Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 975: Conan who is close to black is black

Karaoke room.

Sonoko and Xiaolan held the microphones and showed off their singing voices with enthusiasm as the music played. Hondo Yingyu clapped his hands in time with the rhythm and looked very excited.

Conan rested his chin on his hand and watched this scene with some boredom.

"It turns out that the so-called option is to sing karaoke..."

Thinking in his heart, he looked around and saw that Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were eating snacks and whispering together, while Xiao Ai ran off to nowhere.

"That Haiyuan guy sneaks away really fast..." Conan muttered, then picked up a bag of snacks and started eating.

As for singing?

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but it was jointly rejected by Yu Gongming, Meng Yu and Xiao Lan.

Just kidding, listening to Xiaolan singing is enjoyable, listening to Yuanzi singing is acceptable, listening to Conan singing...then why come to karaoke?

Later, in addition to Conan, Yu Gongming and Mengyu also went to sing two songs.

"Alas! I haven't sung for a long time, and I'm a little weak at high notes..." Mengyu sighed.

"But she still sang very well!" Xiaolan praised sincerely.

"Indeed, at least it's much better than what Conan and Eiyu sang!" Sonoko also said.

She looked around and wondered, "Huh? Speaking of which, isn't that guy Yingyou back yet? Has he been in the toilet for so long?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of opening the door.

Yuanzi thought it was our hall Yingyou who was back, and immediately said a little dissatisfied: "Hey! Why are you back? The songs you ordered are all here!"

"That..." A strange voice came from the door.

Several people were stunned when they heard the sound and looked towards the door.

A long-faced man wearing a blue vest was looking into the box in confusion.

"Eh? That's weird..." The man's face was full of surprise, and then he turned to look at the door, his expression once again stunned.

"Oh! It turns out I went to the wrong box! I'm really sorry for disturbing you all!" The man said, and hurriedly exited the box.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got out of the box, he was hit hard on the back. His center of gravity was unstable in his haste, and the collision instantly caused him to fall to the ground, letting out a cry of pain.

Everyone in the box, Yu Gongming, heard the sound and came to the door of the box to check with some curiosity.

They saw a dark-skinned, fierce-looking, burly man standing in front of the door of Box 3 where a few people were. Looking at the long-faced man lying on the ground, they almost understood what was going on.

"Little brother, are you okay?" The fierce-looking man spoke first.

When the long-faced man saw the other person's figure, he swallowed back the complaint he was about to say. Instead, he waved his hands with a stern expression and said, "It's okay, I was just too panicked."

The fierce man nodded slightly: "Well, be careful." He said

After finishing, he opened the door and walked into box number four.

The long-faced man got up awkwardly and quickly walked into the second box without stopping.

"You're really reckless, just like that boy from our hall Yingyou..." Yuanzi couldn't help but complain.

"Yuanzi, why do you always feel like you have a problem with this classmate?" Xiaolan asked with some confusion.

Yuanzi snorted: "There are indeed some. I always feel that this guy is just innocent on the surface, but who knows what he is thinking in his heart? Moreover, I always feel that he looks at you, Xiaolan, in a weird way."

"Ah? Weird? Is there any?" Xiaolan was a little confused.

Conan frowned for a moment and asked immediately: "Sister Yuanzi! What do you mean by those weird eyes?"

Sonoko looked at Conan with a playful expression for a moment: "Aha! I forgot about you, Shinichi's little spy! You have to help Shinichi keep an eye on Xiaolan! Maybe that guy in our hall is interested in Xiaolan!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Conan's face gradually darkened.

Xiaolan glanced at Yuanzi helplessly. Her best friend was good at everything, but why didn't she have a good mouth?

She knelt down and gently rubbed Conan's head: "Don't listen to Yuanzi's nonsense. I think she must have misunderstood, and..."

A gentle smile appeared on Xiaolan's lips: "Even if he really has that idea, it is simply impossible to achieve it, isn't it?"

Conan, who had a gloomy face, was instantly dazzled by Xiaolan's smile and nodded instinctively.

Xiaolan carefully adjusted Conan's collar, then stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go back and wait for our classmates!"

Yuanzi looked at Conan, who was still a little dazed, and stared at Xiaolan in disbelief: "Xiaolan, you actually used such a shameless trick on this brat!?"

Xiaolan gave Yuanzi a look: "What a beauty trap! I'm just telling the truth, so that Conan won't be led astray by you!"

"That's what I said is true!" Yuanzi muttered, and suddenly approached Xiaolan with a smirk on his face: "Hey! Just now you said that even if I have the idea in that regard, it is impossible to achieve it. What do you mean? ?”

Xiaolan instantly blushed and turned her head slightly: "It doesn't mean anything. It just means that there is no possibility between me and my classmates."

"Oh? Why are you so sure?" Yuanzi continued to ask.

"Sister Sonoko." Conan's voice sounded faintly: "If you continue to ask, I can only call Brother Kyogoku and tell him that you are crazy about Kaitou Kidd."

Yuanzi's face changed suddenly when he heard this, and he immediately stared at Conan: "What did you say, kid?"

Conan shrugged: "Nothing, I'm just curious about Brother Kyogoku's reaction after knowing this."

"Hey! Kid, don't mess around!" Yuanzi shouted to Conan with some sternness.

She was indeed a little panicked. With Kyogoku's straight character, if he really knew about this, who knows what his reaction would be!

Conan looked unfazed by Yuanzi's threat: "Sister Yuanzi, don't worry about sister Xiaolan. You should take care of yourself first!"

"You little brat!" Yuanzi clenched her fists and gritted her teeth angrily, wanting to punch Conan.

But she was afraid of doing it herself. If Conan actually called Kyogoku Makoto in anger, it would be great fun!

"Don't be angry...don't be like a brat...behave like a daughter of the Suzuki family..." Constantly comforting himself in his heart, Sonoko finally restrained his impulse.

Staring at Conan fiercely, Sonoko turned and returned to the box.

Xiaolan blinked and looked at Conan strangely, wondering: "Conan, when did you become so... so..."

After searching in her mind for a long time, Xiaolan couldn't find a suitable adjective.

Conan chuckled, glanced at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu, who had been watching the show with great interest, and said: "If you stay with these two next to you for a long time, you will inevitably be in trouble if you stay close to them."

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense! That's called Jin Zhu Zhe Chi!" Yu Gongming retorted with a smile.

"You have the nerve to say that you are [Red]?" Conan rolled his eyes, was too lazy to talk to Yu Gongming, and directly pulled Xiaolan back to the box.

Seeing the excitement, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu naturally stopped standing at the door and returned to the box.

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