Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 915 Weird things in Mizuna Rena’s family

"Oh? Someone rang your doorbell and you disappeared after you came out, right?" Akira Hanamiya confirmed.

"Yes, something like this happens every Saturday." Mizuno Reina nodded.

"And I don't think it's just a prank!" Yoko Okino added.

"How do you say it?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

"It's like this..." Mizuno Reina explained; "Last time, I planned to guard that person behind the door. As soon as the doorbell rang, I would open the door immediately."

"But when the doorbell actually rang and I opened the door, I didn't see a single figure."

Yu Gongming frowned slightly: "How long did it take from the time you heard the doorbell to the time you opened the door?"

"It won't take more than three seconds." Shui Wulian reached it.

"Isn't it very difficult to hide somewhere invisible in such a short time? Miss Mizuwu, is the terrain around your home very complicated?" Mengyu asked.

"My family lives in a mobile apartment in Cupido Town. There is a corridor outside the door, and there is no place to hide people." Reina Minami replied.

"Detective Hanomiya, look, isn't it weird?" Okino Yoko said with a trace of panic on her face.

"Well, it's indeed a bit strange." Yu Gongming nodded.

"So, I guess I'll ask Detective Hanomiya to help me go and take a look. I'm afraid Reina is being targeted by someone. Please!" Okino Yoko pleads with her hands clasped together.

Yu Gongming thought for two seconds, and finally nodded slightly: "Okay, I can go over and have a look. But if things are really complicated..."

"If the matter becomes difficult, I will officially entrust Detective Hanomiya to investigate!" Reina Mizuno arrived immediately.

Formal entrustment means signing an entrustment agreement, and then you need to pay an entrustment fee.

After getting the answer he wanted, Yu Miyazaki nodded slightly: "Okay, then after dinner we will go there with Miss Mizunashi."


The third floor of an apartment in Cupido-cho.

"This is where I live." Shuiwu Reina stopped in front of a room and said.

Akira Hanomiya looked around. The room where Reina Minami lived was located at the end of the corridor. There was a fence on one side of the door, and the bottom of the fence went straight to the ground. It was not only dangerous to jump from here, but the noise was definitely not small.

On the other side, you can see as far as the eye can see, and there are no obstacles.

"Then Miss Mizuno, let's test it on site and see what time you open the door." Yu Gongming said.

"Okay, no problem." Shui Wu Lian nodded.

After a moment, she opened the door, entered the house, and closed the door.

"Okay! I'm going to ring the doorbell!" Yu Gongming reminded him, rang the doorbell, and then stepped away slightly to avoid being hit by the door that opened outward.


The door opened quickly.

"3.53 seconds." Mengyu showed the stopwatch to the two of them.

"In such a short time, it is not enough to run to the end of the corridor. Even if the device is prepared in advance and can be hidden on the outer wall of the apartment, such a short time is not enough to climb over the railing."

"Yeah, it's really strange. I looked at both sides at the first time." Shui Wulian said helplessly.

"It seems that we still need to learn more about the situation." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"The two of you, please do it first. I will definitely tell you everything." Shui Wu Lina invited.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu nodded, they changed into slippers and followed Shui Wu Reina into the house.

"Are you the only one who lives in this apartment?" Meng Yu looked at the simply decorated living room.

Mizuno Reina nodded: "Yes, I am not a native of Tokyo. My parents are out of town. I came to Tokyo by myself."

"So that's it. Miss Reina is pretty awesome to be able to become a director at a Japanese TV station!" Meng Yu praised.

Shui Wu Liannai waved her hand and said with a smile: "No, you've given me a compliment. Do you want something to drink?"

"Bring me a glass of juice."

"me too."

Yu Gongming said.

"Everyone, wait a moment." Shui Wulian said and walked towards the refrigerator.

After a while, several people sat across from each other on the sofa.

"So Miss Reina, do you still remember when this phenomenon started?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

Mizuno Reina showed a look of recollection: "If I remember correctly, it should have been two months ago, right? Then someone would ring the doorbell at 6:30 every Saturday."

"Did anything happen two months ago?"

"The thing..." Mizuno Reina frowned slightly and said with some uncertainty: "If I have to say it, it should be that the program I am responsible for has changed from the original seven o'clock morning news to the evening news."

"Oh? In other words, this prank is probably more than two months old?" Meng Yu said in surprise.

"Yes, because I have to participate in the live broadcast of Good Morning's seven o'clock program, I usually get up at three o'clock and go out at about four o'clock, so I don't know if anyone rings the doorbell." Shui Wulian said helplessly. .

"In addition to Saturdays, do you ring the doorbell at other times?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Well... I remember that someone rang the doorbell on Tuesday last week, but it was only once." Reina Mizuna seemed to have thought of something, and her speaking speed suddenly became rapid:

"By the way! One time, someone put a medicine bottle at my door. It contained some unknown pills. I checked with a doctor I knew and he said they were sleeping pills."

"Sleeping pills? If it comes from a stranger, it's not a good gift..." Meng Yu's expression darkened.

"Miss Reina, do you have any symptoms of insomnia?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"No." Shui Wulian shook his head.

"Besides the above, is there anything else strange?"

Shui Wulian thought for a while, and her expression moved slightly: "It's true! At midnight the day before yesterday, I was getting ready to rest after taking a shower. At that time, I always felt that there seemed to be someone next door where no one lived. exist."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Mizuno Reina recalled: "I was reading in bed at the time, and then suddenly I heard a phone ringing from next door, and then someone's voice, but I couldn't hear clearly what was said."

"I looked from the balcony to the next door, and it was completely dark next door. I thought I was too tired and had an illusion, so I went back to the bedroom."

"But when I got back to bed, I heard what sounded like a door slamming again."

"Then can you take us to that room?" Yu Gongming stood up.

"Of course, please come with me." Shui Wu Lian nodded.

After a while, the two came to the door of the room next door to Reina Mizuna.

Yu Gongming pulled the doorknob, and the door was indeed locked.

"Are you sure no one lives in this room?" Yu Gongming confirmed.

"Yes, no one has lived in this room for half a year." Shuiwu Lina confirmed.

"Then, if someone gets the key to this room, it shouldn't be difficult to get in, right?" Mengyu guessed.

"About this matter, I think it would be better to go to the apartment management company and ask." Yu Gongming said thoughtfully.

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