Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 743 The mystery in the abandoned building

There is indeed a paper portrait taped to the telephone pole outside the window.

Mudan also came to the window and introduced to several people: "Look, this is the portrait of the murderer that the police drew based on the description of the eyewitnesses."

"There is a scar on his face, and he is not a kind person at first glance."

"As for the other one, witnesses did not see his appearance clearly, and the police have no clues about the two murderers until now."

"I see..." Akira Hanamiya silently remembered the portrait on the telephone pole, and he and Conan Mori returned to the crowd.

"Dad...Senior Hanomiya, let's go back quickly, right?" Xiaolan said weakly, tugging at their clothes. Mouri Kogoro suddenly became unhappy: "If you want to go back, go back by yourself! I don't believe there is any ghost in this world! I must investigate this matter to the bottom of it!"

Akiya Hanomiya said: "I want to stay too. By the way, who has lived in this apartment the longest?"

"Oh! It's Mr. Otonashi. I heard that he already lived here before the incident." Bancho replied.

"Okay, I understand." Yu Gongming looked at the old man Otonashi: "Old sir, when did you first see the will-o'-the-wisp? What does the will-o'-the-wisp look like?"

"Well..." Otonashi recalled: "I don't remember exactly when, but I still remember the appearance of the will-o'-the-wisp!"

"You should have noticed it when you came here, right? There is an abandoned building opposite the apartment."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

"That will-o'-the-wisp appears in the center of the building opposite, moving from here to there... sometimes the will-o'-the-wisp will turn into a bluish-white mass, which is quite scary!"

"Is there more?" Yu Gongming confirmed.

Old Otonashi shook his head: "No, the others are all in the apartment, and you all saw them just now."

"Hmm..." Yu Gongming touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said calmly: "Uncle Maori, let's find a place to sort out the whole thing."

"Yeah! You really need to take a good look at it." Mouri Kogoro agreed.

"Then go to my room and see if my room has been restored." Old Man Otonashi said with a smile.

"Then I won't bother you." Yu Gongming thanked him.

"Then let's go back to the room!" The other three residents said hello and went downstairs one after another.

Akira Hanomiya and his party returned to Old Man Otonashi's room.

After careful confirmation, there is nothing unusual about staying in the room.

"It seems that the gas that makes people sleepy has evaporated completely." Mengyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people were finally able to walk into the room with confidence.

Sitting down at the coffee table, Mouri Kogoro looked at Hanamiya Akira: "Hanomiya boy, the previous ghosts on the TV and the haunted toilet have all been reasonably explained."

"Now the only thing left that I can't explain is the ghost by the window. Did you really not see anything?"

Yu Gongming shook his head: "No, on the contrary, I saw so many things!"

"Huh? What did you see?" Mouri Kogoro's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "Come here with your ears."

After everyone got closer, Yu Gongming whispered to them for a while.


"Oh? Are you leaving?" Ban Ding said in surprise.

"Why don't you just stay here for one night? Maybe there will be new supernatural phenomena!" Yotsuya persuaded, but the reason for staying was really not flattering.

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand: "No, it's already very late now. I won't be able to find out anything for a while, and my daughter is really scared, so I have to go back first."

"That's such a pity." Old Otonashi said with a look of regret.

"You might as well go back early, so that there won't be any commotion that affects my writing of the paper." Mudan was eager for the group to leave.

"Anyway, we say goodbye and will visit again when we have time." Mouri Kogoro said a few polite words, and the group left the apartment.

After leaving the sight of the residents of the apartment, the group did not go back immediately. Instead, they made a large circle and finally arrived at the abandoned building opposite the apartment.

"Kid Hanomiya, are you sure there are people living here?" Mouri Kogoro looked at the dark building with a somewhat doubtful expression.

"It's not wrong. Didn't Mr. Otonashi say it already? There is a floating will-o'-the-wisp in this building, and it will turn into a bluish-white mass."

"As long as the unreliable option of ghosts is eliminated, the only remaining possibility is that someone is active in the building."

"Since Mr. Otonashi saw the so-called will-o'-the-wisp, strange things have happened one after another, which shows that it was Mr. Otonashi's discovery that triggered this series of haunted phenomena."

"And the person who created these phenomena probably wanted to scare the residents of the apartment into moving out, so that no one would find out who was in the building."

"This also shows that the people inside the building did not sneak in accidentally, but have lived here for a long time."

"Is that why Senior Hanomiya suspects that the murderer from four years ago lives in this building?" Xiaolan asked.

"Yes, if he is a homeless person, why would he be afraid of being discovered?" Conan sneered.

"Let's go, we will know when we get in. As long as there is someone in the building, they will never escape my ears!" Yu Gongming said, walking into the building first, followed by the rest of the people.

In the dark building, Akira Hanomiya walked in front with a flashlight, followed closely by Kogoro Mouri. Xiaolan held Conan's hand tightly and stayed at the back with Mengyu.

Climbing up the concrete stairs without handrails, Yu Miyazaki kept listening to what was going on around him.

When he reached the fifth floor, Yu Gongming stopped and turned off the flashlight.

Seeing this, everyone following behind knew that they had found the target.

Yu Gongming tiptoed forward two steps, and then whispered: "Come up, look to the right."

Everyone went up to the fifth floor and looked to the right.

I saw a faint light flashing out from behind a corner in the distance, and there was a sound coming from it.

"Uncle Maori, Mengyu, the three of us will go over." Yu Gongming whispered.

Neither Mouri Kogoro nor Mengyu responded, but followed closely behind Yu Gongming, while Xiaolan and Conan stayed where they were.

The three of them moved forward cautiously. The speed was not fast, but the distance was not long either. They arrived at the corner in a short time.

Yu Gongming looked around and saw a room without a door near the corner. There was a TV playing a program inside!

In front of the TV, Yu Gongming saw half of a human body.

Yu Gongming retracted his head, waited for a while, and after confirming that there was no conversation in the room, he shouted:


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