Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 873 Gin’s last ditch effort!

Belmod looked at Hanomiya Akira and the others: "Okay, I rescued the doctor as agreed, now it's your turn to fulfill the agreement, right?"

"Of course it's no problem." Yu Gongming nodded slightly and gestured to Mengyu.

Mengyu returned the phone to Belmode: "I'll give you the phone, but don't even think about the pistol."

"You can do whatever you want, but I advise you to be careful. My gun has been modified and is still very recognizable." Bermod reminded.

"Don't worry about this, we know how to do it." Meng Yu said lightly.

Afterwards, Akira Hanomiya returned to the driving seat, and Conan and the doctor also got in the car one after another.

In the end, only Mengyu and Belmode were left who had not yet boarded the car.

Meng Yu gently held the car door with one hand and said with a smile: "Then Miss Chris, let's stay here. I hope you can abide by our agreement."

Belmode nodded lightly: "Don't worry, although I am not a good person, but since I made a promise, I will not break it."

"It's best this way, then goodbye." Meng Yu said and got into the car.

As the door closed, the car started simultaneously, and soon disappeared from Belmod's sight.

Belmode stared at the direction where the vehicle disappeared. For a long time, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and she murmured:

"The bullet that penetrated the giant's's really exciting!"


Shuichi Akai quickly recovered from the impact of the collision between the two cars.

Without any hesitation, he immediately opened the door, rolled out of the car, then adjusted his posture and pointed the gun at the cab where Gin was!

Bang bang bang!

He flicked his fingers and fired three shots in a row, each shot aimed at Gin's vitals!

Gin already felt bad the moment he saw Akai Shuichi's gun, and instinctively started to avoid it.

However, due to his own injuries and the previous series of chases, Gin's body could no longer keep up with his conscious control even though his consciousness could still react.

Even though he tried his best to avoid it, he was still shot in the shoulder blade.

Bang 1

He slammed open the door on the other side, staggered two steps, rolled, and hid in the rear door of the car.

Bang bang!

Akai Shuichi followed with two consecutive shots, but Gin's movements were indeed fast enough, and both shots were narrowly avoided.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Gin tried hard to adjust his breathing. The multiple bleeding wounds all over his body made his body gradually weaker, and his eyes began to appear trance-like.

As for Akai Shuichi, he calmly replaced the new magazine without making any rash moves. He just silently held the gun and pointed it in the direction where Gin was hiding.

The two of them just faced each other in silence, and Akai Shuichi had no intention of taking any further action.

The initiative is in his hands. If he continues to delay, only the FBI's companions will be waiting for him, and Gin will not be able to escape by then.

Akai Shuichi believes that Gin also knows this, so he is not in a hurry, Gin will definitely take action first!

He listened carefully to the somewhat heavy breathing coming from Gin, on the one hand to confirm the position, and on the other hand to predict the time when Gin would take action.

Before taking action, your breathing rhythm must have changed!

At a certain moment, Gin's breathing suddenly changed!

Akai Shuichi immediately heightened his vigilance.

The next moment, an extremely dangerous feeling suddenly filled his heart, and Akai Shuichi suddenly turned to one side!


A bullet almost grazed the brim of Akai Shuichi's hat!

Akai Shuichi's eyes sharpened and he immediately followed the trajectory.

Between the colliding cars, Gin's figure disappeared in a flash.

"What's going on? His breathing was obviously still at the rear door just now..." Shuichi Akai suddenly felt doubtful.

He frowned and quickly moved to the back of Gin's vehicle.

His ears twitched slightly and his expression changed: "Huh? The sound of breathing is still there? Could it be that..."

A thought flashed through his mind, and he rolled again, returning to the side where he was originally, hiding his figure behind the car door, and holding his breath.

On the other side, Gin changed his hand to a pistol with a full magazine with a somewhat ugly look on his face, and cursed secretly in his mind.

"[American expletive], I didn't expect him to avoid it!"

He looked up at the rear door, where a tape recorder was lying quietly.

Yes, the breathing sound that Akai Shuichi heard just now was produced by this recorder.

Gin used this recorder to record his own breathing, and then turned on the appropriate volume to play it while he silently adjusted his breathing and quietly moved his position.

As a master, he knew very well what kind of judgment Akai Shuichi would make, so he deliberately added some illusions when recording breathing.

He needed to make a sudden attack from another position at the moment Akai Shuichi focused his attention on the position of the recorder, and hit the target with one strike!

It's a pity that Shuichi Akai is still the same Shuichi Akai. Even when he seems to have the advantage, he still doesn't relax at all.

His little trick was designed briefly, but it was enough to fool most FBI agents, and it still failed to hurt Shuichi Akai in the slightest.

"Damn it! Why are there such people in this world!?" Gin was filled with reluctance.

When Akai Shuichi was still in the organization, he was always suppressed by Akai Shuichi. Even before Akai Shuichi's identity as a traitor was discovered, he had a tendency to vaguely replace his position.

If the matter had not been exposed, I am afraid that the person in charge of the Japanese branch would not be myself now, but Shuichi Akai!

However, although he was a little unhappy, after all, he was working for the organization at that time, so Gin could barely suppress his anger.

But in the end, it turns out that Akai Shuichi is an FBI undercover agent lurking in the organization, which makes Gin's murderous intention burst out instantly!

He is a killer trained by the organization, and his loyalty to the organization has almost reached the point of fanaticism.

What he hated most in his life. They are the traitors who betrayed the organization, and the undercover agents who infiltrated the organization!

And Shuichi Akai is an undercover agent who is even more capable than him!

This is the type of person he hates the most, and as it happens, his ability is even more powerful than his own, which is undoubtedly a huge threat to the organization!

It can be said that since Akai Shuichi's betrayal, he has been determined to kill Akai Shuichi!

However, the organization has other tasks after all. Most of its activities are in Japan, and Shuichi Akai seems to have returned to the United States. He can only temporarily endure the murderous intention in his heart.

He just didn't expect that when he saw this guy he must kill again, he would be forced to be so embarrassed!

It was clear that the gap between him and me was not that big at all, but due to other factors, Shuichi Akai injured him first, and in the end, he was suppressed to death by relying on the FBI's superior firepower!

What's even more frustrating is that he himself knows that it is completely unrealistic for Akai Shuichi to have an "upright" duel with him. It can be said to be extremely childish!

"Akai Shuichi! I will fight with you!!" Gin roared in his heart, preparing for the last fight!

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