Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 918 Determining the Goal

Hearing Belmod's question, Akira Hanomiya chuckled: "We don't know what we are going to do, so aren't we here to ask you?"

"If you ask me, then I will only suggest that you go home immediately, have a good sleep, and don't go out before night." Belmod said calmly.

"This is not a good suggestion, and from what you say, it seems that you will also participate in this operation?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"Yes, so you little guys, please stop causing trouble to me. If I meet you at the scene, I will have a headache." Belmod's tone seemed a little helpless.

"If you want to avoid trouble, you might as well tell us directly the time and place of action, and we will take care of the rest to ensure that it will not affect you." Yu Gongming suggested sincerely.

Belmode was silent for two seconds and said quietly: "After all, I am also a senior cadre of the organization. It is impossible to tell you directly."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Yu Gongming heard the implication of Belmode.

Can't tell directly, rather than not telling, that is to say...there is a drama!

Sure enough, Belmod continued: "The target of this operation is DJ, and the location is Eddie P. This is all I can tell you. Goodbye and good luck."

Belmod simply hung up the phone.

Yu Gongming returned the phone to Meng Yu and said with a smile: "It seems that nothing has changed. Now we are just waiting for Conan to come over."

"I'm coming!" Conan's voice came at just this moment.

Soon, Conan ran to the car rented by Akira Hanomiya and got into the car quickly.

"Hey! What did you say you found clues about the organization?" Conan asked seriously.

"To put it simply, after we participated in the recording of the program yesterday, under the introduction of Okino Yoko, I helped another announcer named Rena Mizuna handle a child's prank."

"After the commission was resolved, when we were about to leave the apartment, Meng Yu seemed to have forgotten something at Shui Wu Lina's house, so we returned again."

"On the way back, I happened to overhear the conversation between her and Gin."

"Is that announcer from the organization?" Conan confirmed.

"Probably, judging from her attitude in the conversation with Gin, she is not the kind of peripheral member who is threatened or does odd jobs." Akira Hanamiya replied.

"What about the content of the call? Is there anything valuable?"

"I only know that they have an operation today. They couldn't have made it so clear on the phone about the specific contents of the operation." Yu Gongming smiled and said: "However, just when you rushed over, we had already obtained further clues."

"Oh?" Conan cast a questioning look.

Akira Hanomiya briefly recounted the conversation between him and Belmode.

"Is that woman's information reliable?" Conan asked instinctively.

"I think it's still believable." Yu Gongming analyzed: "If she doesn't want us to participate in this incident, it would be easier to hang up the phone directly, or give a clear false information instead of giving a specious code like this. "

"To say the least, even if the information she gave is false, then our work will be in vain at most. From the current point of view, she has no intention of harming us."

Conan frowned at first, then nodded slightly: "Since you said so, let's just follow the information she gave us for the time being. Do you have any thoughts about DJ and Eddie P. Hanomiya?"

"Regarding this, I think we can start with the announcer Reina Mizuno. Her profession allows her to get closer to the target more easily. Maybe we can get some clues by checking her schedule."

"It makes sense. It shouldn't be difficult to get her interview schedule." Conan said.

"It's really not difficult." Meng Yu shook the mobile phone in her hand: "While you are talking, I have hacked into the computer of Rimai TV Station. Shuiwu Reina has been assigned an interview task today."

"The interview subjects are quite well known!" Meng Yu flipped through the pages on her mobile phone: "She has a total of three people to interview today. They are the three candidates participating in the House of Representatives election for the first time this year."

"The first one is Eisaku Tsukiwa, a professor at Teito University's Department of Pharmacy, the second one is a bourgeois son, Junji Senzu who will become the second council member if elected, and the third one is his father who is a member of the National Defense Agency A high-ranking official, Domon Yasutei, who himself served as a cadre of the Self-Defense Forces.”

"However, the specific time and location were not stated on the computer. It was probably arranged by Reina Mizuno and the staff on their own."

"Assassinating the candidate does seem like something they can do." Akira Yumiya said calmly.

"Well, but now we have to figure out which of these three people DJ is referring to..." Conan fell into thinking.

Meng Yu rolled his eyes slightly and said, "If I remember correctly, DJ refers to Disc Jockey, which is a metaphor for the person who drives the turntable, and is an extension of the image of a horse rider."

"But in my impression, none of these three people seem to like music or gambling."

"No, maybe DJ refers to the Jack of Diamonds." Akira Hanamiya didn't intend to waste any more time and directly told the answer. Once he had the answer, he believed that Conan would be able to deduce it soon.

Conan's expression immediately changed slightly after hearing this, and then he also laughed: "So, is it the knight on the jack of diamonds? They use playing cards to call their targets..."

"In astrology, one of the J's of diamonds means diamonds, and it also represents land." Akira Hanamiya added with a smile.

"So, their target should be the former Self-Defense Forces cadre with the word "Tu" in his name - Domon Yasuki!" Conan finally concluded.

"Okay, I will immediately check Tumen Yasuhui's itinerary for today. This should be on the candidate's website." Meng Yu naturally had no doubts about the reasoning of the two famous detectives and immediately started to act.

After a moment, she spoke: "According to the website, Yasuki Domon has an appointment to play golf in the afternoon."

"Golf? What does Eddie P have to do with golf?" Conan frowned: "Does p refer to the parking lot? The place where they started was the parking lot outside the golf ball?"

"What's the phone number of the candidate's office? Why not call directly and ask. Such offices usually have voter hotlines and the like." Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu.

"Well, it's on the phone website. Remember it..." Mengyu reported a series of numbers.

After Yu Gongming checked it was correct, he dialed the number directly.

"Hey! This is Mr. Tumen's election office. How can I help you?" A standardized inquiry came from the other side.

"Hello, I am a reporter from the Tokyo Daily. I heard that Mr. Domon is going to play golf this afternoon. I would like to know when it will end? I would like to interview Mr. Domon."

"Oh! We actually don't know much about this, because Mr. Tumen temporarily canceled his golfing activities. I heard that he was going to meet someone. We still need to coordinate further when he will be free. You can leave your phone number. , we will contact you after confirming the time.”

"Ah! I need to ask the leader for instructions on this, and I'll contact you later." After saying this, Yu Gongming hung up the phone.

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