Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 80 Miho Nishitani on the verge of collapse

The three of them looked back and saw a young woman losing her balance and plummeting directly from the top of the stairs!

Seeing this, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu turned around at the same time to face the woman who was about to fall.

When the three were about to collide, Yu Gongming and Yu Gongming stepped aside at the same time to both sides of the woman. Meng Yu held the woman's waist with both hands. Yu Gongming used his left hand to exert force and his right hand to assist, holding down the woman's shoulders.

The two cooperated with each other to help the woman stand firm.

"Are you okay, miss?" Yu Gongming asked the frightened woman.

The woman did not answer Yu Gongming's question immediately, but turned her head and looked back.

Yu Gongming noticed the woman's movements, frowned slightly, and followed the woman's gaze.

At the top of the stairs, a long-haired man wearing a yellow short-sleeved shirt was looking in this direction.

After Yu Gongming made eye contact with him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"This guy... his eyes are exactly the same as those of the Shikishima villagers who attacked us. He is definitely not a kind person." Hanemiya Akira made a judgment instantly.

After the man glanced at the woman, he ran away in a hurry.

Conan wanted to chase him, but was held back by Mengyu.

"No need to chase. There is no surveillance here. Even if he pushed this lady down, we can't prove it." Meng Yu said.

Seeing this, Conan had no choice but to give up.

"Well, thank you for causing trouble to you." The woman also thanked Yu Gongming and others at this time.

"It's okay, it's easy." Yu Gongming said with a smile, and then changed the subject:

"But then again, you were probably pushed down by that man, right?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "That's him."

"Do you know him? It looks like he pushed you down on purpose." Yu Gongming asked again.

The woman was silent for a while, then sighed and said:

"Of course I know him, how could I not know him? He is almost driving me crazy!" At the end of the sentence, the woman suddenly became excited.

"Miss, please don't be excited. How about we find a place to take a rest first so that Miss can calm down?" Meng Yu suggested.

The woman also knew that she seemed to have overreacted just now, so she quickly said:

"Sorry, I was rude just now. Well, my name is Nishitani Miho. Please give me your advice."

"Nishitani Miho... sounds familiar... could he be another character from a certain plot?" Akira Hanamiya thought briefly in his mind, but he did not lose his courtesy on his face.

"Hello, my name is Yumiya Akira. This is my friend Kudo Mengyu next to me. This child is Conan, my friend's child. I will help take care of him temporarily."

Mengyu and Conan also said hello to Nishitani Miho.

"Eh? Are you the famous Detective Hanomiya?" Nishitani Miho said in surprise.

"It's me," Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nishitani Miho suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Hanamiya Akira's shoulders, and said in an excited tone:

"Detective Hanomiya, please help me! Otherwise I will be killed!"

Nishitani Miho's sudden move also startled Hanamiya Akira. He originally wanted to break free immediately, but considering that this was still a staircase, if he broke free rashly, Nishitani Miho would easily fall due to his current forward leaning posture, so he had to give up temporarily. .

Looking at Nishitani Miho's pretty face so close, Akira Hanomiya tilted her head back in embarrassment:

"Well, if your life is really threatened, I will do my best to help."

"Really?" Miho Nishitani moved closer, and Akira Hanamiya could already feel the woman's warm breath.

"Of course." Yu Gongming replied while winking crazily at Meng Yu.

Mengyu was also a little dazed by Nishitani Miho's series of actions, and only reacted after seeing Yumiya Akira's wink.

She directly grabbed the woman's hand and gently pulled it with skill, causing one of Nishitani Miho's hands to leave Hannomiya Akira's shoulder. Hanamiya Akira turned to one side and the other shoulder also detached.

Meng Yu gently pulled again, and Nishitani Miho, who had lost her balance due to being separated from Hanemiya Akira's shoulder, instantly regained her balance.

"Miss Nishitani, if your life is really threatened, we can understand your mood, but please also exercise restraint." Meng Yu said lightly.

Nishitani Miho also realized that she had lost her composure again, took two steps back, bowed deeply and said:

"I'm really sorry, because of that man, I almost collapsed and caused you trouble."

"Sister Nishitani, who is the man you keep talking about?" Conan asked.

Miho Nishitani hesitated for a moment and said:

"Can you please three of you accompany me back to the apartment where I live? I will explain the details in due course."

The three of them looked at each other, and finally Yu Gongming said:

"Okay, let's go to the apartment where you live with Miss Nishitani."


"Huh? This cake is delicious! It's no worse than the ones in those high-end Western pastry shops!" Mengyu took a bite of the mousse cake and her eyes lit up.

"This sushi is also very good!" Conan put a piece of sushi into his mouth and said with a look of enjoyment.

"The miso soup seems to taste better than the restaurant we went to when we first met." Akira Hanamiya drank a sip of miso soup and showed a satisfied smile.

"It's fine if you like it. After all, I feel very sorry for bothering you so much. Just consider this a little thank you gift from me." Nishitani Miho looked at the three people enjoying the food and said with a smile.

"Does Miss Nishitani work in the restaurant?" Conan asked.

"Yes, I used to work in a cake shop in Yokohama, then moved to Mikka Town, and now I work in a family restaurant." Nishitani Miho said.

"I see, no wonder Miss Nishitani's cooking is so delicious." Conan said suddenly.

"Thank you, little brother." Nishitani Miho said with a smile.

Several people happily enjoyed their lunch. After Nishitani Miho put away the dishes and chopsticks, they all went to the sofa to sit down.

Everyone's expressions became serious.

"Then Miss Xigu, please tell me." Yu Gongming spoke first.

Nishitani Miho nodded slightly:

"It started half a year ago, when I was still living in Yokohama and working as a pastry chef in a cake shop."

“My dream since childhood has been to become a pastry chef and own my own cake shop.”

"Everything was going in a good direction until that man appeared..."

When Nishitani Miho said this, her tone gradually became lower:

"I was busy in the store at the time, and suddenly a customer who called himself Tatsuya Nagai came up and asked me if I wanted to date him."

"I didn't know this customer at all before, and his words seemed to me extremely rude and offensive, so I angrily rejected him at the time, and he left angrily."

"I didn't pay much attention to this matter at first. Who knew that a few days later, the man actually found my apartment. He was holding a rose in his hand and asked me again if I wanted to date him."

"I think he brought flowers this time after all, and he didn't want to hurt anyone too much. Although he still rejected him, his attitude was a little better."

"However, my change in attitude seemed to have caused him some misunderstanding. He came to me several times to express his feelings to me, either in the store or at the door of my house, which troubled me very much."

"I have firmly rejected him and asked him not to bother me again, but he is still the same."

"Finally, after he confessed his love again, I couldn't bear it anymore and threw the flowers he brought me to the ground to express my determination."

"I know it hurts, but I really had no choice at the time..."

"After being rejected like this, he didn't come back to me for two weeks. I thought he had given up and my life could go back to normal."

Nishitani Miho said this and took a deep breath:

"But I didn't expect that this was the beginning of my nightmare!"

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