Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 776 The police finally arrived

Yin Ren felt a sudden sharp pain in his right knee!

Silver Blade is all too familiar with this feeling.

He was hit by a bullet.

"Who is it?" Yin Ren was secretly frightened and subconsciously tried to evade.

However, he was now shot in the shoulders, arms, and knees, which greatly reduced his mobility and balance.

Before he could take a step, his left ankle was hit again.

Now he could no longer maintain his balance, and his body that had been moving forward fell directly to the ground.

He endured the pain and tried to look in the direction of the bullet.

After the hypnotic gas had not completely dissipated, he saw a masked figure wearing a black robe.

The eyes under the mask were neither sad nor happy, calm and calm. In his hand, the black muzzle of the gun was pointed at this side. The silver blade could even see the gunpowder smoke that had not yet dissipated from the muzzle.

Obviously, he was the instigator of the attack just now!

Silver Blade stared at the man in black robe, with undisguised anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

"If I hadn't been injured by Gin's despicable means, I could have killed five guys like you by myself!" Silver Blade said fiercely in his heart.

However, he could only cheer himself up in his mind. The reality was that he was seriously injured, his weapons had been taken away by gin and vodka, and now he had almost lost his mobility.

The opponent was standing far away, with a gun in his hand, and his marksmanship was quite good.

Humans are cutters and I am fish and meat, nothing more than that.

Thinking of this, Yinren calmed down the anger in his eyes and thought about the current situation:

"They should be different from Gin and even the black organization. Maybe they are still hostile."

"The man in black robe only disabled my mobility, but did not kill me immediately. I'm afraid he also wanted to get some information from me... If he gets close to me later, maybe he can..."

Thinking of this, Silver Blade began to move his body again.

He has not forgotten that not long ago, a piece of sleeping gas exploded nearby, and his current location is not far from the explosion point.

Although this is not a closed space, and after a period of evaporation, the concentration of the hypnotic gas has been significantly reduced, but if it continues to stay here, Silver Blade may not be able to guarantee that it can maintain its counterattack.

Just as the silver blade moved to the other side, a roar suddenly sounded.


There was a loud noise in his ears, and the silver blade that was close to the ground clearly felt the vibration of the ground.

"The communication bridge... was bombed?"

Silver Blade thought for two seconds and roughly guessed that Gin blew up the communication bridge. If it was those men in black robes, then Gin could have detonated the bomb when Gin was on the bridge, instead of detonating it after Gin crossed the bridge.

However, this has nothing to do with him now.

He crawled forward for a while, then gradually slowed down, and finally stopped about eight meters away from the corridor.

The air here is fresh enough, and it is enough to wait for the man in black robe to arrive.

Silver Blade glanced at the man in black robe who was still standing there, and then lay motionless on the ground.

He just kept waiting and waiting.

For a full minute, the man in black robe still stood there, showing no intention of coming over.

"It seems that the other party is quite cautious, but it doesn't matter. I just need time to recover my strength." Yinren thought to himself, still motionless.

However, a few seconds later, he saw the man in black robe suddenly disappear from sight.

"Huh? What's going on? He left?" Yin Ren felt suspicious in his heart.

The other party obviously injured him and disabled his mobility. Now he has been watching from a distance for so long, and then he just left like this?

What's the conspiracy?

Just as speculations flashed through Yin Ren's mind, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Huh?" Yinren suddenly turned his head and looked forward.

I saw several uniformed police officers flashing out of the corner ahead!

Yin Ren's pupils suddenly shrank!

"When did the police come? Wait..." Could it be! "

Silver Blade finally understood why the man in black robe left after injuring himself.

He made it clear that he wanted to fall into the hands of the police!

And the police probably came to the building when he was unconscious.

However, at this moment he understood that these were meaningless.

As soon as he saw him shot in multiple places, one of the policemen immediately took out his walkie-talkie and said: "Report! An injured person was found on the 60th floor. His clothes are very similar to some corpses on the 40th floor!"

"Okay! Be careful. The other person may be carrying a weapon. Keep an eye on him. I'll be there soon!" A voice came from the spine of the sword.

"Understood!" the police officer responded. After exchanging glances with the other police officers, he did not step forward rashly, but remained ready to retreat to the corner at any time, staring at the silver blade with vigilance.

Silver Blade saw all this in his eyes, and suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart: "Damn it! It seems that I am about to fall into the hands of the police..."

Strictly speaking, this result is not unacceptable. At least after he was arrested by the police, for humanitarian reasons, he would be sent to the hospital for treatment first.

As long as the mobility can be restored, there is still room for improvement.

As a result, Yinren didn't do anything extra, and just waited silently for him to be arrested by the police.


Mengyu sent Yuanzi to the elevator and helped Yuanzi press the upward button.

At this moment, the two employee elevators stopped at the 40th floor. After Mengyu pressed the button, they started to go up almost at the same time.

Meng Yu nodded secretly. It seemed that there should be no one else in the elevator, otherwise it would be impossible to react so quickly.

While waiting, Yuanzi wanted to speak countless times, but looking at the silent man in black robe, especially the gun in his hand, Yuanzi felt a little nervous, and finally chose to remain silent.

After a while, both elevators arrived at the 60th floor, and the door slowly opened, revealing an empty interior.

Mengyu made a gesture of invitation.

Yuanzi nodded slightly and walked into the elevator.

Seeing that the man in black robe had no intention of following him into the elevator, Yuanzi felt relieved.

She gently pressed the button to delay closing the door, then bowed slightly and said:

"Although I don't know who you are, thank you very much for saving me,"

Mengyu responded in silence and didn't even make any moves. She and Yuanzi were relatively familiar with each other, and she was afraid that Yuanzi would notice if she made unnecessary moves.

Seeing that the man in black robe had no reaction, Yuanzi didn't take it seriously and continued: "Anyway, I owe you a favor this time. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can contact me and I may be able to help. busy."

Mengyu remained silent, but began to curse in her heart:

"Sonoko, you are really big-hearted... Even if we rescue you, we are still suspicious people armed with controlled firearms and wearing black robes. When meeting such a person, others are eager to break off the relationship quickly. Why? When you get here, hurry up and get closer..."

However, Dream Whisper felt relieved again when she thought about her fanatical admiration for the thief Kaitou Kidd.

Maybe she has her own set of standards for measuring this? After all, as the second young lady of the Suzuki family, no matter how friendly she is to the people, some of her concepts may be different from those of ordinary people.

Meng Yu was thinking in her heart, but there was still no movement on her face.

When Yuanzi saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face.

"Then...I'm leaving."

After saying this, Sonoko let go of the button, and a moment later, the elevator door slowly closed.

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