Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 98 The case is solved

Police are in the hotel's temporary interrogation room.

Officer Henggou, Yu Miyazaki and others all looked at the man in front of them cautiously.

The man was thin and average-looking. He was wearing a gray short-sleeved shirt and looked unremarkable.

"Are you Daisuke Fukuda?" Officer Henggou asked.

"Yes...yes police officer, why did you bring me here? I didn't commit anything!" Fukuda Daisuke said solemnly.

"Let me ask you, did you come to this hotel last night?" Officer Henggou asked.

"No, I was sleeping at home last night." Daisuke Fukuda immediately shook his head.

"You lied! The hotel surveillance clearly captured you entering the hotel at 0:39!" Officer Henggou shouted.

"This...I have indeed been to the hotel." After hearing this, Daisuke Fukuda immediately changed his words.

"What are you doing here?" Officer Henggou asked.

"Come here to find... a friend..." Daisuke Fukuda stuttered.

"Oh? Which friend is it? Can you ask him to prove your story?" Officer Henggou asked.

"This..." Daisuke Fukuda was speechless for a moment.


Officer Henggou slammed the table, leaned forward, and looked at Daisuke Fukuda coldly:

"Hmph! Editor, keep making it up! Why are you looking for a friend? You obviously followed a woman to the hotel, right!?"

When Daisuke Fukuda heard this, his face suddenly turned pale: "I..."

"Hmph! I think this person has a guilty conscience!" Mouri Kogoro on the side sneered:

"Since you don't want to tell me, let me tell you. You followed a lady all the way to the hotel and took the same elevator with her. Then, you got out of the elevator on the 9th floor, and then ran up the safety stairs to the 10th floor. He waited for an opportunity to attack that woman, right?"

Hearing this, Daisuke Fukuda shook his head suddenly:

"I didn't attack her! She obviously took the initiative..." Halfway through his words, he seemed to realize that he had let something slip, and hurriedly kept silent.

"Oh? From what you just said, you didn't deny that you were following her?" Officer Henggou grasped the key point keenly.

Daisuke Fukuda was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"...Yes, I did follow that woman to the hotel. I was really planning on her. I also knew that there was surveillance in the elevator, so I got out of the elevator from the 9th floor first, and then ran to the 10th floor to prepare for the attack. She took action."

"But when I ran to the 10th floor and quietly followed her, she suddenly turned around, put on a very seductive expression, and said to me, "If you want to get what you want, come to the room with me. ]."

"At that time, I thought she also had that intention, and I was instantly overjoyed. I speeded up my steps and came to her side. She also cooperated and moved her body closer."

"Who knew, she suddenly covered my mouth with something, and then I felt dizzy, and I didn't know anything after that."

"When I woke up, I found myself lying in the corridor on the 10th floor. I recalled it and realized that I had been tricked by that woman."

"I was very angry at the time and wanted to cause trouble for the woman, but I didn't know which room the woman lived in. In desperation, I left the hotel first."

"Humph! What you said is full of loopholes!" Mouri Kogoro said with disdain:

"First of all, it can be seen from the surveillance that Miss Masako was obviously wary of you in the elevator, and even deliberately stayed away from you. Why did she suddenly want to seduce you after reaching the 10th floor?"

"And if, as you said, it was Miss Masako who knocked you unconscious, then why did her body appear in the water tank on the roof?"

"Wha...what? Corpse!? Is she dead!?" Daisuke Fukuda seemed very shocked.

"Hmph! Still pretending! Why did Miss Masako stun you? It was obviously you who knocked Miss Masako out, then violated her, and finally killed her brutally! Throwing her body into the water tank on the roof of the building!" Mouri Kogoro said aggressively.

"No...I didn't kill anyone! Everything I said is true! And...and I can't use the staff elevator, nor can I open the iron door from the safety staircase to the top of the building. If it was me who killed someone, what would I do? Maybe move her body into the water tank?" Futian defended again and again.

"Oh? You don't have the key to that door?" Mouri Kogoro questioned.

"Yes!" Fukuda Daisuke nodded repeatedly.

"Then since you are suspected of committing a major crime, can you please cooperate with us in searching your belongings and home?"

"Of course, but if you want to search my house, you must let me see the search warrant." Daisuke Fukuda said.

"No problem, we will check your belongings first, and then after the search warrant is issued, we will search your home. Before that, you must always be within our sight!"

"Of course!" Daisuke Fukuda agreed readily.

As a result, the police officers began to search Fukuda Daisuke.

"Report! A key was found in Fukuda's pocket, which is very similar to the key to the iron door of the safety staircase!" The police officer took out a key from Fukuda Daisuke's pocket and reported loudly.

"Oh? Hurry, compare it with the key in the guard room... No, just use this key to try and see if you can open the iron door of the safety staircase!" Officer Henggou said excitedly.

"Yes!" The police officer took the key and left quickly.

"This... this is not my thing! I never had this key in my pocket before!" Seeing this, Daisuke Fukuda panicked.

"Hmph! If it's not yours, who else could it be? Could it be the deceased's?" Mouri Kogoro sneered.

"No... no... I really didn't kill anyone! Please believe me!!" Daisuke Fukuda waved his hands and shook his head crazily, explaining loudly.

"Hmph! Unless that key can't open the door to the safety staircase, it's useless no matter how much you say!" Officer Henggou said coldly.

After a while, the police officer ran back and said in an excited voice: "Report! The key successfully opened the iron door of the safety staircase!"

"Haha, Mr. Daisuke Fukuda, do you have anything else to say?" Police Officer Henggou looked at Daisuke Fukuda, who had turned pale face, jokingly.

"No...impossible! It's not me...I didn't kill anyone!" Futian was already a little incoherent.

"Hmph! If you have anything to say, let's talk to the police station and take him away!"

Officer Henggou gave an order, and several police officers stepped forward, handcuffed Futian Daisuke, and took Futian away.

"Wait!" Yu Gongming, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"Oh? Detective Hanomiya, what's wrong?" Officer Henggou looked at Yumiya Akira.

"Officer Henggou, please don't take Mr. Futian away yet. He may have been framed!" Hanemiya Akira said solemnly.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Hanomiya? He even admitted that he was following Miss Masako, and the key was finally found on him. He is the murderer no matter what!" Mouri Kogoro questioned.

"I also agree with Hanomiya's view." Hattori Heiji also said.

"This..." Officer Henggou saw the differences in opinions among the three detectives and suddenly felt at a loss what to do.

He waved his hand subconsciously, asking the police not to take away Daisuke Fukuda for the time being.

"Detective Hanomiya, Detective Hattori, please tell me what you think." Officer Henggou looked at Hanomiya Akira and Hattori Heiji and said.

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