Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 775 The Awakening Silver Blade

Yu Gongming watched Meng Yu pulling Yuanzi towards the elevator, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't help but curse:

"Damn! I will never let Sonoko get this hairstyle in the future. I have changed the plot to this, but she can still meet Gin?"

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu hid in the toilet and watched Gin and Vodka walk over.

God knows how panicked the two of them were at that time.

It would be great fun if Gin saw Sonoko with that hairstyle!

The two immediately began to think of a solution.

Finally, Akira Hanomiya decided to climb out of the toilet window by himself, and used adsorbent gloves to approach the communication bridge from the outside, ready to protect Sonoko at any time.

Mengyu, on the other hand, went around from the corridor to the back of Gin and the two of them, waiting for an opportunity to make a sneak attack, and at the same time provided fire support.

Fortunately, things went smoothly. Sonoko spoke up in time to make Ginjiu realize that he had recognized the wrong person, and revealed the identity of the second lady of the Suzuki Consortium to make Ginjiu hesitate. ,

After such delay, Yu Gongming finally appeared in time and stopped Gin from attacking Sonoko.

Generally speaking, things went smoothly after that, and the two successfully brought Yuanzi to a safe place.

Now that they have found Sonoko, Yumiya and Akira planned to leave with Sonoko, but before leaving, Yumiya Akira glanced at the man in black who had vodka on his shoulders, and suddenly he had other thoughts in his mind. .

The attire of this man in black was obviously different from the members of the black organization they had met before. Instead, he looked more like the people Yuan Jiaming said took him away from the banquet hall.

That is, the killer of Black Sakura.

So why did Gin and Vodka take him with them?

Now that the police have arrived, Gin needs to escape as soon as possible, especially when Akira Hanamiya notices that Vodka is also injured. It is obviously abnormal to bring an incapacitated adult under such circumstances.

Most likely, they wanted to get some information from this Black Sakura member.

This also shows from the side that this Black Sakura member has a high status and can know information that even Gin is quite interested in.

Then, if the situation allowed, he wouldn't mind getting the Black Sakura member.

It would be best to ask something from his mouth. Even if there is no chance to interrogate him, handing him over to the police can cause some trouble for Black Sakura and even the black organization. It will not be a loss at all.

Therefore, Yu Gongming asked Meng Yu to take Yuanzi away first to ensure Yuanzi's safety, while he stayed and acted accordingly.


Gin saw the sleeping gas bomb explode and a hazy mist rise, while the two men in black robes had already hid around the corner and were out of sight.

"Brother! What should we do now?" Vodka asked in a low voice.

Gin was silent for a while, then slowly squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Let's go!"

After Gin finished speaking, he raised his gun and moved backward towards Building B opposite.

Seeing this, Vodka didn't dare to ask any more questions, and he did the same thing as Gin.

If possible, Gin really wanted to use the cover of sleeping gas to enter the core of Building A again and have a good fight with the two guys who were hiding their heads and tail.

But, it’s still the same problem, the police are coming soon.

He could only choose to retreat.

The two of them retreated all the way to the corridor of Building B before stopping.

Gin glanced back at Building A opposite, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then suddenly raised his gun, aimed at the end of the corridor and fired!

The target - the silver blade still lying on the ground!

Since there is no way to get information from him anymore, he has no value. On the contrary, it will be troublesome for him to fall into the hands of the police or those men in black robes.

It's better to get rid of it.

The bullet flew with lightning speed and reached the place where the silver blade was almost instantly. It was about to hit the temple of the silver blade, and a sudden change occurred 1

I saw Yin Ren's head suddenly tilted to the side, and the bullet that was going to hit the temple just passed by Yin Ren's scalp.

Gin's pupils suddenly shrank, and he pulled the trigger again without hesitation!

But this time, Yin Ren's body rolled diagonally and dodged the second bullet again.

With this roll, Yin Ren exerted force on his legs and waist at the same time, changing from a lying position to a squatting position.

Seeing this, Gin poured out his firepower again, Vodka immediately raised his gun to help, and Silver Blade, although embarrassed, managed to dodge the bullets every time.

Of course, due to his weak body, his movements were not that sensitive after all, and in the end he was hit in the shoulder by Gin.

But in the process of avoiding, he had already hid behind a certain bunker, and continued to move towards the corner under the cover of the bunker.

As a result, it immediately became more difficult for Gin and Vodka to hit him.

Gin is fine, but vodka is basically useless.

After a few seconds, Silver Blade successfully hid around the corner.

Seeing this, Gin could only snort.

"let's go!"

The two of them soon disappeared into the corridor of Building B.

After actually entering Building B, Gin looked at Vodka: "Detonate the bomb!"

"Yes!" Seeing this, Vodka immediately took out the detonator from his arms and pressed the detonation button.


A ball of brilliant sparks suddenly erupted on the communication bridge, and the entire bridge deck was instantly engulfed by a strong explosion. The bridge deck in the middle was directly blown into pieces and fell downwards.

Seeing this, Gin snorted coldly, feeling helpless again in his heart.

When he left from the 40th floor, he had already used vodka to detonate bombs in the power distribution room and computer room on the ground, preparing to destroy the Joban main computer that might store organized data, and to block the police who came up in the elevator.

However, after pressing the detonator, he did not feel the vibration of the explosion at all.

There were no problems with the building's electrical system, and the entire building was still bright.

How could Gin not know that the bombs in these two places had been defused?

As for who demolished it, it actually doesn't matter anymore.

However, the other party did not seem to notice the bomb hidden on the communication bridge, which was a blessing in misfortune.

This bomb was originally designed for escape. If no unexpected situation occurred, this bomb would not be used at all, and it could be recycled afterwards.

But now that the operation is not going smoothly, and he is being forced into such a embarrassment, he can only resort to this last resort.

Seeing the bomb detonating, Gin and Vodka went straight to the elevator in Building B without stopping.

On the other side, Silver Blade finally breathed a sigh of relief after hiding around the corner.

He had actually been awake for a while, but because Gin was nearby at the time, he didn't dare to move rashly.

Afterwards, the situation took a turn for the better. Gin didn't even think of shooting himself until behind the bridge.

At this distance, I can definitely give it a try.

As a result, Silver Blade began to act decisively and moved around the corner in the opposite direction from where the man in black robe left.

Although he paid some price, he finally managed to escape Gin's pursuit.

Just when his body relaxed slightly, his expression suddenly changed!

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