Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 90 Weird reason for killing

"What... happened?"

Hiroyuki Kanaya was awakened by the silence. When he opened his eyes, he saw the lights in his room turn on. When he turned his head, Toba Kento's fallen body came into view instantly. He was so frightened that he sat up straight.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kanaya, for disturbing your rest, but after all, I saw a suspicious person sneaking into your room. As a detective, I can't just sit idly by and watch." Akira Hanomiya stood by the window.

"Detective Hanomiya? And...Miss Mengyu?" Hiroyuki Kanaya glanced at Yumiya Akira and Mengyu standing beside him, and then at Toba Kento who fell to the ground, and finally reacted:

"Is this the guy who sneaked into my room secretly?"

"Yeah, after I saw it, I followed him in and knocked him unconscious." Meng Yu said.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Hey! Mr. Kanaya! Mr. Kanaya! Are you okay?"

"It's Uncle Maori..." Yu Gongming heard the voice of the knocker and opened the door.

"Huh? Boy Hanomiya, why is it you?" It was Mouri Kogoro outside the door.

Next to him were Hattori Heiji and Three Inch Nails Conan.

"You will know when you come in and take a look." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

The three people outside the door were stunned when they heard this, and then entered the room.

"Hi, Uncle Maori, Conan, eh? And Hattori? You came very quickly! Didn't you sleep?" Meng Yu greeted the two of them.

"Dream Whisper...were you staying with Mr. Hanomiya just now?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Yeah, we couldn't sleep and kept chatting outside." Meng Yu said.

"Then that scream just now..." Conan looked at Kento Toba who was lying on the ground.

"It was from this guy. He sneaked into Mr. Jingu's room and we saw him. Then I followed him in and knocked him out," Mengyu said.

"So, what did he want to do when he sneaked into this room in the middle of the night?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Maybe he wants to steal the Sherlock Holmes book, or maybe... he wants to kill Mr. Kanaya!" Hattori Heiji analyzed with a frown.

"This... I shouldn't have any grudge against him? How could he want to kill me?" Hiroyuki Kanaya was shocked when he heard this and couldn't believe it.

"If you want to know the answer, wouldn't it be possible to search his body?"

Akira Hanomiya put on the absorbent gloves and began to search Toba Kento.

"Ha! Look what I found?"

Yu Gongming found a handkerchief and a white vial from Toba Kento.

The vial seemed to contain some kind of liquid, but there was no mark on the vial, and it was unknown what kind of liquid it contained.

"Let me see that bottle." Mengyu said, also wearing gloves.

Yu Gongming handed the bottle to Meng Yu.

Mengyu unscrewed the cap of the bottle, moved her head slightly towards the mouth of the bottle, and then fanned the mouth of the bottle with her hand.

Her nostrils twitched slightly and she frowned immediately.

She immediately put the cap on the bottle and couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead.

"It smells like bitter almonds and is highly toxic like cyanide."

"What? He...he really wants to kill me!?" Hiroyuki Kanaya's expression changed completely!

Sneaking into his room late at night, taking the poison with him, it was obvious what he wanted to do!

"what happened?"

"Why are everyone gathered here?"

"Eh? The one who fell on the ground is Mr. Toba, right?"

Others also came to Hiroyuki Kanaya's room one after another to check on the situation.

Yu Gongming roughly explained the situation in a few words.

"No way? I believe you when you say he stole the first edition of the "Study in Scarlet" rare book, but what reason did he have to kill Mr. Kanaya?" Kento Toba's girlfriend Ayako Oki asked doubtfully.

"He carries poison with him, and there is no doubt that he wants to kill Mr. Kanaya. As for the motive, you can only wait until he wakes up to ask him." Yu Gongming shrugged.


At this moment, Toba Kento woke up from a coma.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw countless eyes focused on him, which scared him so much that he woke up in an instant.

"What...what's going on..." His voice seemed to be trembling.

"Haha, Mr. Toba, do you recognize these two things?" Akira Hamiya showed the handkerchief and the white vial containing cyanide.

As soon as Toba Kento saw these two things, his expression suddenly changed. He sat up suddenly and reached out to grab them.

"This is my thing, give it back to me!"

As soon as Hanomiya Akira retracted his hand, Toba Kento immediately caught a blank.

"That's not okay. There is highly toxic cyanide in it. How can you, a suspicious person who sneaks into other people's rooms late at night, do it?" Yu Gongming chuckled.

At this time, Hiroyuki Kanaya suddenly grabbed Toba Kento's collar, lifted him up from the ground, and said angrily:

"You bastard, why do you want to kill me!? What grudge do I have against you!?"

Looking at Hiroyuki Kanaya's ferocious expression, Toba Kento suddenly sneered and pushed Hiroyuki Kanaya away.

"Why? Because you and that bastard Fujisawa dared to blaspheme Holmes like this!"

"What?" Hearing this, Hiroyuki Kanaya was a little confused for a moment.

"Hmph! It's the book [The Ridicule of Irene Adler] that you two bastards published! Irene is the woman that Holmes respects the most. How can a woman who is recognized by Holmes laugh at Holmes!? I am absolutely This kind of thing cannot be forgiven!!”

At the end of the sentence, Toba Kento roared out!

Everyone looked at the hysterical Toba Kento, and for a moment felt inexplicably dumbfounded.

Just for such a ridiculous reason, you want to take someone's life?

Readers feel that the original character created by the fan author is OOC. Instead of trolling or sending a blade, he just comes to your door with a knife and takes your life?

"NCF is really so scary..." Yu Gongming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Meng Yu even looked at Toba Kento with a look that looked at a mentally retarded person.

But she didn't say anything sarcastic. Talking to such a paranoid person was basically a waste of time.

Mouri Kogoro didn't know whether to be angry or laugh. After so many years as a criminal policeman and detective, this was the first time he encountered such a bizarre reason for killing.

Shaking his head slightly, he silently took out his mobile phone and dialed the police number.


In the early morning, the police arrived and took Toba Kento away.

Related personnel such as Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Kanaya Hiroyuki were also invited to the police station to record statements.

It wasn't until noon that they returned to the hotel.

"Everyone, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by some accidents." Hiroyuki Kanaya bowed:

"In order to thank Detective Hanomiya and Miss Mengyu for their life-saving grace, I decided to give the treasured book [Research on Scarlet Letters] to Detective Yumiya!"

The faces of other Sherlock Holmes fans suddenly showed disappointment.

But it was hard for them to say anything. The owner of the book collection was Hiroyuki Kanetani. He had the right to dispose of it, let alone give it to the savior.

"However, in order to compensate everyone, I will invite you to visit the famous Jiuyuan Resort nearby in the next two days. I will be responsible for all expenses!"

"My boyfriend has been arrested, and I'm not in the mood to go to any resort anymore." Omu Ayako said.

"Since the collection of books already has an owner, I don't want to go to any resort anymore." Fujisawa Toshiaki also said.

Other Sherlock Holmes fans also expressed their disinterest in the resort.

This makes Boss Jingu a little embarrassed.

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