Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 976 The corpse in Box No. 5


The sound of the box door opening sounded again.

Everyone looked around and saw our hall Yingyou walking in in a hurry.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!" He said apologetically.

"You're finally back... huh? Why do you look so bad?" Yuanzi stared at the face of Hondo Yingyou and asked in confusion.

At this moment, the face of our hall Yingyou is not very good. His expression seems to be frightened, and his face is also a little pale.

"'s okay." Although this was the answer given by Yingyou, his lack of confidence in his voice was not very convincing.

Yuanzi frowned and said, "If you really feel uncomfortable, then let's go home."

Upon hearing this, our hall Yingyou nodded sharply: "Okay! Let's run away now... No, let's go home!"

Several people looked at this hall Yingyou with some suspicion, why did he become like this after going to the toilet?

Ring ring ring——

A phone rang.

"Wow!" Our hall Yingyou was so frightened that he danced and shouted.

Everyone looked at him strangely. Yuanzi sighed and silently picked up the phone on the wall of the box.

"Hey! There are only five minutes left before your appointment. Do you need to extend the time?" the voice from the karaoke front desk sounded.

"Eh? There are only five minutes left?" Yuanzi took out his phone in surprise and found that the time was almost up.

She immediately replied: "No need to extend it, we will go back right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Yuanzi looked at everyone: "The time has arrived, let's go back."

Everyone nodded and started packing their things to leave.

Just as a few people packed up and walked to the door of the box...


A high-decibel scream suddenly sounded.

Almost as a reflex, everyone looked in the direction where the scream came from.

In the corridor in front of the box, I saw the karaoke receptionist standing in front of the door of Box 5, with a look of horror on his face and pointing inside with trembling fingers.

Conan and Akira Hanomiya rushed out instantly!

He came to the door of Box 5 and looked inside.

A fallen man came into view instantly, and more importantly, there was a large amount of blood around the man!

The expressions of both of them changed at the same time!

Yu Gongming immediately looked at the front desk waiter: "Hurry up and call the police and ambulance!"

The waiter still seemed a little unresponsive.

"Go quickly!" Yu Gongming shouted suddenly.

The waiter finally came to his senses and hurried to the nearest phone.

Seeing this, the two of them cautiously entered the scene and began to check the man's vital signs.

If you are still alive, you will need to perform some first aid measures.

Just after a moment, both of them looked a little ugly.

"Not breathing, pupils have dilated." Conan said solemnly.

"The heartbeat and pulse have also stopped." Yu Gongming said.

The two looked at each other and then walked out of Box 5.

"what happened?"

"What was that scream just now?"

Questions came one after another.

Akira Hanomiya motioned to Conan to stay outside the door of Box 5 and stare, and then walked over.

At this moment, except for the No. 3 box where they were before, the guests in the No. 1, 2, and 4 boxes all came out of the box and looked here with puzzled faces.

Yu Gongming glanced at everyone and said calmly: "A body was found in box No. 5. Please don't leave the karaoke hall until the police arrive!"

"What!?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this.


"According to the driver's license on the deceased, the person who was killed was Mr. Tatsumi Shigeba, who was 46 years old. As for the cause of death..." Officer Takagi looked at the forensic doctor.

"Yes! The cause of death was multiple blows to the head with some kind of blunt instrument, and he finally died." The medical examiner briefly introduced.

"Oh? Was he beaten to death?" Officer Memu touched his chin, and then pointed to the suit covering the deceased: "Then this suit..."

"Judging from the blood spots on the suit, it should have been covered by the murderer to avoid getting stained with blood." the forensic doctor replied.

"Is this so..." Officer Megure was thinking about the information he had so far, and another forensics officer called out: "Officer! A miniature camera was found in the deceased's suit pocket!"

"Oh?" Officer Megure looked at the camera in the forensic officer's hand, his eyes immediately lit up, and he shouted: "Chiba!"

"Yes!" Officer Chiba ran over quickly.

"Develop the film out of this camera!"

"Yes!" Officer Chiba immediately took the camera and left.

Officer Megure then turned to look at the karaoke waiter: "So, the one who discovered the body was you, the staff member working at this karaoke OK, right?"

"Yes!" The staff nodded.

"Did the deceased come alone?" Officer Megure asked.

"Yes, he came alone, and he also told me to come and remind him if the people in Box 3 leave." The staff member replied.

"Ah?" Xiaolan and Yuanzi both looked shocked.

Officer Megure also became interested and asked, "Oh? What's going on?"

The staff member said: "He said that he forgot something in box three last time, and asked me to remind him to look for it after the guests leave."

"Then did he say what it was?"

"No." The staff member shook his head.

Conan frowned for a moment, and he tugged on the corner of Yu Gongming's clothes: "Hey! Do you think he is..."

"Don't make preconceptions, continue to follow the progress of the investigation." Yu Gongming calmly replied.

Conan was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

He had already recognized it before. The deceased was the person who had been following them after leaving the bookstore, which was the FBI they speculated.

But now that this person is dead, if he is really the FBI, then the person who was tracked and protected by the FBI - Hondo Yingyou is obviously suspicious, and coupled with his abnormal behavior just now...

However, the identity of the deceased is only their speculation after all. What if this person is not the FBI? Then there may be another hidden meaning in this matter, and more clues are needed. It is true that we cannot prejudge it.

On the other side, Officer Megure continued to ask the staff: "So, after that person came, did anyone leave the karaoke hall?"

The staff shook their heads: "No one left, and there were even new guests."

He looked in the direction of Yu Gongming and everyone: "First, the high school students entered box three, then the deceased entered box five, then the dark-skinned man entered box four, and then the man with the long face Entered the second box, and finally the older man entered the first box, and the order was roughly like this."

Officer Memu immediately looked at everyone with sharp eyes: "So, after the murderer committed the crime, he was still bold enough to stay at the scene?"

Except for Yu Gongming, the person in the box, everyone else's expressions changed suddenly!

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