Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 800 Unusual Commission

The next morning.

Yumiya Akira woke up much earlier than usual.

This is what he promised Mengyu last night. He will make breakfast today. Mengyu wants to sleep in.

It wasn't until half past nine that Yu Gongming finally finished preparing breakfast before calling Meng Yu to get up.

"Ah um!" Meng Yu covered her mouth and yawned, then walked into the bathroom with her long legs and Q-version cat-head cotton slippers.

Yu Gongming took a glance and saw that Meng Yu looked like she had not yet woken up. Her pajamas were not arranged, and her collar was drooped to one side, revealing a large area of ​​shoulders as white as jade.

Even going down his shoulders, he vaguely saw something else...

Seemingly noticing Yu Gongming's gaze, Meng Yu turned her head and looked over, saying hello nonchalantly: "Thank you for your hard work!"

"That's it. I promised you last night." Yu Gongming replied with a smile, and at the same time withdrew his gaze.

The two of them have lived together for a long time. After the initial period of time, Meng Yu has basically been in a state of low defense against Yu Gongming.

This kind of inadvertent welfare has happened many times. At first, Yu Gongming would look at it twice, but as time went by, he could basically calm down.

Anyway, if he wanted to, he could see more...

After gathering his thoughts, Yu Gongming came to the kitchen and put the prepared breakfast on the table.

After a while, the two finished breakfast and came to the office on the second floor together.

Today is Sunday, Mengyu doesn't have to go to class, and several people had already gone out for a day yesterday, and Mengyu has no interest in going shopping today.

Simply go to the office to help, such as simple cleaning, organizing materials, helping to make tea for the client when he comes, etc.

As soon as Yumiya Akira's butt touched the office chair, the landline phone on the desk rang.

Yu Gongming's eyes lit up: "Eh? Is there a commission coming so soon?"

He answered the phone:

"Hey, this is the Hanomiya Detective Agency... Yes, I am, oh? I'm looking for someone, please specify... Hmm? It's a software programmer named Itakura Taku? Okay, then you guys will meet at around two o'clock in the afternoon Come here, okay."

Yu Gongming hung up the phone and his expression immediately became subtle.

"What's wrong?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"The client asked me to help find a software engineer from Taku Itakura." Akira Hamiya paused for a moment, then silently pointed to his black jacket, and typed the word "wine" in Morse code.

Meng Yu's expression suddenly became serious, and she already understood what Yu Gongming meant.

"It turns out to be a missing person commission. This kind of commission seems to be very time-consuming, right?" Meng Yu replied without any abnormalities in her tone.

"It's not bad. In fact, most of the so-called disappearances are either old people getting lost, or couples avoiding their partners because of certain things. The more complicated ones are similar to commercial espionage."

"I've only encountered this last one once. To be honest, if I hadn't acted quickly enough, that guy would have already been on the plane to the United States." Akira Hanomiya also took the opportunity to bring the topic back to daily life... Well, at least for them Say it's daily.

"In that case, I will go out with you then. This will also improve efficiency." Mengxiao said with a smile.

"Eh? Then it's settled!" Yu Gongming immediately agreed: "With such a young and beautiful beauty like you next to me, I will definitely be a hundred times more energetic!"

"You talkative!" Meng Yu rolled her eyes at Yu Gongming charmingly.

While the two were chatting, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Senior Yumiya, Mengyu, are you here?" Xiaolan's voice came.

After Yu Gongming opened the door, he saw Xiaolan and Conan standing at the door.

"Why are you here? Come in." Yu Gongming introduced the two of them into the office.

Several people came to the sofa and sat down, and Conan immediately said: "Hanomiya...Brother, did you just receive a commission call looking for a software engineer?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Yu Gongming showed doubts, then raised his eyebrows:

"Hey, didn't they call the Mori Detective Agency before?"

"Yeah! Yes, but because my father has something to do, I introduced the case to you, Hanomiya-senpai." Xiaolan replied.

"However, after all, it is a case recommended by us, so in a serious and responsible manner, we still have to come and take a look!" Conan added with a smile.

However, there was no smile in his eyes, and as he spoke, he handed a piece of paper to Yu Gongming.

"So that's it. Thank you for taking care of my business!" Akira Hanemiya took Conan's note with a smile and unfolded it for a look.

[Maybe about the organization]

A short sentence is enough to convey everything.

Hanemiya Ming nodded slightly towards Conan and Xiaolan, then smiled and said: "Someone did call me. We have an appointment to meet at two o'clock in the afternoon. If you are interested, you can also listen on the side and treat it as a business introduction. Special treatment!”

"Thank you, Brother Hanomiya!" Conan also showed a tacit smile.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, three men dressed as company employees opened the door of Hanomiya Detective Agency.

After coming to the sofa and sitting down.

"This is the photo of Mr. Itakura." One of the men pushed the photo over.

Yu Gongming picked up the photo and glanced at it.

This is a man in his forties with a thin face, a mustache, and a very elegant look.

Yu Gongming put down the photo and asked: "From what you said before, is this not the first time that he has disappeared like this?"

"That's right! Every time the deadline for completing the software program comes, he likes to disappear."

"Maybe it's the same situation this time?"

"However, we don't have the time to wait for him to show up, and the last time we went to the police we were scolded by them."

"That's why we finally decided to ask detectives to help."

The three men explained the matter briefly.

"That's it." Yu Gongming nodded slightly.

Conan, who was listening on the sidelines, became more and more disappointed: "It seems that this commission has nothing to do with the organization..."

"So, if Detective Hanomiya knows his whereabouts, please tell us." The bald middle-aged man among the three men said, having already taken out his business card from his arms and handed it over.

"Hey!" Another middle-aged man with a round face and a wide chin suddenly pressed the bald man's hand that handed him the business card: "Our company is the one paying the most this time!"

"But our company was obviously the first to sign a contract with him!" Another brown-haired man also said.

Yu Gongming was stunned: "So you are not from the same company?"

"Yes." All three nodded.

Then, they each introduced themselves.

They were Subekiro who asked Itakura to design the Go game; Naito Sadei who asked Itakura to design the chess game; and Soma Ryusuke who asked Itakura to design the chess game.

"I probably understand. So, when did you know that he was missing?" Yu Gongming asked.

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