Hotel security room.

"We checked the hotel surveillance and found a suspicious person." the police reported.

Officer Henggou and Akira Hanomiya, who came with him, watched the surveillance video playback together.

This is the surveillance of the hotel lobby. There is a camera above the counter and above the lobby side. The field of view includes the entire lobby.

The time displayed in the lower right corner of the monitoring screen is 0:38.

Surveillance showed that there was no one else in the lobby except the waiter on duty.

However, dozens of seconds later, a tall woman wearing a black coat, black jeans, sneakers, and a women's casual hat walked into the hotel from outside the hotel door.

"It's Miss Masako!" Xiaolan shouted.

The woman who walked into the hotel was Masako Yamazaki.

Yamazaki Masako came all the way to the elevator, pressed the button to go upstairs, and waited silently.

During this period, a man walked into the hotel and came directly to Yamazaki Masako, seemingly also waiting for the elevator.

"It's that gangster!" Meng Yu said in a condensed voice.

"Huh? Miss Mengyu, do you know him?" Officer Henggou asked.

"Well, this gangster harassed Miss Masako in the garden behind the hotel yesterday afternoon, but I beat him away."

"Oh? Then he came to the hotel late at night and happened to be following Miss Masako. This is very suspicious..." Officer Henggou said, rubbing his chin.

Soon, the elevator door opened and the two of them stepped into the elevator together.

"There is also surveillance in the elevator. I will call it immediately." The police officer who played the surveillance said immediately.

Then, after a while of police operations, the screen on the display switched to the inside of the elevator.

Monitoring time 0:40.

Masako Yamazaki pressed the button for the 10th floor, and the man pressed the button for the 9th floor.

The elevator began to rise. After the man entered the elevator, his eyes glanced at Yamazaki Masako intentionally or unintentionally.

Yamazaki Masako seemed a little nervous and moved as far away from the man as possible.

After reaching the 9th floor, the man got out of the elevator.

As the elevator door closed, everyone could clearly see that Yamazaki Masako breathed a sigh of relief.

After the elevator reached the 10th floor, Masako Yamazaki walked out of the elevator.

"There are other surveillance systems outside the elevator," the police officer said.

"Huh? Why isn't there a surveillance camera? Shouldn't there be surveillance cameras outside the elevators and corridors?" Yu Gongming frowned.

"Well, it's like this, because the security here is relatively good, and nothing has happened before. It would cost a lot of money to install cameras outside the elevators and corridors on each floor. In order to save money, our boss just installed cameras in the lobby and corridors. There is surveillance installed in the elevator." The guard in the surveillance room explained awkwardly.

"Asshole! Aren't you delaying things?" Henggou police officer said angrily.

The guard was too frightened to answer.

"Forget it, did the deceased appear in the elevator again?" Officer Henggou looked at the police officer.

"Well, the deceased didn't appear in the elevator again after that."

"Then..." The police officer continued to operate for a while, then the screen changed and cut back to the hotel lobby again.

Monitoring time: 2:35.

The elevator door opened, and the suspicious man walked out of the elevator door, staggering a little while walking. After a while, the man left the hotel.

"Oh! I remember who this man is!" the hotel guard suddenly shouted.

"Oh? Really?" Police Superintendent Henggou suddenly turned to look at the guard.

"His name is Fukuda Daisuke. He used to be a waiter at the hotel. However, a month ago, he was fired from the hotel because customers reported that he sexually harassed female guests." The guard said.

"There is a history of harassing women, and he is the last person the deceased is suspected of meeting. In addition, he stayed in the hotel during the time of death, and the time he left the hotel was also very strange... It seems that this Futian is suspected of committing a major crime. !" Officer Henggou said solemnly.

"Futian is also a resident of this resort. He lives in..." The hotel guard took the initiative to provide information.

"Okay, go to Futian's residence immediately and summon Futian!" Officer Henggou shouted excitedly.

He seems to have seen the dawn of solving the case!

Yu Gongming frowned slightly, recalling that video, and always felt that something was not quite right.

"Wait a minute, if Futian is the murderer, then why did he get out of the elevator on the 9th floor instead of following Miss Masako to the 10th floor?" Xiaolan asked.

"It's very simple. If this Fukuda is the murderer, as a former hotel waiter, he must know that there is surveillance in the elevator. He first got out of the elevator on the 9th floor, pretending that he just met Miss Masako by chance. Then, he quickly ran to the stairs, from He ran up the stairs to the 10th floor and attacked Miss Masako outside the unmonitored elevator." Mouri Kogoro said with confidence.

When Yu Gongming heard this, his heart moved, he looked at the hotel guard and asked:

"Excuse me, is there any other exit to this hotel besides the main entrance?"

"Yes, you can turn directly to the back door after coming out of the safe stairwell." the guard said.

"No need to go through the lobby?" Yu Gongming asked again.

"No need," the guard said.

Hearing this, Hanemiya Akira, Meng Yu, Hattori Heiji and Conan frowned at the same time.

"What's wrong, Detective Hanomiya?" Officer Henggou asked.

"If according to what Uncle Maori said, he knew there was surveillance in the elevator, so he got out of the elevator from the 9th floor first to confuse his vision, then he knew clearly that there was surveillance in the lobby and could leave the hotel by bypassing the lobby through the safety stairs. He Why did he get out of the elevator and leave from the main entrance in a grand manner under surveillance?" Yu Gongming explained.

"Yes, if he is the murderer, his behavior is somewhat contradictory." Hattori Heiji also agreed with Akira Hanamiya's point of view.

"Maybe he panicked after committing the crime and didn't think much about it?" Mouri Kogoro said smoothly.

"Is that so... Judging from his staggering steps, he is indeed in a panic... However, I always feel that things will not go so smoothly."


Subsequently, the forensic personnel who investigated the scene came to report that the scene had been inspected, and no fingerprints were found, including the murder weapon. Miss Masako's room was also normal, with no financial losses or signs of being tampered with.

"Where's the door lock on the safety staircase?" Akira Yunomiya asked.

"No fingerprints were found there, and there were no signs of the door lock being damaged," the forensic officer added.

"Report, we have checked the identification system of the employee elevator. It was not used after 10 o'clock last night until 6:35 in the morning. The maintenance staff used it at 6:35 when they went up to inspect the water tank." Another police officer came forward. to report the situation.

"Oh? It seems like the murderer probably opened the door through the safety staircase and entered!" Henggou policeman said.

He looked at the guard: "Who keeps the key to the door from the safety staircase to the roof?"

"Oh, that iron door was originally set up as a backup passage to prevent elevator malfunctions. Basically no one uses it. The key is placed in the drawer of my desk."

The guard said, then came to the desk, opened a drawer, rummaged for a while, and took out the key: "This is it."

"Besides this key, are there any other keys?" Officer Henggou asked.

"No more." the guard said.

"Is this drawer always locked?" Superintendent Henggou asked again.

"No, there's nothing important in the drawer, so it's usually not locked."

"So, when you were on duty last night, did anyone suspicious enter the guard room?"

"No one usually comes here, and it was the same last night." The guard shook his head.

"Understood!" Police Inspector Henggou nodded slightly.

At this time, the police reported that Daisuke Fukuda had arrived.

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