Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 798 Xiaolan’s Chocolate

Maori Detective Agency.

"We're back!" Xiaolan opened the door to the living room.

There was silence in the room, and there was no response from Mouri Kogoro.

"It seems uncle has gone out again." Conan said while changing his slippers.

"Really! Where did you go fooling around again?" Xiaolan muttered, half dissatisfied and half helpless.

"You have wronged uncle!" Conan said with a smile:

"Just now when we entered the office on the second floor to look for my uncle, although he was not there, there was still unfinished black tea on the table, and there were some water stains around the tea cup. It should be that the steam from the hot tea condensed when it encountered the cold air in the air. of."

"It should be that a client came to him not long ago, and he went out to complete the commission."

"Eh? Is that so?" Xiaolan blinked.

When Conan heard this, he suddenly looked at Xiaolan with a half-smile but not a smile: "I think Sister Xiaolan, you can't miss these things, right? What were you thinking at the time?"

Xiaolan's pretty face turned red: "I'm not thinking about anything! I'm just a little distracted..."

"Is that so?" Conan pushed up his glasses slightly, a faint smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! What's your expression!" Xiaolan couldn't help but said angrily.

"It's nothing, I just thought of some happy things." The smile on Conan's mouth became more and more obvious. He rolled his eyes and suddenly rubbed his belly:

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm a little hungry now. Is there anything to eat at home?"

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, her eyes flashed slightly, and then she showed a hint of understanding.

However, a hint of cunning suddenly flashed in her eyes, revealing a distressed expression: "Huh? But there seems to be nothing left at home! How about we go out to eat now?"

"Huh? No?" Conan was stunned, as if he didn't believe it.

"Yes, we ate out with Hanomiya-senpai and the others at noon today. We didn't buy ingredients in the morning. How could there be anything?"

"Is this...really nothing at all?" Conan asked, seemingly unwilling to give up.

"Yeah, how about we go out to eat?" Xiaolan suggested.

"Um, um..." The difficult expression instantly became tangled.

That's not what he meant at all!


Xiaolan suddenly laughed, lowered her body and gently tapped Conan's forehead:

"You are still as dishonest as before, wait a minute!"

Xiaolan rubbed Conan's head again, then turned and walked towards the kitchen under Conan's dull eyes.

After a while, she walked out of the kitchen, handed a beautifully wrapped box to Conan, and said with a smile:

"Well, this is what you want, right?"

Conan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Through the film on top of the gift box, he saw the heart-shaped chocolate inside!


As soon as he saw the words above, Conan immediately reached out and took it with a smile on his face: "Thank you, I will accept it without any courtesy!"

Xiaolan looked at Conan who looked extremely happy after accepting the chocolate, and a faint tenderness gradually appeared in his eyes.

She knelt down, her eyes were level with Conan's, and said with a smile:

"Originally, I was debating whether to write words on the chocolate, after all..." She did not finish the sentence and turned to:

"But, I thought about it later and realized that sometimes, it is not necessary to divide things too clearly, so I finally wrote down the words."

"Yes! Thank you!" Conan thanked him again, his tone less childish than usual. Even though it was still a child's voice, it gave people a completely different feeling.

More mature and more confident than usual.

Xiaolan nodded slightly, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly said solemnly: "But, don't get me wrong, this is not a formal response."

Conan was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "I know!"

What Xiaolan was talking about should be the agreement she made with herself on the day he confessed his love.

After all, when girls give chocolates to boys on Valentine's Day, the meaning is already intriguing, so it's no wonder Xiaolan wanted to emphasize it.

However, even Conan will not fail to understand Xiaolan's thoughts.

Since the girl didn't want to make it clear, he was naturally willing to continue to abide by the agreement.

"They say I'm not candid. Isn't it the same as Xiaolan herself?" Conan smiled secretly in his heart and had already unwrapped the chocolate in his hand.

It's not that he was hungry just because he wanted chocolate. He hadn't eaten anything from noon to now, and he had been shopping with a group of energetic girls all afternoon, so he was indeed a little hungry.

Conan opened the package and took out the chocolate.

Looking at the chocolate in front of him that was bigger than his two palms, Conan's expression instantly became weird.

Um, it seems like I...may not be able to finish this chocolate?

Do you want to divide it with a knife?

Conan glanced at the heart-shaped chocolate and imagined the blade cutting into the heart with his name written on it...

Conan immediately shook his head slightly, feeling that it was a bit unlucky to do this. After all, it represented Xiaolan's feelings!

I have to say that sometimes love can change a person beyond imagination.

A materialist like Conan, a guy who has never been interested in praying to gods or worshiping Buddha, would actually have such [superstitious] thoughts.

Looking at the chocolate again, Conan gritted his teeth secretly: "Okay! Try to finish this chocolate today!"

So, Conan held the chocolate and took the first bite.

The mellow sweetness mixed with a hint of bitterness lingers on the tip of the tongue, and there is also a faint lemon aroma. The overall feeling is not as sweet as Conan imagined.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Xiaolan asked with some anxiety.

After Conan tasted the chocolate carefully for a while, he swallowed the chocolate in his mouth. Seeing the girl's expectant and anxious expression, Conan nodded heavily and said with a smile:

"Hmm! This is the best chocolate I've ever tasted!"

"Really?" Xiaolan's eyes brightened slightly.

"Of course, you have to have more confidence in yourself! How could the chocolate you made be bad?" Conan said as he took another bite of chocolate, which seemed to prove that chocolate is really delicious.

that's the truth.

At least after biting into the chocolate, Conan felt confident about finishing it.

"That's really great!" Xiaolan's anxious expression finally calmed down completely.

Conan looked at the change in the girl's expression in amusement and said with a smile: "If you are worried, why don't you try it yourself!"

Conan said, breaking off a small piece from the end of the chocolate that he had not bitten, and handed it to Xiaolan: "Here, ah~"

Xiaolan looked at the handed chocolate, her pretty face blushed unconsciously.

After hesitating for a while, she opened her mouth slightly.

When Conan saw the girl's little mouth slightly open and her pretty face slightly flushed, he was immediately dazzled and put the chocolate into her mouth with his right hand.


Xiaolan savored the chocolate in her mouth and showed a relieved expression: "Yeah! It's really not bad!"

Conan looked at the girl with a smile and couldn't help but chuckle: "What an idiot..."

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