Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 876 Game in silence

Even though it was a last ditch effort, it didn't mean that Gin was going to rush out and confront Shuichi Akai immediately.

He feels incompetent and furious, so he develops "inexplicable confidence", and then rushes to defeat the enemy. This is a plot that only exists in comics.

If Gin rushes out now, the only result is that he will be hit by Akai Shuichi again, or even be killed directly. It is not impossible.

Therefore, he still needs some time to prepare.


Akai Shuichi held his breath and concentrated, also minimizing his movements.

He frowned slightly and thought for a while, then gradually left the vehicle and turned on the flashlight he carried.

His strategy is very clear, it is just one word - dragging.

If Gin doesn't show up, he won't take the initiative to attack. If Gin shows up, he won't confront him head-on. He will hide if he can. If Gin tries to escape, he will stop him.

As long as his colleagues arrive, everything will be settled.

He slowly moved away from the place where the two cars collided, widening his vision and scanning the surroundings. As long as he saw Gin trying to escape, he would shoot without hesitation!

With Gin's current state, he was confident that he could stop him with long-range firepower alone!

Finally, he stood five meters away from the vehicle and pointed the gun forward.

There was a brief silence.



Suddenly there was a loud noise from behind Gin's car, and almost at the same time, blazing fire light erupted, and a surging heat wave swept out!

Akai Shuichi instinctively covered his head with his hands, and at the same time began to retreat continuously to prevent the flying debris from the explosion from hitting him.

After a few seconds, the heat wave passed, and Shuichi Akai looked forward.

The back of Gin's car was surrounded by flames, and the flames continued to rise and intensify.

Akai Shuichi's eyes sharpened and he immediately looked around.

Under the illumination of the fire, the surrounding scene became much clearer, and the field of vision here was quite wide. At least the house could be seen 20 to 30 meters away from the center of the vehicle.

There was no sign of Gin.

"Did he...see that the situation was over and decided to commit suicide?" This thought flashed through Akai Shuichi's mind, but he instinctively rejected it the next moment.

Although Gin is indifferent to life and does not lack the awareness of death, he also cherishes his own life.

At least Akai Shuichi believes that the current situation is not enough to make Gin pessimistic enough to commit suicide.

So now there are two situations.

First, it was an unexpected event.

With such explosion power and fire intensity, it is obvious that the fuel tank was detonated. It is not impossible that the fuel tank was accidentally detonated when the cars had just collided and there was a firefight.

Secondly, at this time Ginjiu did it deliberately, and the purpose was not to kill himself, but to have another agenda.

Akai Shuichi narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the fire that was gradually spreading to other places.

The flames blocked his sight to a certain extent, preventing him from accurately capturing the situation on the other side of the vehicle, and the sound of the burning flames also obscured the movement of Gin behind the car.

After the explosion, Akai Shuichi's eyes and ears inevitably had blind spots.

"Is he trying to escape by sticking to the ground..." Akai Shuichi frowned.

Now because of the explosion, if he wanted to continue monitoring Gin's movements, he had to go around to the rear of the colliding car.

But Gin might be waiting for him there.

If he stood still, Gin might take the opportunity to escape.

Although the field of vision here is wide, if Gin escapes to a certain distance, his fire suppression may not be effective.

If Gin tries hard and gets injured again, he might actually be able to escape.

Because not far away, there is a bridge, and under the bridge is a lake.

If Gin really finds a chance to jump, the difficulty of catching him will further increase.

After a brief weighing, Akai Shuichi decided to risk going around to the side where Gin was to check the situation.

As for which side to come from, who cares? Xiuyi chose the side where the explosion occurred.

Although we don’t know how Gin blew up the mailbox, at least he wasn’t around there at the time.

This kind of explosion is not like a grenade. Lying down at close range can avoid certain damage.

The direction of the fuel tank explosion is uncertain, and car parts such as the fuel tank cap will be blown away by the blast. If Gin dares to hide nearby, when the explosion occurs, the whole person will be exposed to high temperatures, impact, and splashes. Shooting and other injuries.

He was already injured, and if he suffered such an injury again, even if he did not die, he would completely lose his ability to resist.

Therefore, Akai Shuichi decided to go from the direction of the explosion, so that at least Gin would not be dragged into a close combat.

As long as it was not a close combat, Akai Shuichi would continue to delay Gin here even if he tried to get injured.

After making a decision, Akai Shuichi took action immediately, using the place where his feet were as the edge, and moved quickly in a circle towards the rear of Gin's car.

If the speed is too slow, Gin will probably hear his movements and go around to the blind spot of his sight.

His eyes were fixed forward, guarding against Gin's surprise attack.

He approached the rear of the car step by step, and the rear of the car gradually appeared in his perspective.

His pupils suddenly shrank! gone!

Did it go around to the rear of his car?

Akai Shuichi continued to move, gradually taking the situation at the rear of his car into his view.

still none!

Akai Shuichi's face darkened slightly.

His movement speed was no longer satisfactory. If Gin wanted to go around, even with the sound of burning flames as cover, he would never be able to escape his ears.

But he heard nothing just now.

He looked near the flames.

There is still no place to hide people nearby.

As for the chassis?

Neither his nor Gin's car had enough chassis to hide an adult.

"Then the only thing left now is..." Akai Shuichi looked at the co-pilot of Gin's car.

Eliminating all possibilities, Gin would have no choice but to hide there.

If he stayed there, he could indeed avoid the damage of the explosion, and when Gin got out of the car, he could close the door normally, which meant that the impact did not damage his door.

"Is it there..."

Akai Shuichi had just turned around from this thought when a sound of car doors opening and closing suddenly came to his ears!

And the direction the sound came from turned out to be his car!

"What's going on..." Akai Shuichi immediately turned his gaze away!

next moment……


Gunshots ring out!

Akai Shuichi's pupils shrank! Instinctively dodge while protecting your head with your hands! He wasn't worried about the heart part because he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

His response was quick enough, and it couldn't be called a mistake. However, his response was still a step too late!

He felt a sharp pain in his knees, and his whole body staggered immediately!

Bang bang bang!

Gunfire ensues!

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