"At three o'clock in the morning the next day, I was woken up by the alarm clock and quietly left the hotel. I planned to go home directly to pack my things and leave Yokohama that day!"

"Because I was in a hurry to leave, neither the landlord nor the store notified me. I didn't have time to call the store manager and the landlord one by one until I got on the train to Tokyo."

"I don't want to leave without saying goodbye, but if I take the time to submit my resignation and notify the landlord, the man will probably realize that I am leaving. I really don't dare to think about what he will do by then..."

"After I came to Tokyo, I moved into this apartment and found a job as a pastry chef again. Everything seemed to be back to before."

"I thought I finally woke up from my nightmare and that man would never appear in my life again, until half a month ago... that man actually appeared near my house again!"

When Nishitani Miho said this, crystal tears finally came out of her eyes, moistening her beautiful face.

"I have already left Yokohama and almost given up everything there. Why hasn't he let me go!?"

Akira Hanomiya and the others listened silently to Nishitani Miho's narration, and looked silently at Miho Nishitani who was hiding his face and crying.

All three of them had expressionless faces.

Yu Gongming's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light seemed to flash in his eyes.

Mengyu clenched and unclenched her fists repeatedly, as if she was suppressing something in this way.

Conan lowered his head slightly, his flat glasses reflecting the cold light.

None of the three said anything to comfort Nishitani Miho. At this time, letting her cry might be more effective than any comfort.

After a long time, Nishitani Miho's crying gradually stopped. She sniffed and took out a tissue to wipe away the tears on her face:

"Sorry, I lost my composure again. Do you think my reaction was too intense? After all, that man didn't seem to do anything."

"The harm to a person may not be reflected physically. Although the mental harm is invisible, the pain is still greater than the physical harm." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"That scumbag uses his unconcealed malice and stalking behavior on the edge of the law to put you in a constant sense of crisis and make your life under his shadow all the time."

"He seems to have done nothing, but he takes advantage of your fear and constantly oppresses your inner safe zone. This sense of despair that danger is approaching little by little but there is nothing you can do is enough to break a person's life into pieces!" Meng! Yu also said in a cold tone.

"And judging from how he pushed you down the stairs today, his behavior seems to be escalating..." Conan said seriously.

"Well, when I looked into his eyes at that time, his eyes were exactly the same as those of the Shikishima villagers who wanted to kill us." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"Perhaps he feels that just following me can no longer cause me too much pain, right?" Miho Nishitani said.

"I was afraid to sleep at night because of his reappearance, so I found a job at a family restaurant where I could work the evening shift and didn't get back to my apartment until the morning."

"I go to work at night and rest during the day, only going out occasionally. This has greatly prevented me from being followed by him, and I recently called the police and the police caught Nagai wandering near my apartment."

"Then we took the opportunity to spread the news about [The Wolf of Rice Krispies], causing panic among nearby citizens, causing the police to strengthen patrols nearby."

"So lately, my life has been a little more stable again."

"But today, I was suddenly pushed down the stairs. I subconsciously thought of that man, but when I looked back, it turned out to be him!"

"As Detective Hanomiya said, his eyes were really scary, as if he was saying, 'Since I can't make you continue to suffer, then don't even think about continuing this peaceful life, I will kill you soon] ." Nishitani Miho said.

"How did she figure out so much from one look..." Yu Gongming couldn't help but muttered in his heart, but he still said seriously:

"Is this why Miss Nishitani asked for our help?"

"Yes, Detective Hanomiya is a famous detective who has solved countless cases after all. With your wisdom, you may be able to help me." Nishitani Miho said.

Yu Gongming thought for a moment and said: "There is a way, but you have to let Miss Nishitani take a little risk."

"I can probably guess what you want to do." Meng Yu said lightly.

"Hey! Do you think..." Conan seemed to have thought of something, and cast a questioning look at Meng Yu and the other two.

"Detective Hanomiya, please tell me if you have any ideas. As long as I can get rid of that man, I am willing to take any risk!" Nishitani Miho said with a firm expression.

"Well, actually the solution is very simple, that is, catch Tatsuya Nagai at the moment he is about to kill you, and have him arrested and imprisoned for attempted murder."

"This method requires Miss Nishitani to be in real danger and Tatsuya Nagai to actually start committing murders, so that he cannot escape guilt at all."

"But, we have no way of knowing when Nagai Tatsuya will kill someone! Even if he kills someone, it's just our subjective conjecture." Conan doubted.

"He must have killed someone! If Miss Nishitani hadn't struck first in the anime, it would have been Miss Nishitani who died instead of him..." Akira Hanamiya cursed in his heart and explained:

"I will never mistake that look. It's a look that wants to kill someone. Besides, who says we can't know when Nagai Tatsuya kills someone?" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"Eh?" Conan was confused.

"Miss Nishitani's previous narrative mentioned that although Tatsuya Nagai followed her, he had always been very measured. While causing pain to Miss Nishitani, he would not be punished by the law."

"From the analysis of his behavior, he wanted to harm Miss Nishitani, but he did not want to face legal sanctions."

"Similarly, if he wanted to kill Miss Nishitani, it would definitely not be a spontaneous killing of passion, but premeditated and prepared to escape the sanction of the law."

"As long as you spend some time tracking and monitoring Nagai, you can discover his preparations in advance and estimate the approximate time of his murder."

"Well, then I'll leave this matter to you. When you find out that he is planning to kill someone, please inform us and we will come to help." Meng Yu said.

"Yeah!" Conan nodded in agreement.

"Then let's see now, Miss Nishitani, are you willing to try this method?" Akira Hanomiya looked at Miho Nishitani.

"I'm willing to try. I believe Detective Hanomiya you can protect my safety." Nishitani Miho said.

"Well, let's do it then." Yu Gongming agreed.

Afterwards, after discussing some specific details, Nishitani Miho and Hanomiya Akira exchanged contact information, and the three of them stood up and said goodbye.

Nishitani Miho sent the three of them to the door, bowed deeply and said:

"Then we'll be in trouble for a few people!"

After the three nodded in greeting, they formally said goodbye and left.

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