Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 916 The child hiding behind the garbage

"Thank you for taking us to see the house. We still need to think about whether to rent it or not." Akira Hanamiya smiled and shook hands with the staff, and at the same time stuffed the thousand yen hidden inside into the other person's hand.

The staff of the management company took back his hand, glanced at the cash in his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course you have to be cautious about renting a house. If nothing happens, I will go back first."

"Okay, I won't send you far." Yu Gongming nodded.

Afterwards, the people who managed the company left, and Akira and others returned to Rena Mizuna's room.

"At present, there are indeed traces of someone coming next door some time ago, and the person stayed at the window near the balcony for a while and left these writings."

Yu Gongming placed a photo on the table. The photo was a piece of window glass. On the glass were several barely legible words.


"What does this mean?" Shui Wulian was confused.

Yumiya Akira smiled: "Miss Reina, wait a moment, I'll make a call to confirm."

Yu Gongming stood up and walked to the entrance, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey! Is this Officer Takagi?" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"It's Detective Hanomiya! What's the matter?" Officer Takagi asked.

"I would like to ask, did you go to room 305 of an apartment in Abeido-cho the night before last?" Akira Hanomiya got straight to the point.

"Ah? How did you..." Officer Takagi's voice rose for a while, and then he realized something was wrong, and his voice suddenly lowered: "Detective Hanomiya, how do you know? This needs to be kept secret!"

"Well..." Akira Hanamiya showed a playful smile: "Because on the window glass of that house, we found the words [Takagi Miwako]."

"What!?" Officer Takagi immediately screamed.

"Takagi! What's going on?" Officer Megure's questioning voice came faintly from the other end of the phone.

Officer Takagi quickly hesitated, then lowered his voice again and asked: "Ha... Detective Hanomiya, you..."

"Don't be nervous. I won't ask you any questions about what you were doing there. You just need to tell me if you were in 305 of that apartment around 12 o'clock the night before yesterday, and leave those words."

"...Yes, it was indeed me..." Officer Takagi admitted in the end. Yumiya Akira called him, so there was no point in denying it.

"Then do you need to come here again?" Yu Gongming asked.

"No need, the mission has been completed." Officer Takagi replied.

"Then when you went there, no one was living in that room, right?"

"No, I chose that room just because no one was staying there." Officer Takagi said.

"I understand, thank you for helping me clear up my doubts."

"'re welcome." Officer Takagi said awkwardly.

"Then I won't disturb your work, and keep working hard! I'm waiting for those words to become reality!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Uh... ok... ah! By the way, please don't tell anyone else about this!" Officer Takagi asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret. However, Mengyu is investigating the case with me now, so she already knows..."

"What!?" Officer Takagi screamed again.

"Takagi! What on earth are you doing?" The roar of the leader, Officer Mu, was clearly audible.

Officer Takagi quickly explained with a smile on his face, and finally whispered to Akira Hanomiya: "Detective Hanomiya, you must not let more people know...Okay, I still have work to do, hang up!"

Yu Gongming smiled and took back his phone and returned to the living room.

"Have you found out?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

She could clearly hear what Yu Gongming said just now, and with a little reasoning, she could roughly understand the cause and effect of the matter.

Akira Hanomiya nodded slightly and said to Mizuna Lianna: "It has been found out that the sound Miss Reina heard that night was actually a police officer performing surveillance tasks."

"The ringing of the phone and the sound of the door opening that you heard were probably his superiors giving him an order to leave. I have already asked him. The officer's mission has been completed and he will not come back again."

"So that's it..." Shui Wu Lina breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"In this case, the person who rang the doorbell does not live next door, and the explanation I finally found is somewhat untenable." Meng Yu frowned.

If the person who rang the doorbell lived next door, he could have rang the doorbell at the next door and then immediately hid in the room while Reina Mizuna opened the door.

Because at the door, three seconds was enough for him to hide in the room and close the door, and the sound of closing the door could also be masked by the sound of Mizuno Reina opening the door, which was a very reasonable explanation.

However, now that it has been proven that the person next door is Officer Takagi, the hypothesis that there is another person living next door cannot be confirmed.

"If it doesn't work, we can only use stupid methods." Yu Gongming said calmly: "Tomorrow happens to be Saturday, so let's wait and see who the person who rings the doorbell is."

"Then are there any extra rooms? I'm afraid we have to spend the night here." Mengyu asked.

"Yes! But there's only one room." Shui Wulian replied.

"It's okay, one room is no problem," Meng Yu said with a smile.

Therefore, Yu Gongming and his two men temporarily stayed at Mizuno Reina's home.



Shuiwu Reina opened the door and placed the sorted garbage in the corridor.

"Does Miss Lina always pack up the garbage and put it outside the night before?" Meng Yu, who was standing behind and watching the scene, asked curiously.

Shui Wulian smiled and said: "Yes, this way I won't forget to take them to the garbage dump when I go out tomorrow, and my room is next to the corridor, so it won't block others."

"I see." Yu Gongming looked at the trash can that reached his thigh, looking thoughtful.


It was half past six the next morning.

Yu Gongming, Meng Yu and Shui Wu Reina were already standing by the gate waiting.

Ding dong——

The doorbell rings.

Shuiwu Reina immediately opened the door as quickly as possible.

However, there was no one outside the room door.

"It's like this again!" Shui Wu Lina exclaimed.

"No, in fact, someone owns it, and it's right under our noses!" Akira Hanamiya came to the pile of trash cans stacked by Reina Mizuna and said with a smile, "Are you right, kid?"

Behind the trash can, a little boy about 7 years old was looking at him timidly.

Yu Gongming showed a gentle smile: "Children, don't be afraid, we are not bad people. The sister was just curious about who kept ringing the doorbell to wake her up. She wanted to thank that good child!"

"Eh? Is it true?" The little boy's eyes lit up.

Yu Gongming winked at Shui Wulian.

Shui Wulian understood and said with a smile: "Yes, children don't have to be afraid!"

After hearing this, the little boy finally walked out from behind the garbage hesitantly.

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