Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 804 Itakura Diary

The basement of Dr. Ali's house.

Xiao Ai looked at Mengyu operating the computer she usually used, and turned her head to look at Yu Gongming and Conan: "I really don't know whether you should say you are lucky or bad. How long ago did you encounter something related to the organization again? .”

Conan snorted softly: "Isn't this great? It would be a headache if there were no clues about them!"

"Too frequent contact with them may not be a good thing." Xiao Ai said calmly.

"Anyway, the magnetic disks are already here. If we don't want to contact them, there's nothing we can do about it, right?" Conan shrugged and looked at Mengyu.

On the computer screen in front of Mengyu, a document has been opened, and the content on it is Itakura's diary.

"The earliest record of a man suspected of being Tequila was on March 7, two years ago." Mengyu pointed the cursor at a piece of content on the screen:

The above roughly describes that the suspicious man in black came to him and wanted to buy the software he developed, but left after hearing that his eyesight had declined.

"On the surface, these are the only diaries about the organization." Meng Yu said lightly.

"There should be other abnormalities?" Conan asked.

"Hmm..." Mengyu gently slid the mouse wheel, continuously pulling down the document, and finally stopped at a blank space between the two diaries:

"If I hold down the pointer here and drag it lightly..." Mengyu flicked the mouse to the right with her wrist.

The originally blank space was suddenly selected, and white text appeared!

"Huh? This is..." Conan's pupils shrank!

"Using text with the same color as the background of the page, it seems that he doesn't want some people to see these things." Xiao Ai said quietly.

Conan immediately stepped forward and began to read these words:

[On March 16, the pen on the table moved another five centimeters. It seems that someone entered my office today. 】

Dream Language Continue to scroll down and select the hidden text:

[They broke into my home today, April 15th, but the police did not accept the report at all. Because nothing was stolen and there were no signs of being invaded, the police could not accept it at all. 】

[On June 15th, I had changed the door locks and installed a surveillance video camera, but it was of no use at all. 】

[July 6th, who is it, stand up for me! 】

[December 19th, I am really tired. If I continue like this, I will definitely die! 】

[On January 6, in order to get rid of this horrible day, I put a piece of paper in the drawer to express my feelings to the intruder-I accept any conditions. 】

[On January 8th, I didn’t expect him to reply to me so quickly. The paper in the drawer had been taken away, replaced by a note paper. In addition to writing OK in bright red font, he also left a It was a very suspicious phone number. The red words were probably written on it with blood. It seemed to say that if you dare to leak it, you will die. What on earth do they want to do? 】

[On January 23, although I hesitated for a while, I decided not to call the police and still broadcast the phone call. The person who answered the phone turned out to be a woman. Her arrogant attitude was like a queen. She said that as long as I am currently developing The software should be completed within a year, and she was willing to buy it at a high price. This was her request. I think she should be in the same group as that big guy from Kansai]

[On February 13, I communicated with them via email. They promised to transfer a sum of money to my account first and would not send anyone around to monitor me. I accepted the offer]

[On February 22, I really couldn’t continue. The reason why I gave up was not only because of my declining eyesight, but also for the welfare of mankind]

[On February 10th, the deadline they gave me was about to come. I hid the nearly completed software and the check they had given me in advance in the computer in the villa, planning to escape abroad and live a secluded life. I knew very well how many days later they would I will specify the time and place of software delivery via email, but that will also be midnight five days later. Before that, I must find a way to go abroad]

"There is one last diary entry." Mengyu pulled the cursor in the blank space below again:

[February 11th, I wonder what they want these software for? Recently, I always think of the incredible words of that woman on the first phone call. At that time, because I couldn't stand the arrogant tone of that woman, I asked him who he was. Who knows, but she answered me in English with a smile... 】

【We can be both of God and the devil. Since we’re trying to raise the dead against the stream of time.】

Conan looked at this sentence with a solemn expression, his eyes full of thinking.

"Is this the same sentence again?" Xiao Ai's tone also changed subtly.

"What...what do they want to do? What exactly is the software developed by Mr. Itakura?" Conan murmured and couldn't help but look at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai spread his hands: "Don't look at me like that. You should understand now, right? I am only responsible for developing that drug, and my freedom is still restricted. I don't know much at all."

"Is that so? Isn't the drug you developed very important to the organization? You always know something more or less, right?"

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, then shook her head slightly: "As for the two questions you just asked, I really have no other clues to provide. If you want to find the answer, you can only follow what the diary says and look for the software. "

Conan pushed up his glasses: "According to the time, the people from the organization should also send an email requesting the software at midnight tonight. No matter what, we should get the software before the organization."

"In that case, we can't all go, right?" Yu Gongming looked around and asked.

"The doctor and I won't go, I'll leave this kind of action to you." Xiao Ai said calmly.

"I'm definitely going." Conan said solemnly.

"Then I won't go. I probably won't be able to help much if I go, but you should tell me what happened when you come back!" Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Okay, then just me, Mengyu, and Conan will go. In order to prevent unexpected situations from happening, we will go back and prepare as soon as possible and set off in half an hour!" Yu Gongming finally made the decision.



The Kudo siblings nodded slightly.

Then, Conan stayed at the doctor's house and asked the doctor to debug some inventions made by Akira and others, while Akira and Mengyu returned to the Detective Agency to prepare some other equipment.

Half an hour later.

Several people met at the 2-chome intersection.

Because Yu Gongming had anticipated such a situation before, the car he rented before was not returned and could be used directly.

As for Itakura's villa, when the three of them came to visit him on Subek Road, Akira Hanomiya had already asked him about all his residences, and even other places where he might be.

So after a simple screening, Akira Hanomiya identified Itakura's only villa located in the mountains of Gunma County!

The car started and drove into the Tokyo night.

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