, but was frightened by Ha Gongming's reaction.

Yu Gongming came to the window and looked at the ghost figure at such a close distance.

Two seconds later, he suddenly opened the window!

Looking out the window, Yu Gongming suddenly understood.

"The ghost...disappeared?" Xiaolan's confused voice came from behind.

Conan also ran over, holding on to the window sill and looking outside.

There was silence outside the window.

"Brother Yu Gong, what happened just now?" He looked at Yu Gong Ming.

Yu Gongming rolled his eyes and replied in a confused tone: "I don't know, I didn't see anything just now."

"Ah?" Conan was stunned, but saw Yu Gongming blinking at him.

Conan understood immediately, said nothing more, and returned to everyone with Yu Gongming.

"Hanomiya-senpai, Conan, what's going on?" Xiaolan asked eagerly for answers.

Yu Gongming shook his head: "I really can't explain this. There is no balcony or handrails outside the window, and ordinary people can't climb up at all."

"And there's nothing like a mechanism nearby."

"Could it be that he was really fooling around?" Xiaolan's voice was trembling.

"Hehe! This is a ghost..." Yotsuya chuckled:

"I'm afraid the ghost of the girl four years ago has come to take revenge! Maybe he has already entered this apartment!"

Old Otonashi also sighed: "It's no wonder that her ghost lingers. The death of that girl four years ago was so tragic. If the two murderers who burned him to death were not arrested and brought to justice, maybe she would not be willing to reincarnate. of."

Mouri Kogoro frowned: "Wait a minute, you know that there are two more murderers. So are there any witnesses at the time?"

"Yes, someone happened to be passing by the park at that time and saw this scene." Mudan replied.

"Oh, by the way..." He pointed to the window and said:

"There's a portrait of the murderer taped to the telephone pole outside the window!"

Conan, Akira Hanomiya and Kogoro Mouri crowded to the window at the same time and looked out.

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