Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 774 A brief confrontation

The man in black robes in the corridor also held a pistol in his hand. When he saw his companion leading Sonoko to avoid bullets, he immediately pointed the gun in the direction of Gin and fired several shots "bang bang bang".

Gin and vodka naturally avoid it instinctively.

Feeling the bullets whizzing past him, Gin's heart trembled slightly.

The opponent's marksmanship is quite strong!

Of the opponent's several shots, the first shot hit his vitals, forcing him to dodge.

The second shot seemed to have predicted his dodge. If he had not changed his movements again mid-dodge, he would have been shot in the right shoulder.

The next few shots from the opponent were connected just right, putting considerable pressure on himself, preventing him from finding opportunities to continue attacking the girl with the cool resemblance of Shirley and the other man in black robes.

And the time bought by these few shots is indeed enough to do a lot of things.

After the black-robed man on the bridge threw Yuanzi to the ground, he grabbed Yuanzi's waist and placed his other hand under Yuanzi's thigh.

Using force on his legs and waist at the same time, the man in black robe instantly stood up with Yuanzi in his arms, and rushed towards the corridor without any hesitation!

Of course, he couldn't run in a straight line, but made irregular changes in direction, which further made it more difficult for Gin to aim.

Seeing this, Vodka, who was coming from the corridor, immediately stepped forward to stop him regardless of the gunshots that kept ringing behind him.

The man in black robe holding Yuanzi's eyes flashed coldly. He first changed his direction to avoid Vodka, then increased his speed and passed Vodka in an instant.

Vodka was also feeling aggrieved. He had been injured by a silver blade before, and then he had to carry an adult around all the time. Both his physical strength and mental state were no longer at their peak.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and he couldn't keep up.

Just as Vodka was feeling annoyed, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind!

The powerful force immediately caused Vodka to stumble forward and almost fell to the ground!

"Asshole! You dare to plot against me!" Vodka secretly hated him. When he looked up, he saw Gin's black gun pointed directly at him.

Vodka was stunned for a moment, and then he came into contact with Gin's eyes that were almost bursting with fire.

Vodka's heart skipped a beat.

not good! It seems that something bad happened to me!

Gin's current mood is indeed quite unpleasant.

Because Vodka stepped forward to block him just now, although the man in black robe successfully broke through the blockage, there was still some sluggishness in his movement.

Especially after crossing Vodka, the opponent seemed to have consumed too much energy due to the previous explosive speed increase, and his speed dropped suddenly.

Naturally, Gin would not miss this opportunity. While dodging the firepower of a man in black robe, he found a good angle and pointed his gun at the man in black robe who was holding Sonoko!

However, when he was about to shoot, he saw Vodka staggering, blocking his shooting angle!

Although in the next moment, Vodka staggered and the scene behind him was exposed again.

But the man in black robe had also taken this opportunity to avoid his original shooting angle!

When he tried to take aim again, he was restrained by the opponent's firepower.

In the end, Gin could only watch helplessly as the man in black robe took the girl back to the corridor to join his companions.

After the rendezvous, the man in black robe holding Sonoko put Sonoko into the corner, then raised his pistol again, and joined his companions in the outpouring of firepower on gin and vodka.

Naturally, Gin and Vodka did not sit still and started to fight back.

However, Vodka's dominant hand was injured and he couldn't hold the gun accurately with his other hand, while Gin, a sharpshooter, was being taken care of by two men in black robes and had relatively few opportunities to fight back.

Gin and the two were on the bridge and could hardly find cover, while the two men in black robes could find cover relatively easily in the corridor, so Gin and Vodka were suppressed for a while.

Behind the gas mask, Gin's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped with water.

The top killer of his dignified organization was forced to be so embarrassed by two unknown people who appeared from nowhere!

What annoys him even more is that he can't stay and fight with these two men in black robes now.

The police may have arrived on the 40th floor now. The fighting here will definitely attract their attention. When the police come, the situation may become more complicated!

"I'll settle the score with you next time!" Gin said fiercely in his heart, and at the same time, he took out a grenade from his arms and threw it forward!

As soon as the two men in black robes saw the grenade, one of them immediately raised his gun, pointed it at the grenade and fired.

Don't get me wrong, it's not about exploding the grenade. Maybe in the early part of the last century, grenades were exploding by bullets, but this is basically impossible to happen in this era.

Now that the explosives in the grenade have been passivated, an impact similar to the detonation wave generated by the detonation of the detonator will cause the grenade to explode.

As for the bullet, the vibration and shock generated are 1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of the detonator, making it difficult to detonate the explosive in the grenade.

The bullet that hits the grenade is to change the direction of the grenade so that the impact point of the grenade is away from the corner where the two of them and Sonoko are.

The bullet accurately hit the grenade. After being impacted by the bullet, the direction of the grenade was indeed disturbed to some extent, and it fell in a direction away from the two men in black robes.

Although the grenade had been redirected, the location of the two black-robed men still did not allow them to stay where they were.

So, they also hid in the corner, and even pulled Yuanzi back.


The grenade exploded, but there was not much fire or impact. Instead, there was a "sizzling" sound of gas leaking.

As soon as the two men in black robes heard the sound, they immediately led Yuanzi back!

The three of them stopped again after retreating to the next corner.

The two men in black robes were gesturing to each other, as if they were communicating something, while Yuanzi looked at them in confusion. Until now, she has not recovered from the series of reactions just now.

After the two men in black robes finished communicating, one of the men in black robes glanced at Yuanzi, then directly took Yuanzi's hand and walked towards the employee elevator.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?" Yuanzi did not follow the black-robed man obediently this time, but stopped where he was and asked in confusion.

"I'll take you to the elevator. You can go to the banquet hall upstairs. If you don't want to die, it's best not to go downstairs." Another man in black robe said coldly.

Yuanzi felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard the sound. The sound was as unpleasant as a saw rubbing against metal.

However, after hearing what the man in black robe said, Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the two men in black robes did not have any ill intentions toward him.

Immediately, she offered no resistance and took the initiative to follow the man in black robe towards the elevator.

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