Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 805 Negotiation


Mountainous area of ​​Gunma Prefecture.

Yu Gongming parked the car near a mountain villa.

The three of them got out of the car and walked through the snow to a villa not far away.

Several people on the road had already analyzed that the organization would not arrange for people to monitor Itakura's villa.

If the organization arranged for people to monitor Itakura, then Ryusuke Soma would have no chance to kill Itakura, or even if he was killed, he would probably have been killed by the organization before he even arrived at the Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Since there is no surveillance on Itakura, there is no need to arrange someone in this villa where he is not often there.

Moreover, Director White Horse and the organization have been fighting many times overtly and covertly recently. It’s hard to say how many people Gin still has in his hands!

Therefore, several people are not worried about organized informants near the villa.

Arriving at the door of the villa, the three of them began to search nearby:

"Oh? Found it! There is a key under the outer stairs!" Conan discovered the key first with his short stature.

This was also one of the pieces of information they got from reading Itakura's ordinary diary.

Yu Gongming took the key and opened the door of the villa.

Not long after, several people found the room where the computer was.

Without much effort, Yu Gongming found a magnetic disk hidden in the computer, and there was a check with a considerable amount of money next to it.

"To a certain extent, Mr. Itakura is still very kind..." Akira Hanomiya couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, if the organization finds out that Mr. Itakura doesn't reply, it will definitely come here to look for it. In this way, it can also find this magnetic disk. Even if they don't meet, it can be settled." Conan said calmly.

"Anyway, let me, a professional, do the next thing!" Mengyu moved her wrist slightly and sat down in front of the computer without hesitation.

"Let me first take a look at the emails they exchanged before, and try to imitate Itakura's tone when communicating later..." Mengyu first opened Itakura's mailbox.

"Well... As expected, all the records have been deleted, but it doesn't matter. As long as they exist on this computer, there is a possibility of recovery!"

Meng Yu muttered and started to operate quickly.

After a while, communication records gradually appeared on the screen.

The corner of Meng Yu's mouth curled up: "Fortunately, it seems that Itakura is not so secretive about these emails, and just did the simplest cleaning."

Mengyu slid the mouse and the page came to the first email at the bottom of the record.

The content of the email was of little value, not even as large as the amount of information in Itakura's diary. It only agreed on the time for the software to be completed and the amount to be paid in advance.

Then came the second and third letters...

Soon, all past emails have been checked.

Although the time span was as long as a year, Itakura only communicated with them six or seven times, and most of the communication content was about the other party's inquiries about the progress, while Itakura's reply was not completed.

It wasn’t until a recent email that the other party issued an ultimatum.

Itakura's replies are all short, short sentences such as "Not finished" and "Still waiting", which are easy to imitate.

After doing this, Mengyu glanced at the time and saw that there were still nearly fifteen minutes before the agreed delivery time, so she continued to check Itakura's computer.

Unfortunately, this computer is almost empty in terms of Internet browsing history and internal memory.

"It seems that Mr. Itakura is really planning to make a clean break with the organization. He will not leave anything useful on this computer," Akira Hanomiya commented.

Conan glanced at his watch: "It's almost time."

Mengyu nodded slightly and switched the screen back to the email interface.

About a minute later.

A prompt for new emails appears on the interface.

"Quick! Open it and take a look!" Conan suddenly became energetic.

Mengyu's expression also became serious. She did not open the email immediately as Conan said, but began to continue working on the keyboard, explaining:

"Don't worry. Since the contact is via email, the organization's style of conduct will not send the email directly. Without surveillance, at least there must be a way to confirm that the person on the other end is indeed Mr. Itakura. I have to check. "

About ten seconds later, Mengyu said "Hey": "It's true! There is a password on the email. If the correct password cannot be entered within ten seconds, the email will be destroyed immediately."

Conan's expression changed slightly and he asked, "Can it be done?"

"Let me see..." Mengyu said, taking out something similar to a USB flash drive from the pocket of her coat, inserting it into the computer interface, and then continued to operate.

About two minutes later.

"Okay." Mengyu moved the mouse, clicked the left button, and opened the email.

Sure enough, an input box appeared above, as well as a ten-second countdown below it!

Mengyu was already prepared for this and immediately started typing on the keyboard.

With the last two seconds left in the countdown, the input box on the screen suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, the content of the email came into view.

[Tomorrow night at 12 o'clock in the morning, take the system software to the bottom floor of Xianqiao Station, which is under construction on the Dongdu Metro, in front of the coin-operated iron cabinet No. 0032]

"Tomorrow?" Yu Gongming frowned.

"No, I'm afraid Mr. Itakura's death will be announced tomorrow morning!" Conan said solemnly.

"Then the transaction time must be advanced. Give a reason." Mengyu put his hands on the keyboard, waiting for instructions from the two detectives behind him.

"Well...then tell them: [Due to heart problems, I will be hospitalized starting tonight, wait a few days]." Conan said.

Mengyu nodded slightly and began to edit the content.

Press Enter and the email is sent!

Several people stared at the computer screen, waiting for a reply from the other side.

A minute passed.

The other party has not responded yet.

The next moment, behind them, a phone suddenly rang!

The three of them turned their heads at the same time and looked at the source of the sound.

"It seems they are planning to negotiate directly. Who among us will answer the phone?" Yu Gongming looked at the two of them.

"I'll do it." Conan said.

"Okay, be careful. Itakura may not have enough confidence when facing the organization. Don't speak in your usual tone of voice!" Akira Hanomiya reminded.

"Got it!" Conan rolled his eyes angrily, cursing in his heart, who could talk so much that he couldn't stop talking? In order to act like a child now, I obviously speak very innocently, okay?

After calming down a little, Conan came to the phone and picked up the receiver.

"Hello! Mr. Itakura!" A rough male voice came from the other end of the phone.

It's vodka!

Conan raised his eyebrows, took a breath, and spoke through his voice changer:

"Well, it's me. I do have some difficulties regarding that time..."

"Oh? Is it because of hospitalization? You haven't completed the software yet and are deliberately looking for excuses to delay?" Vodka asked coldly.

"How could it be possible? I have already completed the software, but because I finally contacted the famous doctor, I really don't want to give up this opportunity for treatment."

"How long will you be hospitalized?" Vodka asked.

"About three or four days?" Conan replied.

"No! This is too long!" Vodka immediately complained.

"Then what time do you want? Anyway, we won't be able to do it early tomorrow morning." Conan asked

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