Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 756 The tangled Yuan Jiaming

"How are you, Brother Shiratori?" Officer Megure asked.

Officer Shiratori reported: "The room has been searched and there are no signs of being disturbed. There are no signs of violent entry into the room from the outside."

Officer Megure frowned and looked at Omu Isomatsu again: "Senior Representative Ogi, will you check to see if there are any valuables missing?"

After a pause, Officer Megure further explained: "Although that mysterious man saved you, he was wearing night clothes, and no matter the time or place he appeared, people have to doubt him."

"I understand." Omu Iwamatsu was quite reasonable, and then he began to check his belongings accompanied by Officer Megure.

After a while, Omu Yansong confirmed that he had nothing missing.

"Strange..." Officer Memu was confused, what on earth did this mysterious man want to do? Could it be that he really came here to save people?

If it were an ordinary person, Officer Megure might not think so much, but for a congressman like Oki Isomatsu, Officer Megure had to be cautious.

Afterwards, the awakened Kisaragi Hosui was taken away from the scene. Officer Shiratori stayed and continued to ask Oki Isomatsu some things, while Officer Megure contacted Mio Tokiwa, the person in charge of the building, and prepared to call in surveillance to check the situation. .

However, he later received news that because the building had not officially opened yet, although it was monitored by the installation, it was not activated.

Ruyue Fengshui also understood this, so he dared to enter from the lobby so grandly.

However, he did not expect that the monitoring was turned on at the time.

Mengyu started monitoring in advance directly through the Changpan Group's main computer.

Of course, Officer Memu didn't know the inside story. When he heard that the surveillance was not activated, he gave up investigating through this channel.

After asking the staff in the building again, and seeing that he still didn't get any clues, Officer Megure had no choice but to withdraw his team and return to the Metropolitan Police Department.


The next morning.

Yu Gongming took a bite of the freshly baked bread, looked at Meng Yu who was sitting opposite and sipped milk and asked:

"By the way, when you hacked into the surveillance camera last night, did you take a look at the information on the computer? Did Mr. Yuan hide any information about the organization in it?"

"No." Mengyu shook her head:

"The performance of the computer from the Joban Foundation is not comparable to that of ordinary home computers. It has almost reached the level of a supercomputer."

"With a computer of this level, it is naturally not difficult to hack into edge functions such as surveillance, but if you want to invade the inside of the computer and find the really important information, the difficulty will increase exponentially."

"Those really important data are protected by many specious image files, and these disguised files may also have some anti-intrusion programs embedded in them."

"If I want to find the required information without leaving any trace, I have to at least operate a computer of the same level to have some confidence."

"Not to mention that we are still not sure whether Mr. Yuan really hid the organization's information inside, so it's better not to take the risk."

Yu Gongming also agreed with Meng Yu's words: "That's true. In the end, we still have to look at Mr. Yuan's side. However, there is no news from there yet, so we can only continue to wait."

"Would you like to contact Mr. Yuan again?" Meng Yu suggested.

Yu Gongming thought for two seconds and nodded slightly: "That's fine."


Yuan Jiaming stayed at home, sitting on the sofa with a dazed look.

After coming back yesterday, he immediately turned on his computer and started checking it.

After confirming that the computer had not been invaded, Yuan Jiaming breathed a sigh of relief and then began to transfer the data in the computer.

Since he dared to invade the black organization's database, he certainly had nothing to rely on.

He transferred the data in the computer to the main computer of the Joban Consortium and set a key for scheduled activation. As long as he did not reset the key within 24 hours, the data would be spread instantly. to the entire web!

This is the only way he can think of as a programmer to resist!

He also thought about running away, but based on his understanding of the organization, if the mysterious phone call was true, then he might not be able to get to the airport without being caught.

Therefore, he needs to consider how to survive if he is really found by Gin.

This timing key is his favorite work. If you want to reset it, you need to write specific code, and the code for each reset is different. The specific code needs to be written according to the hints he hides in the key. .

And only he knows this tip.

Once the code is written incorrectly twice, all data will be spread immediately!

In other words, only if he does it himself can he ensure that the data is not leaked.

And he was confident that even the world's top computer master would not be able to crack the key within 24 hours.

Just like any professional cryptography expert, if they don't know the translation mechanism of the password, it is impossible to decipher the true meaning of the password.

Of course, after all, there is a certain difference between procedures and passwords. If the organization is willing to work hard, it may be possible to unlock the key after a period of time.

But before that, at least his life should be guaranteed.

Of course, he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

He couldn't help but think of the phone call yesterday.

If it is really a third-party force, with the information in my hand, maybe I can seek asylum from the other party?

However, he traced the number of the call through his mobile phone, only to find that the number only came from a public phone booth.

It seems that nothing can be found from the number.

But if that's the case, why should I trust the other person?

Everything about the other party is a mystery. Regardless of how sincere they are, whether they have the strength to withstand the organization is the key.

If you have the strength to resist the organization, then you might not be able to seek asylum.

Anyway, the end won't be worse than falling into the hands of the organization.

However, that is only if Gin really finds him.

Until now, he has not seen any trace of Gin. He does not rule out that the other party has some information and wants to trick him into using his hands empty-handed.

There were so many possibilities that Yuan Jiaming couldn't think of what he should do except transfer the data to leave himself a way out.

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Yuan Jiaming tensed up when he saw it was an unfamiliar number.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally picked up the phone.

"Mr. Yuan? How are you thinking?" came the magnetic male voice.

Yuan Jiaming was silent for a while and then said: "You said before that Ginjiu has been targeting me, how can you prove that this is true?"

"No need to prove." The magnetic male voice laughed.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yuan Jiaming was confused.

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