Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 919 Eh? This is……

"Although we don't know the location, we can at least infer from the other party's answer that the time for the organization to take action should be in the afternoon, which is the time when Mr. Domon was originally scheduled to play golf." Akira Hanamiya took back his mobile phone and said.

"So, we still have to figure out Eddie P's secret code in the end." Conan shook his head slightly and fell into thinking again.

"Speaking of Eddie..." Yu Gongming frowned, as if he thought of something: "I remember, Eddie seems to be the abbreviation of Edward, right?"

"Edward? Which Edward?" Conan asked.

"That's Edward Hyde, the male protagonist of the science fiction novel "Dr. This book, so I suddenly had such an association.”

"Edward...Hyde?" Conan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Could it be that their target is Aido Park?"

"Hmm..." Yu Gongming pretended to think for two seconds and nodded slightly: "That should be right. I heard in the conversation between Mizuno Reina and Gin that this operation was a hunt."

"The real Hyde Park in London was home to many wild animals before the 16th century. It was a hunting area exclusively for the nobility at that time."

"In this case, it should be correct. The location of their operation is Aipido Park 1." Conan's tone also became determined.

Meng Yu looked at her phone: "It's only nine o'clock in the morning. Should we go to Aido Park first to check it out?"

"No, before that, I think we need to invite some foreign aid first. After all, we still don't know how the organization will assassinate Mr. Domon." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"If it's foreign aid, that would be a coincidence." Meng Yu suddenly pointed out the car window.

The two of them turned around and saw a gentle young woman walking out of a shopping mall carrying a shopping bag.

"It's indeed a coincidence..." Yu Gongming also laughed.

After a while.

"So, you want to use the power of the FBI to stop this organization's operation?" Miyano Akemi asked.

"Yes, we have limited clues at hand, and we don't have much time to prepare, so we can only ask the FBI for help." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"Well, let me contact Ada. He has no mission today and is still at home." Miyano Akemi took out her mobile phone and dialed Akai Shuichi's number.

After the two briefly chatted, Miyano Akemi handed the phone to Hanomiya Akira: "Nuo, you two, let's talk. Ah Da needs to know more detailed information."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly and took the phone: "Hello!"


In the underground parking lot of a certain building.

Mizuna Reina stepped into the parking lot.

"Didn't we make an appointment to meet at ten o'clock?" Gin said coldly.

"Sorry, I found a car following me on the road, so I took a detour, but in the end I found out that I was overly worried." Mizuno Reina, also known as Kil, said with a smile.

"Are you sure there will be no problem?" Gin asked.

"Well, that car just happened to be on the same road as me, and it disappeared soon." Keir replied, while glancing behind him:

"So, can you put away the Beretta that is pointing at me from behind? If you kill me because of unnecessary doubts, no one will help you kill DJ."

Gin silently retracted the pistol and said calmly: "Forget it, anyway, we have informants 500 meters around the building. Even if there is any suspicious vehicle approaching, it will be discovered immediately."

"Then, please tell me about the last confirmation." Gin's eyes were sharp.

Keir nodded slightly: "The time is 13 o'clock, and the location is Eddie P. When I visit the target, I will guide him to that place..."

"That's right!" A wanton female voice sounded, and a red-haired woman sitting in the passenger seat of a car came into Kiel's sight.

The red-haired woman fiddled with the scope in her hand and showed a chilling smile: "Kiel, you have to guide the target to the center of my scope and let me have a good time!"

Kil's eyelids twitched, and then he showed the same cold smile: "It's Chianti, oh? Colum is here too?" She looked at the long-faced silent man sitting in the driver's seat: "It's really reassuring..."

"Let me tell you, it's time for you to stop gossiping, right?" A lazy female voice sounded from the back seat of the gin car: "It's almost time, you should pack up, but don't let me have a chance. Come on out!"

Chianti and Coren immediately turned their heads. When they saw the owner of the voice, Chianti's face immediately turned ugly.

She walked directly out of the car and came to the side of the owner of the voice: "Hey! Why are you, a woman, here? Why does this woman who took Kalbados out and finally let him fall into the hands of the police participate in this operation? "

"Chianti, get back to your car." Gin cast a cold look.

Chianti's expression froze when he caught Gin's gaze, but he was still a little unwilling: "But this woman..."

"The reason why Absinthe came is just in case." After a pause, Gin added: "This is the order given by the one himself."

When Chianti heard the order from [that person], he immediately wilted. After making an unhappy "cut" sound, he returned to the car in despair.

Belmode curled her lips and lit up a cigarette gracefully. The curls of smoke obscured her beautiful and sexy face, but added a bit of hazy beauty.

After blowing out a smoke ring, Belmode smiled and said, "I just didn't expect that Eddie P would be chosen as the location. It's really a veritable hunting ground!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Vodka, who was sitting in the driver's seat and responsible for driving, asked doubtfully.

Belmod showed a meaningful smile: "Vodka, you really should know the history there."

"Huh? Oh..." Although Vodka was still a little confused, he didn't ask any more questions.

"None of these are important. What's important is the rain outside now." Gin said calmly.

Yes, it's raining heavily right now outside the underground parking lot.

"Don't worry about this. The weather will clear up later." Keir said with a smile.

"Then, get ready to go." Gin ordered.

After a while, a group of organization members drove out of the basement.

However, what few people present did not know was that a mobile phone placed in the drawer of the secret residence by Belmod sent a regularly scheduled text message.

After the text message is sent, the sending record is automatically destroyed immediately, leaving no trace.

Everything happened silently.

On the other side, Yu Gongming, who was driving, suddenly felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket.

"Mengyu, help me get my phone and take a look."

Meng Yu Yiyan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at the screen.

She immediately showed surprise: "Eh? This is..."

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