Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 877 Gin’s plan, the winner?

When it comes to taking advantage of his illness to kill him, both Gin and Akai Shuichi have instinctive actions integrated into their DNA.

Therefore, after the first shot hit Akai Shuichi, he naturally wanted to pursue the victory!

This is his last chance. If he can't hit Akai Shuichi hard, then he will never have any chance again!

Therefore, he fixed his eyes on Akai Shuichi, captured his body movements, and instantly judged how to aim and shoot.

The next few bullets shot were very tricky, perfectly avoiding the torso that may be wearing body armor, but directly hitting the arms, legs, and even the head!

He fired the second shot almost at the moment when the first bullet hit Akai Shuichi. What he caught was the moment when Akai Shuichi staggered when he was shot.

For a master like Shuichi Akai, even if he is hit and staggered, he can quickly recover.

Opportunities are fleeting.

But after all, Gin is still a top player on the same level as Akai Shuichi. With his tenacious willpower, he overcame the impact of his injuries and perfectly displayed his shooting skills at a superb level!

All the bullets hit the parts that could pose a threat to Akai Shuichi!

Akai Shuichi heard the gunshots while he was staggering, and secretly thought, "Oh!"

I was still being plotted!

The sound of opening and closing the door just now was obviously based on the same principle as the previous method of pretending to breathe.

Shuichi Akai also already knows this technique.

To put it bluntly, it was an illusion created by using the recorder that had previously recorded Belmode's voice in order to deceive the FBI.

In the current situation, it is not difficult to deal with it. Just like Akai Shuichi, he doesn't care, as long as Gin doesn't leave the car.

No matter what illusion you create, I will just stare at the surroundings.

Unexpectedly, Gin actually detonated the fuel tank, causing a loophole in Akai Shuichi's surveillance.

Gin was actually gambling here. He was betting on Shuichi Akai because he wanted to ensure that he was captured alive and came to check the situation.

He believes that although Akai Shuichi is not lacking in caution, as a master, sometimes he does not mind taking risks.

If you only seek stability, you will not be able to be an undercover agent.

Shuichi Akai is indeed a very talented person and has the courage to go around.

What follows is a series of calculations by Gin on Akai Shuichi's psychology.

After seeing Gin disappear, Akai Shuichi will definitely try to find Gin's location.

It's actually not difficult to find, and Gin believes that he will soon be able to confirm that he is hiding in the passenger seat.

But it doesn't matter, Gin doesn't mind this, it's even part of his plan.

Once Shuichi Akai locked his position in the passenger seat, he could not see Gin due to the characteristics of the car's side window glass, but Gin could see him.

Such a situation will inevitably make Akai Shuichi more vigilant.

At this moment, he played the sound of opening the door. Akai Shuichi was alert, and there was a high probability that he would pay attention to it.

This is human instinct. Even experts cannot avoid the shift of attention unless they understand the plan in advance and make relevant mental preparations.

But for an ace agent like Shuichi Akai, this kind of diversion of attention only lasts a moment.

And Gin wants to seize this moment and attack Akai Shuichi!

And the first shot he fired was also very particular.

With Akai Shuichi's qualities, he would react instinctively the moment he heard the gunfire and target the vital points.

He was shooting in the car, and it was night. Even with the help of firelight, Gin was not sure that he could kill with one hit.

Once Akai Shuichi dodges the first shot or fails to cause enough damage to affect the situation, he will never have a chance again.

Shuichi Akai will never fall on the same trap a second time.

Therefore, he chose to shoot Shuichi Akai in the knee.

This place is not deadly, but it can affect mobility to a considerable extent.

Moreover, when the priority is given to avoiding vital points, the movement range of the legs at the moment when the gunshot is heard is relatively small, and the hit rate can be guaranteed.

As long as he hits the leg and makes Shuichi Akai lose his balance briefly, he will have the opportunity to launch a subsequent offensive!

Just like now, several bullets left holes in the car window glass, attacking Shuichi Akai unabated!

Akai Shuichi immediately understood the situation he was facing!

Because he had just used his arms to protect his head, his field of vision was somewhat limited and he was unable to make accurate judgments. In a flash of thought, his uninjured leg suddenly exerted force, and his body immediately jumped to the side!

In the air, he hid the hand holding the gun behind his back, and the other hand also covered the arm exposed to the bullet.


Two bullets focused on him.

One hit him directly in the stomach, and the other hit his right arm, but because his left hand was protecting it, the bullet finally hit his wrist.



Akai Shuichi fell to the ground and rolled away to remove the impact.

At the same time, his hand hidden behind his back immediately reached out, and the gun was immediately pointed at the passenger window!

Bang bang bang!

The firepower poured out instantly!

Gin in the car window originally wanted to continue shooting, but after Shuichi Akai fired, he could only avoid the edge temporarily.

He just saw that Shuichi Akai was shot at least once in the wrist and once in the stomach.

Without body armor, such injuries would be enough to bring both sides to the same level.

However, Gin was not sure whether Shuichi Akai was wearing a body armor.

If we prepare for the worst, the effect of Gin's raid may not be satisfactory.

After leaving a few more holes in the car windows, the gunfire stopped.

Gin raised his head cautiously and observed the scene outside the surrounding windows.

I saw Hide Akai changing the magazine at the same time and quickly moving to the rear of the car in the direction of the explosion.

When Gin saw Akai Shuichi's movement speed, his heart immediately sank!

This is not like being shot in the stomach.

In other words, although his raid just now did cause some trouble to Akai Shuichi, it only caused a slight loss in Akai Shuichi's mobility.

His dominant hand, however, suffered little damage.

He can still use the pistol normally, and his accuracy will not be compromised at all!

As for his current movement, Gin knew exactly what he wanted to do.

Now that it was determined that he was hiding in the passenger seat, he only needed to find a safe place to monitor himself. It could be said that he was trapped in this small space.

Gin tried hard to adjust his breathing, but still had no intention of giving up.

However, the attack just now was also a heavy burden on his body. Due to the blood loss, his thinking ability was inevitably affected.

While Gin was still trying to think of the knowledge on how to save himself, Shuichi Akai's sight saw the bright lights of his FBI colleagues!

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