Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 96 Investigation

"Excuse me, who are you?" Police Inspector Henggou looked at Hattori Heiji.

"Hello, officer, I am Hattori Heiji, a high school detective from Osaka." Hattori Heiji said.

"What? Are you the son of the Osaka Prefectural Police Chief Hattori Heizo, the famous detective from Kansai?" Police Superintendent Henggou seemed to have heard of Hattori Heiji. He said with a shocked look on his face.

"It's me!" Hattori Heiji showed a confident smile.

"Detective Mori, Detective Hanomiya, Detective Hattori...the three famous detectives gathered together, the murderer of this case will definitely not escape justice!" Police Superintendent Henggou looked more and more excited!

"By the way, Detective Hattori just said that the murderer might be someone from inside the hotel?" Officer Henggou had been a police officer for many years and quickly returned to the topic.

"It's very simple. First of all, the body was abandoned in the water tank, and the water tank was on the roof of the building, and there were only two roads leading to the roof."

"The first one is to go through the safety stairs and come up from the door over there." Hattori Heiji pointed to an iron door on the side of the roof:

"The second option is to take the staff elevator directly to the top of the building."

"The door from the security staircase is locked and requires a hotel key to open, while the staff lift requires magnetic card authentication to access."

"So, no matter which way, ordinary guests can't come up."

"That's right! Since the deceased can be moved to the roof, the hotel staff are indeed more suspicious!" Henggou police officer agreed.

"What Hattori said is indeed correct, but in addition to the current employees of the hotel, employees who have resigned, and guests who frequent the hotel also need to be investigated, because these people may meet the conditions for committing crimes." Hanemiya Akira said.

"Well, and the murderer must be very strong!" A childish voice suddenly interrupted the detectives' conversation.

It turned out that Conan had ran to the corpse at some point and was observing the corpse carefully.

"Kid! Why did you come here? This is not a place where children can get close!"

Mouri Kogoro was very accustomed to giving Conan a hard punch on the head, and then picked up Conan's back collar and tried to push him toward Xiaolan.

"I just want to learn how the famous detective Mouri Kogoro handles cases!" Conan explained quickly.

"Oh? Is that so?" Mouri Kogoro's expression softened a little and he put Conan down.

"Well, I'm just learning Uncle Maori's reasoning right now!" Conan pretended to be innocent:

"You see, this water tank is three meters high. The water tank itself has no ladder for climbing. If you want to climb, you can only set up an extra long ladder."

"It may not be a problem for one person to climb such a long ladder, but if a person is to be carried up to the water tank, then the murderer needs to maintain balance while carrying the weight of an adult woman."

"Look, Miss Masako is well-proportioned and tall, and her weight is obviously not light. To transport such a person up the ladder, the murderer must be very strong!"

"That's not necessarily true. It's also possible that the murderer climbed up first and then used a pulley or rope to pull the deceased up to the water tank?" Mouri Kogoro retorted.

"No, if the murderer first came to the top of the water tank and then pulled the deceased up, there would be more or less strangulation marks on the body of the deceased. But I just observed that there are no traces of suspected strangulation marks on the body. Yu Gongming shook his head and said.

"Yes, no traces of strangulation were found during the autopsy just now." The forensic doctor confirmed Yu Gongming's judgment.

"This..." Mouri Kogoro was speechless for a moment.

"So, the murderer is familiar with the hotel and can use the staff elevator or pass through the iron door of the safety stairway without breaking the door lock. He is relatively strong and is probably a male. At the same time, there was no abnormality between 12:30 and 2 o'clock. Someone who was present to testify?" Officer Henggou summarized the suspect's characteristics.

"Judging from the suspected victimization of the deceased, it is more likely that the male is the victim." Akira Hanamiya added.

"Okay! In that case, the forensic officers will continue to investigate the scene and search Miss Masako's room by the way. Others are going to start questioning the relevant personnel!" Officer Henggou ordered loudly. .

"Yes!" A group of police officers responded loudly.


"Masako... I had an ominous premonition when I returned to the room last night and didn't see her. At that time, I comforted myself that maybe she went to sleep with Maye. Who knows..." who is being interrogated. Shibata Shinichi pressed his forehead with his right hand, a look of grief on his face.

"Mr. Shibata, we understand your feelings, but in order to catch the murderer of Miss Masako as soon as possible, please explain when was the last time you saw Miss Masako? By the way, tell me your whereabouts last night." Henggou Police Superintendent Shen vocal channel.

Shinichi Shibata took a deep breath, his expression gradually returned to calm, and he slowly said:

"After dinner yesterday, Masako and I watched TV in the room for a while. After about eleven o'clock, Masako suddenly asked to go to the chess and card room to play cards. I was a little bored at the time, so I decided to go with her."

"We originally wanted to ask Maye to go with us, but Maye said she was too tired and wanted to rest in the room, so Masako and I went to the chess and card room."

"We played cards there until half past twelve. Masako said he was a little sleepy, so he left and went back to the hotel. After that, I played mahjong with Mr. Mori and the others until three o'clock, then returned to the hotel, and then rested , the last time I saw Masako was when she left the chess and card room."

Officer Henggou nodded slightly when he heard this, which was consistent with Mouri Kogoro's testimony.

Later, he ended the interrogation of Shibata and asked the police to summon another companion of Masako Yamazaki, Maya Ito.

"Huh? Miss, why are you wearing a mask?" Police Superintendent Yokomori asked, looking at Maya Ito whose lower half of the face was covered by a white mask.

"I had scars on my face because of a fire, so..." Ito Maya said in a lonely tone.

"Ah! Sorry, let's start asking." Officer Henggou said haha ​​and started the investigation.

After asking for some basic information, Officer Henggou got to the point:

"When was the last time you saw Miss Masako? Please also explain your whereabouts last night."

"I almost stayed in the room watching TV last night. At eleven o'clock, Shinichi and Masako came to me and asked me if I wanted to go to the chess and card room with them. I was tired at the time, so I refused them. After they left , I saw that it was getting late, so I prepared to take a shower and rest, and I went to bed at about 11:30." Maye Ito said.

"Can anyone prove it for you?" Officer Henggou asked.

"No, there is only one person in the room." Maye Ito shook his head.

Later, Officer Henggou asked some more detailed questions, and after finding no doubts, he ended the interrogation.

Afterwards, the police began to interview hotel staff, regular guests who frequently visited the hotel, and hotel personnel about employees who had recently resigned.

Because the deceased died in the early morning, except for those on the night shift, most of the other employees claimed that they were sleeping, and very few people had clear alibi.

As a result, the case has not made substantial progress for the time being.

"Report! There is a new discovery!" A police officer came to report.

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