Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 799 Mengyu’s little surprise

Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming took Meng Yu's hand and opened the door to the living room on the third floor.

It wasn't until he came to the dining table that Yu Gongming let go of Mengyu, leisurely pulled out a chair and sat down, looking at Mengyu with a smile:

"Okay, is it time?"

"You are so direct, can't you be a little more subtle?" Meng Yu scolded, but she was already walking towards the refrigerator.

After a while, Mengyu came back again, with an extra piece of chocolate in her hand:

"Here, here are your chocolates."

Yu Gongming looked at the chocolate in Meng Yu's hand. Instead of showing any joy on his face, his eyes widened: "Hey! You're not serious, are you?"

I saw Meng Yu holding a gift box in her hand. However, this gift box was not as boxy as an ordinary gift box, but formed a strange shape.

It was a cone-like object with a circular base, spiraling up like a coiled snake, and finally forming a pointed top.

Such a shape and such a strong sense of déjà vu made Yu Gongming's expression somewhat stiff.

Mengyu put the cone-like gift box on the table and hummed softly: "Yes, this is your chocolate!"

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth suddenly twitched: "Are you... are you kidding me?"

"No! This is your chocolate!" Meng Yu said with a smile:

"Don't worry! I just packed the gift box and weighed it like this!"

" that so?" Yu Gongming stared at the gift box that looked like "something" in front of him, with a tangled look on his face.

Even though the gift box was packaged in this shape, Akira Hanamiya always felt something strange when he thought of taking the chocolate out of the gift box.

"Oh, she is my girlfriend after all, it's okay to be willful once in a while..." After teasing in his heart for a while, Yu Gongming reached out and picked up the gift box, preparing to open it as quickly as possible.

Gift boxes of this shape should not exist in this world at all!

However, the moment Yumiya Akira pulled the ribbon on the gift box...


The entire gift box suddenly exploded!

Yu Gongming's hands suddenly froze in place, staring blankly at the flying confetti.


He felt something fall on his leg.

Yu Gongming touched his thigh, raised his hand, and held a small candy wrapped in candy wrapper between his two fingers.

"This..." He raised his head slightly and looked at Mengyu with a dull look.


Meng Yu couldn't help but laugh while holding her stomach.

"You...where are you from!" Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu who was laughing so hard that he was out of breath, and said with black lines on his head.

"No...I just...poof! Hahaha! You should first...take off the paper scraps from your head. Your current look, coupled with this expression, is really...hahaha!"

Hearing this, Yu Gongming subconsciously raised his hand and wiped the top of his head.

He brushed off two long pieces of paper.

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth twitched slightly, and he threw the scraps of paper into the trash can.

He wiped it on his body again and grabbed a few more small candies.

Seeing this, Meng Yu gradually stopped laughing. She coughed lightly and said:

"This is just a little surprise I prepared! Don't even think about it, if it was really chocolate, how could I just put it on the table? I must have given it to you with my own hands!"

Yu Gongming casually opened a piece of candy and put it into his mouth, glanced at Meng Yu: "You made the gift box into that shape, it's obviously full of malice, right?"

"Well! Don't mind it! Look at the candies inside, don't you enjoy them too?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Yu Gongming snorted: "Now that I'm very [surprised], can I take out my real chocolate?"

"Yeah!" Mengyu nodded with a smile and walked to the refrigerator again.

After a while, she returned to the dining table and handed the beautifully wrapped gift box to Han Gongming with both hands: "This is the chocolate made by me!"

Yu Gongming looked at the heart-shaped chocolates in the gift box, and his expression gradually softened.

He also took the gift box with both hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, I will accept it without any courtesy!"

After saying that, he opened the gift box in front of Mengyu.

Taking out the chocolate, Yu Gongming took a bite.

The rich and mellow black chocolate was mixed with the kernels of almonds, and there was also a faint milky aroma. After Hanemiya tasted it carefully, he finally tasted a hint of the bitterness of the black chocolate from the chocolate.

Obviously, Mengyu knew that she didn't like the bitter taste, so she deliberately downplayed the taste.

After slowly swallowing the chocolate, Akira Hanamiya gave a thumbs up: "As expected of you! I never thought that a piece of chocolate could make me want to take a second bite!"

Saying that, Yu Gongming took another bite of chocolate. Compared with the previous taste, Yu Gongming's second bite can be regarded as a huge delicacy.

"Slow down~ Be careful not to choke." Mengyu reminded.

"Yeah!" Yu Gongming responded vaguely twice, and then continued to destroy the chocolate in front of him.

Meng Yu looked at Yu Gongming eating like a starving ghost reincarnated, with a smile in his eyes. He went to the refrigerator again, took out a box of milk from the refrigerator, opened the microwave and put the milk in the microwave to heat it.

After a while, the entire chocolate was wiped out by Yu Gongming.

He is not Conan's little bean. A chocolate of this size is nothing to him.

He even had some unfinished thoughts. The chocolates made by Mengyu were sweet but not greasy, with a long aftertaste. Yu Gongming said that he could eat three more!

At this time, a cup of warmed milk was placed in front of Yu Gongming.

Yu Gongming smiled slightly, picked up the milk and sipped it gently.

Meng Yu came to sit next to Yu Gongming and turned her head to look at him: "How is it? The chocolate I made did not disappoint you, right?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "I should say it was an unexpected surprise!"

"Oh? Really?" Meng Yu suddenly showed a sly smile:

"Then if I really put this box of chocolates into the previous gift box, would you still like it?"

Hearing this, Yu Gongming smiled and rubbed her head: "Why don't you like it? I said, as long as it is a gift from you, I like it!"

"You really don't think I know what's wrong with that gift box, do you?"

"Eh? Then you..." Meng Yu's eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Yu Gongming in surprise, and even forgot to swat away Yu Gongming's mischievous hand.

Yu Gongming showed a gentle smile: "What do you think?"

Meng Yu was stunned for a moment, and then she looked thoughtful.

Gradually, her eyes also glowed with gentleness.

She lightly hit Yu Gongming and said angrily: "Okay! You are so bad! Are you playing me?"

The smile on Yu Gongming's lips did not change, and he just reached out and gently hugged Meng Yu's shoulders.

Meng Yu paused for a moment, then leaned obediently on Yu Gongming's shoulder.

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