"One day, after I came home from get off work at night, I always felt like someone was following me behind me. But when I looked back, I didn't find anything unusual, but the feeling that someone was watching me never went away."

"I went home in fear. It wasn't until I got home that the feeling of being spied on disappeared."

"I suspected that I was being followed at that time. I was so scared that I didn't sleep all night. I put anti-wolf spray on my pillow and clutched my phone tightly in my hand, thinking that if I heard any unusual movement, I would immediately Call the police."

"But nothing happened until morning."

"I comforted myself at that time. Maybe I was too tired from work recently and was a little nervous."

"Because I didn't sleep well that night, I asked for a day off from the store to catch up on my sleep at home."

"At about noon, I woke up and took a quick shower. Because I hadn't fully recovered yet and I didn't have time to cook, I decided to have lunch at a nearby ramen shop."

"But when I was less than a few dozen meters away from the apartment, the feeling of being watched came again!"

"I am more and more sure that I am really being followed!"

"My first reaction was to call the police, but then I thought about it. Now that I haven't even found the person who was following me, it seemed useless to call the police, so I decided to find out who was following me first."

"I deliberately walked into a department store and walked around in a circle pretending to be shopping. In fact, I kept observing who was following me."

"Finally, I finally discovered the traces of the stalker!"

"The stalker is Mr. Nagai who harassed you before?" Conan asked.

"Yes, it's Nagai Tatsuya!"

"When I discovered this, I walked right up to him and asked him why he was following me."

"He said he followed me just because he liked me, and he also said he had no ill intentions at all."

"I was very angry and told him very clearly not to follow me anymore."

"He readily agreed at the time, and I no longer felt like I was being spied on that day."

"Unexpectedly, the next day, when I went out to work, that man actually followed me again! And he didn't even hide, he just followed me more than ten meters behind me!"

"I was so angry that I called the police!"

"But when the police arrived, he argued that he was just walking the same path as me and was not following me at all!"

"Because he really didn't do anything, the police gave him a lecture, sent me to the store and left."

"Then I worked peacefully in the store until the end of the day."

"As soon as I left the store, the man followed me again!"

"I stepped forward and scolded him angrily, telling him not to follow me. He agreed with a playful smile on his face, but he still hung not far behind me."

"I was so angry that I just took a taxi home."

"Unexpectedly, not long after returning home, the man's figure appeared near my apartment!"

"He just wandered around my house like a ghost, and he still didn't leave until almost 12 o'clock at night."

Miho Nishitani seemed to recall the scene at that time, with a clear look of fear on his face:

"I was really scared at the time and didn't dare to sleep. I was afraid that as soon as I went to sleep, he would sneak in and do something bad to me."

"After thinking about it, I finally called my best friend and asked her to pick me up, and I temporarily stayed at her house for one night."

"The next day, my best friend took me to a cake shop, but as soon as I got out of the car, the figure I least expected to see appeared near the store!"

"I suppressed my annoyance and fear and devoted myself to the day's work."

"After get off work, the man was still outside the store and did not leave."

"I didn't dare to go back to my own home, so I called my best friend again and asked her to pick me up, and begged her to let me stay at her house for a while."

"My best friend readily agreed, and I temporarily stayed at my best friend's house."

"In the first two days, although I could still see that person outside the store, I didn't have to worry about it when I returned to the apartment."

"Unexpectedly, on the third day, shortly after my best friend and I returned home, the man actually appeared near the apartment where my best friend lived!"

"He was just like before, lingering until late at night and early in the morning!"

"My best friend called the police, but as soon as the man heard the police arriving, he ran away immediately. When the police left, the man appeared near the apartment again!"

"My best friend and I didn't sleep well that night, and my best friend almost had a car accident when she sent me to work the next day!"

"After my best friend sent me to the store, she directly told me not to stay at her house anymore. The stalker problem made me think of another way."

"I begged again and again, but her attitude was very firm. There was no other way. I had to go to the store to work. At least the store was safe. I could think of a solution while working."

"At the end of the day, I walked out of the store, and the man walked directly in front of me!"

"I yelled at him loudly and even slapped him, but he didn't react at all. He just turned up the corners of his mouth, showing a scary and sick smile, and looked directly at me!"

The look of fear on Nishitani Miho's face became more and more obvious, and her voice became slightly trembling:

"I...I was so frightened by his expression that I just ran away without a care!"

"Unexpectedly, the man didn't follow me, but he still kept that scary smile and stared straight at me."

"After temporarily escaping from that man, I was a little confused for a while. I didn't even know where I should go..."

"Going home? That man will definitely appear near my house; going to other friends' houses? That man will follow him in a few days..."

"In desperation, I had to find a hotel to spend the night."

"The next day, I took a bus from the hotel to the store to work, and that man was sitting in the store with a straight face!"

"I wanted to kick him out, but he said he was just here to eat cakes. He also complained to the store manager that I was treating customers slowly, so I was reprimanded by the store manager."

"That day, when I thought of him sitting in the store, I had no intention of working at all. I made several mistakes in succession. Although I explained to the store manager, the store manager still looked at me with blame."

"After get off work, I can only take the bus again to stay in a certain hotel."

"But on the way to the hotel, I suddenly noticed a taxi following the car I was sitting in!"

"I immediately thought of that man, so out of fear, I went directly to the five-star hotel with the best security nearby, gritted my teeth and booked a presidential suite."

"Unexpectedly, less than fifteen minutes after I checked in, that man also booked a presidential suite and stayed right opposite me!"

"I finally understand that if I want to get rid of that man, I can only leave this city!"

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