Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 79 Who will bear the blame for death?

A week has passed since I returned from Shikishima.

Because of his injury, Yu Gongming immediately suspended the business of his office. He would either rest at home or go to Meng Yu's house to have dinner, or, of course, three meals a day.

Yu Gongming's recovery from his injury has been very smooth these days, and his body's recovery power is indeed strong. On the fourth day after the injury, he was able to go to the hospital for suturing of the wound. Now on the seventh day, Yu Gongming can hardly feel anything anymore. No pain. Except for not using too much force on my right hand, there is no problem with normal activities.

Conan's death physique has not calmed down in the past few days. During the period when Yu Miyazaki was recovering from his injuries, several more cases occurred, but they were all solved by Conan easily. After Yu Miyazaki briefly understood the situation, he Didn't pay much attention to it.

Today, Yu Gongming is finally going out.

He wants to deposit the nearly 9 million yuan he has earned from staying at home these past few days in the bank.

Half of the nine million yuan came from the bounty for finding the gold, and half came from Takeo Mikami's commission fee.

The government was more efficient than he thought. Two days ago, the government notified Hanamiya Akira that he could collect his bonus. Because he was injured and didn't want to go out, he asked Officer Megure to deliver the bonus to the office.

Mrs. Mikami also visited the house in person and paid Takeo Mikami's commission fee.

After Akira Hanomiya confirmed that these are Takeo Mikami's personal property, the payment will not affect the normal life of Mikami's mother and daughter.

According to Mrs. Mikami, mother and daughter are planning to leave Shikishima and move to Tokyo.

Akira Hanomiya was not surprised by this incident. After all, Mikami Takeo's reputation in Shikishima was probably not very good, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that public dissatisfaction was boiling.

Now that Takeo Mikami and a large number of his thugs have been arrested, it may not be appropriate for Mikami and his daughter to stay on the island.

In this regard, Akira Hanomiya could only wish them a good future in Tokyo.


After confirming that the doors and windows were closed, Yu Gongming left the office.

He did not go directly to the bank, but first turned to Kudo's house.

Mengyu also needed to deposit the bonus into his account, so the two made an appointment to go together.

After arriving at Kudo's house, Mengyu just opened the door and came out, followed by Conan who looked like he was still awake.

"Eh? Are you willing to leave Xiaolan and come back here to spend the night?" Yu Gongming teased.

"This is my home. When will I come back, will you take care of it?" Conan said angrily.

"Mengyu, you don't want to take him to save money with us, right?" Yu Gongming looked at Mengyu again.

"Yes, Xiaolan is going to take a cooking class today, and Uncle Maori is going to do a commission, so they left Conan in my care."

"Although we all know that he doesn't need me to worry about him, I'm not too worried about leaving him in the Kudo Residence. Who knows if I will encounter the [Kudo Residence Murder Case] ​​when I come back?" Meng Yu looked helpless. Spread your hands.

Conan's face suddenly darkened.

"Then you are taking him with you, aren't you afraid that we might encounter a bank robbery?" Yu Gongming looked at Conan's face, suppressed a smile, and asked pretending to be serious:

"I would rather deal with bank robbers than deal with the murders in my own family." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"I said you two..." Conan looked at the two of them with a dark look on his face.

"Don't look like this. Our worries are not entirely unfounded, are they? Look at how many murder cases you have solved in the past week while I was recovering from my injuries?" Hanemiya Ming asked with a smile.

"Uh..." Conan's expression suddenly froze.

"This week he solved a total of four murder cases. He died almost everywhere he went. It's almost like checking in every day." Meng Yu replied.

"That was an accident! It was a coincidence!" Conan argued loudly.

"Haha." Yu Gong expressed his attitude clearly and concisely, and then looked at Meng Yu again:

"So, is he really going with us?"

"Yeah, he said that staying at home was boring, so he went out for a walk with us. I had no reason not to let him follow me, so I just took him with me. If there is an incident, it will be resolved by the two of you. "Meng Yu said.

"Hey! It sounds like something will happen if I follow you!" Conan said dissatisfied.

Yu Gongming felt a burst of curse in his heart:

"[Being bored at home] is definitely an excuse. This guy just can't see Mengyu and I going out alone... Forget it, if I don't take him with me now, I guess he will follow me secretly, so I'd better keep him within sight. rest assured."

Therefore, Akira Hanomiya no longer expressed any opinion on letting Conan follow, and the three of them set off for Siling Bank.

After arriving at the bank smoothly, Yu Gongming's nerves suddenly became tense.

His eyes wandered around, fearing that a staff member would suddenly pull out a gun, or that several masked gangsters would suddenly rush out of the door.

It’s really scary to take Conan to the bank. In the Conan anime, every time you go to the bank, 99% of the time there will be a bank robbery.

Yu Miyazaki deposited the money suspiciously, and until he walked out of the bank, everything in the bank was still business as usual.

"Huh... walked out of the bank safely... It seems that Conan's death physique has entered a short dormant period after a week of explosion..." Hanemiya Ming's expression remained normal, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After saving the money, it was almost time for lunch, so they decided to have lunch directly outside, at the same Chinese restaurant.

Several people came to the tram station and prepared to take the tram.

"Well... nothing has happened until now. Could it be that we got home safely like this?" Meng Yu suddenly asked doubtfully.

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu's expression and listened to the tone of Meng Yu's words, and suddenly understood something.

"I said, you brought Conan out just to cause something to happen, right?" Akira Hanomiya asked directly.

"That's right!" Mengyu admitted simply:

The cases that came out this week were either encountered by Conan and the three young detectives, or they were encountered by his Maori family during his private activities. By the time I knew there was a case, the cases had already been solved. I've been really bored this week. "

"It just so happens that you went to save money with me today, and Conan happened to return to Kudo's house. It happened that he wanted to come too, so I just went with the flow..." Meng Yu winked playfully:

"I'm thinking that if the three of us go out together, we will always encounter something unusual, right? I won't talk about it Conan, you are also a detective now, and you seem to be heading in the direction of causing trouble. The two of you Detective (dead) detective (god) physique is superimposed, the probability of accident is at least 99%..."

Then she looked around suspiciously:

"But now we are all going home...why is there still no movement at all?"

"Hey! Where did I go and something happened? Conan was there where I went! It's obviously Conan's problem, okay? And your idea of ​​expecting something to happen is also very problematic, isn't it?" Hanemiya Akira said speechlessly.

"Asshole! Since you and I are both here, why does it have to be my problem? And last time you accepted the cheating investigation commission of that Tamada Kazuo, the cheating target was a drug dealer, and the client died in the end. I didn't seem to be around at that time. Right?" Conan retorted.

Yu Gongming was stunned when he heard this.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have a tendency to be infected by the death constitution... The last commission from Tamada Kazuo can be said to be an accident, but it seems that Kinoshita Goro took the initiative to find me about Shikishima. In other words, even if I don't Knowing the plot, I will also be passively involved in the incident..."

When Yu Gongming thought of this, he shook his head in his heart, firmly refusing to admit that he was transforming into a god of death.

However, he didn't intend to argue with Conan anymore. After all, the conclusion that Conan was to blame for all the deaths was based on the [plot]. Objectively speaking, it was hard to say whose fault it was.

Just like in the original work, Officer Megure said that Kogoro Mouri was the God of Plague, so he was properly blamed for Conan.

The three of them chatted all the way to the stairs of the station platform.

When I reached the middle of the stairs, suddenly...


A scream belonging to a woman came from behind.

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