Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 95 Preliminary Survey (Please recommend and collect!)

hotel lobby.

Saitama Prefecture Police Officer, Officer Yokomori Sango, is asking the counter attendant about the situation.

"Oh? It's because a customer reported the water source problem to you. You only found the body when you went to the roof for repairs. Is that correct?"

"Yes." said the waiter.

"Then, please take us to the roof to check the scene." Officer Henggou said.

"Officer Henggou, can we go investigate together?" a voice suddenly came.

Henggou Zensu turned his head and looked around, suddenly showing a look of surprise:

"Detective Mori, Detective Hanomiya, why are you here? Weren't you in that Love Hotel before?"

In the previous case of Kento Toba's attempted murder, the leading police officer who came to handle it was none other than Sengo Hengo.

After seeing Akira Hanamiya and Kogoro Mouri at that time, Henggou was so excited that he even asked Akira Hanamiya for his autograph.

What? Why was Hattori Heiji omitted? Because Hattori Heiji was neither familiar with Yokomori Sengo in previous cases like Mouri Kogoro, nor was he a party to the case like Hanomiya Akira, so he naturally had little communication with Yokomori Sengo, and Yokomori Sengo was also There is no way to know his identity as a famous detective in Kansai.

It was only then that Akira Hanomiya realized that Sengo Yokomori was not only a fan of Mouri Kogoro, but also highly respected him.

"We were invited by the boss of Jingu to play here, but it seems that our future travel plans may not be able to go ahead." Hanemiya Ming said.

"It would be great if two famous detectives could help with the investigation!" Officer Henggou said happily.

So, except for the boss Kanaya, Akira Hanomiya and his team took the staff elevator to the top of the building under the guidance of the hotel employees.

The maintenance worker who discovered the body was waiting by the water tank with a look of shock on his face.

Yu Gongming looked at the water tank.

The entire water tank is cylindrical, with a diameter of at least 2 meters and a height of 3 meters. There is a long wooden ladder on the wall of the tank next to the maintenance personnel. The maintenance personnel should use this long ladder to climb to the top of the water tank.

"Mr. Police Officer, the body is inside the water tank. You can see it by climbing up and passing the entrance." The maintenance man said in a tight voice.

"Understood." Officer Henggou nodded slightly, and immediately climbed up the long ladder to the top of the water tank.

Akira Hanamiya and Kogoro Mouri followed closely, and Heiji Hattori also followed naturally.

Conan wanted to follow, but was stopped by Xiaolan in time, so he could only worry below.

Climbing up to the top of the water tank, you will see the opened entrance. On one side of the entrance, there is an area composed of a dozen large or small dark red traces.

"Such a large piece of coagulated blood... Judging from the shape of the blood stain, it seems to be a splatter-like blood stain. It seems that there is a high possibility of homicide, and the first scene of the crime should be here!"

Several people came to the entrance, and the Henggou Police Department turned on the flashlight and shined it downwards.

The water below the water tank was dark red. On the water, some women's clothes were scattered and floating. Under the dark red surface, a human body was faintly visible floating in it.

Officer Henggou frowned slightly: "The water surface is more than one meter away from the entrance. It will take some effort to recover the body and the clothes that may be used as evidence."

"It might be faster to use a cutting machine to saw the water tank directly." A police officer who came up together said.

"This is also a way, but we have to ask the hotel for their opinions. If they don't agree, we can only salvage them in the same way." Officer Henggou said.

Subsequently, Henggou police asked the maintenance personnel on standby under the water tank to contact the hotel. After negotiation, the hotel agreed to the police cutting the water tank and removing the body.

Therefore, the police urgently called in a cutting machine, and after taking pictures and fixing the blood stains on the top of the water tank, they began to cut the water tank.

As the water spurted out, the body was gradually exposed to everyone.

After a lot of work, the body and all the foreign objects were taken out of the water tank.

This is a female corpse.

