Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 89: Hunting the murderer

"Huh? There's no battery inside?" Mouri Kogoro looked at the empty battery groove in surprise.

"Yes, and there is no power supply design where the camera is fixed. This camera is just a flower stand." Hanemiya Ming said.

"But Hanomiya boy, how do you know this?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Brother Hanomiya was just suspicious before, right?" Conan continued:

"After all, the boss clearly asked to collect the mobile phone, but said it didn't matter if he didn't collect it. There are monitors everywhere in the hotel, but in fact there are none in toilets and bathrooms. In other words, the so-called surveillance has blind spots."

"However, even though the boss knew this, he still did not propose to forcibly collect everyone's mobile phones, and even allowed you, uncle, to continue to hold the mobile phones."

"In other words, the boss may not want to see someone cheating, but he doesn't take it as seriously as we think."

"So, if he has such an attitude, why would he spend so much effort installing surveillance cameras and bugs throughout the hotel?"

"So, either these monitors are just a show-off to give the tester a certain psychological deterrent; or he actually has other purposes for installing these monitors."

"No matter what the possibility is, it is necessary for Brother Hanomiya to remove the monitors and check... But now it seems that these monitors are just fancy."

"Oh! So that's it...this boss really has a bad taste..." Mouri Kogoro suddenly said.

"Haha, since we already know that this is just a flower display, it is an eyesore anyway, so we simply dismantle it." Akira Hanomiya said, placing the camera in the corner of the room.

"It's getting late. I'm going to bed first. You two should go to bed early too." Mouri Kogoro yawned and fell directly on the bed.

"Well! I'll do some more questions." Conan said.

"I'm not sleepy now, I'll go look around." Yu Gongming said.

Yu Gongming said and left the room.

"The killing time should be after everyone falls asleep. Boss Jingu should still be alive now... Let's confirm it just to be on the safe side."

Akira Hanomiya came to the door of Hiroyuki Kanaya's room and knocked gently on the door.

After a moment, the door opened, and it was Hiroyuki Kanaya who opened the door.

"It's Detective Hanomiya, what's the matter?"

"Oh, that's it. I forgot to ask before, when is my speech approximately? Knowing the time will also make it easier for me to prepare." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Ah! That's it. The speech time for you and Detective Mori is after the dinner. I need to review the test papers at that time. During this time, the two of you can impart some experience on detective reasoning." Hiroyuki Kanaya road.

"I see, I understand, so sorry to bother you!"

"It's okay, it's getting late. Detective Hanomiya should rest early." Hiroyuki Kanaya smiled, and then slowly closed the door.

"If I go to rest, I'm afraid something will happen to you..." Yumiya Ming muttered to himself, and then began to think about the next action.

"If I remember correctly, the murderer should be the speechless Kento Toba who was taunted by his dreams before..."

"Including the boss's room, all rooms have only two entrances: the door and the window. In the plot, Conan kept doing the questions until four or five in the morning. Uncle Mouri and Xiaolan were also awake. If Toba entered through the door It’s impossible for the three of them to not notice anything in the room.”

"In other words, he could only sneak in through the window."

"Then his route should pass outside the hotel... While others can sleep, I have to go outside to enjoy the breeze?"

"Huh, forget it, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, bear with it!"

Yu Gongming comforted himself for a while and left the hotel through the side door of the hotel.

"Oh? There is actually a stone tablet here... It can be used to hide..." Yu Gongming looked at the stone tablet not far away, and his eyes lit up.

Walking closer, Yu Gongming could faintly see several large characters engraved on the stone tablet through the moonlight - [Cliff ahead, do not approach]

"It turns out to be a warning stone..."

Yu Gongming was suddenly enlightened and quickly hid behind the stone tablet.


A few minutes later.

"Huh? Someone is coming out... Wait, why does it feel like it's a woman... The figure is also very familiar... Huh? Is it Dream Whisperer!?"

When Yu Gongming saw that Meng Yu came out, he quickly stretched out a hand from behind the stone tablet and waved in Meng Yu's direction.

Mengyu seemed to notice Yu Gongming's movements and walked straight towards the stone monument.

"Why are you here?" Yu Gongming asked doubtfully.

"I saw you sneaking behind the stone tablet from the room, so I wanted to come and see what was going on. It's almost early in the morning, what are you doing here?" Meng Yu asked.

"Catch the murderer." Yu Gongming whispered.

"Huh? We've just arrived. Did my brother's physique trigger it too quickly?" Meng Yu raised her eyebrows.

"Anyway, I remember that the murderer was the one who acted tonight, the same Kento Toba who was attacked by you." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Oh? Is that guy the murderer? Count me in..." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Um, I don't see that you are quite vindictive."

"The attitude that Holmes is the boss, he is the second child, and everyone else is a scumbag is a bit uncomfortable. Besides, he is a murderer, so I definitely don't mind teaching him a lesson before he is taken away by the police." Meng He said calmly.

"Well, of course I have no problem with you staying, but I'm not sure when he will do it. We may have to go outside to enjoy the wind for a while."

"It doesn't matter. It's not like you don't know my physique. This little bit of wind is nothing." Meng Yu said nonchalantly.

"Well, then don't make any noise now, we can just wait quietly."



One o'clock.

"finally come!"

Meng Yu looked at a certain black figure that suddenly appeared, suppressing her excitement and whispered.

After waiting here for nearly two hours, her patience was almost worn out.

"Let's go, follow quietly..." Yu Gongming also whispered back.

The two quietly followed the black shadow, and when they saw him walking around to the side of Jin Gu's boss' room, they stopped at the corner.

Yu Gongming probed his head slightly and saw a black shadow gently opening the window of Boss Jin Gu's room, and then slowly got in. (Many houses in Japan do not install anti-theft nets)

Seeing this, Yu Gongming lightly touched Meng Yu behind him.

Since Meng Yu wants to teach Toba a lesson, the task of subduing the murderer is left to her.

Meng Yu curled her lips, and no longer worried about making any noise, she rushed straight to the window, exerted her strength in her arms, and rolled into the room.

Since she had been waiting in the dark for two hours, Mengyu had already adapted to the darkness. As soon as she entered the room, she locked onto the black shadow.

The head of the black figure seemed to move, and he probably turned his head subconsciously when he heard the noise.

Mengyu didn't give him a chance to react further, and instantly approached the black shadow, and then punched the black shadow in the head.

The black shadow was hit without any suspense and immediately let out a scream.

Mengyu also used this punch to find out the position of the black shadow's cervical spine, and then cut it off with a neat hand knife!

Sombra: Game over!

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