Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 757 Don’t go! Danger! !

The magnetic male voice replied leisurely: "Our intelligence is not wrong. Gin has found you and is targeting you, but we are not sure when he will take action."

"However, he will definitely take action. This is a very certain thing."

"The deal I propose to you is very simple. If Gin attacks you, then our people will rescue you, and in exchange, you have to hand over the information you have."

"If Gin doesn't take action in the end, then Mr. Yuan can just pretend that this transaction never happened."

Yuan Jiaming listened to the other party's words quietly, was silent for a while, and said with some hesitation: "Your conditions... seem to be a bit too generous."

"I said, we come here with sincerity." The magnetic male voice laughed:

"Moreover, once Gin really takes action, your only way to survive is to accept our deal. We are not worried about your breach of contract."

Yuan Jiaming thought in his mind and believed a little more in what the other party said.

The information revealed by the other party showed that they were already lurking around him, otherwise they would never dare to make bold statements about saving him from Gin.

In this case, the other party did not rush in directly to kidnap him, which shows that the other party is indeed sincere in the transaction.

You know, if the other party hadn't called, you wouldn't have realized you were in danger, and you wouldn't have set the key.

Judging from the content of the first phone call, the other party already knew that he had the organization's information.

Then the other party can directly take him away. As long as he tortures a little, it will not be difficult to get information from his mouth.

He is very self-aware of his own willpower.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuan Jiaming said: "Okay, I can accept your conditions, but I hope you will do what you say. If Gin does not show up, then this transaction will be treated as if it does not exist."

"Of course, then, the deal is established?" the magnetic male voice replied. ,

"The transaction is established." Yuan Jiaming said solemnly.

After a pause, he added, "Then what do I need to do now?"

"There is indeed a small matter that I need Mr. Yuan's help with." The magnetic male voice said with a smile:

"In about half an hour, please leave your home on foot, then take the train to the Aipido Hotel, and then book room No. 902."

The magnetic male voice stopped talking here.

"Then what?" Yuan Jiaming couldn't help but ask.

"No, Mr. Yuan can move freely after that. You can go back to work, or you can rest in that room, whatever you want." The magnetic male voice laughed.

"...Okay, I will leave on time in half an hour." Although Yuan Jiaming was confused, since he had reached a deal with the other party, he decided to do as the other party asked for the time being.

"Okay, then I will contact you if there are new arrangements." The magnetic male voice said and hung up the phone.

Yuan Jiaming took his phone back with a dazed expression when he heard the busy signal from his phone.

Although he had agreed to the other party, and the other party did not seem to show any malice, he was still a little unsure whether his choice was the right one.

Shaking his head, Yuan Jiaming took a deep breath: "Forget it, we can only take one step at a time..."

He turned on the TV at home and watched the program absently, glancing at the clock from time to time.

When there were five minutes left in the half-hour time limit, Yuan Jiaming turned off the TV and began to pack his things.

Five minutes later, he walked out of the house carrying a briefcase.


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming's cell phone rang.

After glancing at the caller ID, he immediately answered the call: "Hey! How's the situation... What? Are you sure? Okay... I understand, um, I'll contact you if there is any new situation, um, be careful..."

Yu Gongming hung up the phone, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked a little solemn.

"What's wrong?" Meng Yu on the side asked in confusion.

Yu Gongming sighed softly: "Things seem to be more complicated than we thought..."

"Huh? What's going on?" Meng Yu frowned instantly.

Akira Yunomiya repeated the content of the call just now, word for word.

"Hiss!" Meng Yu also gasped: "It's so lively now..."

"Yeah..." Yu Gongming couldn't help but sigh, his eyes became more solemn.


The next afternoon.

"I'm back!"

Meng Yu opened the door of the office and saw Yu Gongming holding a piece of paper with a solemn expression.

"Huh? Why do you look so ugly?" What is that in your hand? "Meng Yu came to Yu Gongming's side and leaned her head to look at the piece of paper.

[Dear Mr. Akira Hanomiya and Ms. Mengyu, our company's twin-tower skyscraper will be officially opened this Saturday, and an opening banquet will be held at that time. We hope you can come and enjoy it - Mio Tokiwa]

This is roughly what's on the paper.

"Invitation letter?" Meng Yu hesitated.

"Well, yes, this should be the invitation letter sent to us by Miss Mio." Akira Hanomiya nodded.

"If that's the case, then why does your face look so ugly?" Meng Yu looked at Yu Gongming's solemn expression.

"Look at the back of the invitation." Yu Gongming handed the invitation to Meng Yu.

Mengyu accepted it doubtfully and turned the invitation to the back.

Her pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw that most of the invitation letter was blank, except for a few words written in bright red in the middle part:

【do not go! Danger·! ! 】

Especially the exclamation point, Mengyu even smelled a faint smell of blood on it!

Her expression changed again! He quickly brought the paper to his nose and smelled it.

" turns out to be chicken blood, I was shocked..." Mengyu breathed a sigh of relief obviously.

"Oh? So it's chicken blood..." Yu Gongming suddenly understood, and his solemn expression softened a little.

He had also smelled a faint smell of blood just now, which was why his face was so ugly. Now that he knew that this was only animal blood, not the worst kind of human blood, he finally felt a little calmer.

"Although it is chicken blood, the warning in it is very obvious...even a little radical." Meng Yu's expression became more solemn.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Yes, when I found this invitation, the seal had been opened. It seemed that the other party wanted me to find something unusual about the invitation."

"However, the words are clearly a reminder, but the form of writing the content in blood is somewhat intimidating... Does it want me to realize the seriousness of the matter..."

Meng Yu stared at the bloody words and said in a deep voice: "On the contrary, I am more curious, who wrote these words on the invitation?"

A glimmer of cold light flashed in Yu Gongming's eyes: "Perhaps we can find out the answer if we go to the Twin Towers skyscraper on Saturday..."

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