"Eh? This person looks familiar..." Hattori Heiji stared at the pale face of the female corpse and wondered.

"She is the Miss Yamazaki Masako we met at dinner yesterday." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

The moment he saw the face of the corpse, Yu Gongming already recognized the identity of the deceased.

The deceased was none other than Yamazaki Masako, whom I just met yesterday!

The people who walked and played together yesterday were found dead in the hotel water tank today, which made Yu Yu Gongming feel sad.

Forcibly suppressing all the emotions in his heart, Yu Gongming began to observe the corpse.

The body was completely naked. There was a wound punctured by a sharp instrument on the left chest. No obvious trauma was found in the rest of the body.

"The fatal injury should be the wound on the left chest..." Yu Gongming quickly made a judgment.

Henggou realized that the corpse had been taken out of the water tank, and he quickly arranged for a forensic doctor to conduct an autopsy. At the same time, he turned back and asked:

"Detective Hanomiya, do you know the deceased?"

"Yes, her name is Yamazaki Masako, and she also came here to play. Yesterday..." Akira Hamiya briefly recounted the process of getting to know Yamazaki Masako.

"It turns out that this Miss Masako came here to play with her boyfriend and best friend..." He then said to a police officer:

"You go and notify those two people and ask them to wait for interrogation at any time."

The police officer followed the order and left.

While the forensic doctor was conducting the autopsy, Conan came to the scattered women's clothes and observed them carefully.

Because these clothes were soaked in blood, they were inevitably stained with a lot of blood, especially one coat, with a lot of blood on the right sleeve and torso.

"The coat is not damaged. It seems that the deceased was killed after all his clothes were taken off... It's strange. Something feels wrong..." Conan looked at these clothes and frowned slightly.


"The report shows that the time of death of the deceased was roughly between 12 o'clock and 2 o'clock in the morning. The cause of death was that the heart was pierced by a sharp instrument, causing hemorrhagic shock, which eventually led to death. There was no obvious trauma elsewhere."

"In addition, there was congestion in the lower body of the deceased, and he may have been assaulted before or just after death." Forensic Medicine Hui reported.

"Oh? Judging from the current situation, this should be a homicide case."

"The murderer should have knocked out the victim in some way, then brought him to this water tank to assault him, and then brutally killed him here, and threw the body and the deceased's clothes into the water tank." Officer Henggou touched his finger. Chin analyzed.

"Are there any other body fluid residues in the deceased's private parts or body?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Nothing has been found yet," the forensic doctor said.

"Report! A knife suspected to be the murder weapon was found!" The forensic officer came over with an evidence bag.

Everyone looked and saw a fruit knife stained with blood lying quietly in the evidence bag.

"Compare the blood stains on the knife with that of the deceased, and confirm whether there are fingerprints on it!" Officer Henggou was instantly refreshed when he found the murder weapon.

If fingerprints can be extracted from the murder weapon, this will be powerful evidence to identify the murderer at a later stage!

"That's right! I remembered it!" Mouri Kogoro suddenly said excitedly.

"What's wrong, Detective Maori? Do you have any clues?" Officer Henggou's eyes lit up!

"I saw the deceased at half past twelve last night!" Mouri Kogoro recalled:

"At that time, Boss Kanaya and I were playing mahjong in the chess and card room. The deceased and his boyfriend Shinichi Shibata were playing cards at a nearby table. At about 12:30, the deceased left the chess and card room first, and her boyfriend followed him. He came to our table to watch us play mahjong, and finally played a few rounds with us. At about three o'clock, we returned to the hotel with Mr. Shibata."

"Oh? Then according to Detective Maori, the time of death of the deceased will be further reduced, and Mr. Shibata's suspicion of committing the crime will be eliminated!" Officer Henggou said excitedly when he saw that the case had made immediate progress.

"I think this murder was probably committed by someone inside the hotel." The voice of a young man who was very unfamiliar to Officer Henggou suddenly came.

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