Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 977 Awkward misunderstanding

"Officer, are you doubting us?" The older man looked at Officer Megure in panic.

Officer Megure naturally thought so, but in order to facilitate communication, he replied: "Of course not, but after all, you came to this karaoke parlor around the time of the incident. To be cautious, we also need to ask you some questions. Question, please tell me your names first.”

"Um, my name is Kyouta Honma." The long-faced man said.

"I am Youyuan Kenshi." The dark-skinned burly man said.

"I...I am Kunio Tamai." The older man was still a little nervous.

"As for us, we don't need any more introductions, right?" Yu Gongming said with a smile. After a pause, he gestured to Bentang Yingyou again: "Oh, by the way, this is Mengyu's classmate Bentang Yingyou." "

Officer Megure's mouth twitched: "Brother Hanomiya, you have appeared at the murder scene again... Recently you have been there more often than Brother Maori. Have you considered going to the temple to worship?"

Yu Gongming said helplessly: "I don't want to encounter such a thing. If the police officer doesn't mind, let's leave now?"

"That's definitely not possible! After all, you are also..." Officer Memu said with a sly expression.

Yu Gongming rolled his eyes: "I know, I know, in order to go back early, we will cooperate."

"Ahem!" Officer Memu coughed heavily and changed the topic to the case again: "Now let's sort out the location of everyone in the box."

"Mr. Tamai is in box number one; Mr. Honma is in box number two; Brother Hanomiya, you are in box number three; Mr. Arimoto and the deceased are in box numbers four and five respectively, right?"

"Yes." The staff nodded.

"Wait a minute!" Officer Takagi seemed to notice something and looked at the staff: "Did you just say that the dark-skinned guests entered the fourth box? That means he is not the only one?"

"Uh, yes, there is another guest besides him." The staff member nodded.

"Is that so? Mr. Arimoto?" Officer Megure asked.

"Yes!" Arimoto Kenshi said, directly opening the door of the fourth box and pointing inside: "No, because I'm not feeling well, I'm lying on the sofa to rest!"

Everyone looked inside and saw a man wearing a sports vest and yellow hair lying on the sofa.

When the man saw the door open and a group of people looking at him, he sat up with some confusion.

"You don't need to get up, there's nothing wrong." Youyuan Kenzhi waved his hand.

"Oh." The man responded and lay down again.

Officer Memu frowned: "Why is this man's voice so hoarse?"

Arimoto Kenshi looked helpless: "I can't help it. I insisted on coming to sing even though I had a cold. Now my voice is even worse. He was always in the box before, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the case."

"But, if no one proves it..." Officer Megure frowned.

"Eh? My classmate, why do you look so ugly all of a sudden?" Xiaolan suddenly looked at our classmate Yingyou, who was staring at Arimoto Kenshi in a panic.

"'s okay!" Bentang Yingyou said it was okay, but his expression became even more panicked.

Yuanzi looked at him suspiciously: "Hey! Could it be that you were the one who killed the person?"

"It's not me!" Bentang Yingyou shouted: "I...I just saw..."

"Huh? What did you see?" Officer Megure's attention was also attracted.

"I..." Our hall Yingyou hesitated: "When I came back from the toilet, I accidentally walked into the wrong box, and then I, I saw those two people..."

He pointed at Arimoto Kenshi with a trembling finger, and then suddenly said loudly: "They were actually kissing on the sofa!!"

"What?" Everyone was shocked!

"This... this..." Officer Megure looked at Arimoto Kenshi with his mouth agape.

But Yuan Kenzhi looked confused: "What's wrong? Why don't you just give me a kiss? Isn't it too exciting for Xiao Maotou?"

"No, it's not, but it's normal for you two grown men to scare people when you do this, right?" Yingyou said weakly.

"What did you say?" Youyuan Kenzhi became angry instantly.

"Well, um, actually I quite understand him, after all..." Officer Memu wanted to smooth things over, but for a while he hesitated to speak.

Then he was greeted by Arimoto Kenshi’s angry look.

At this time, the man who was lying on the sofa came out.

He changed his position and then exhaled: "Asshole! You are so rude! I am a woman...cough!" It seemed that his throat couldn't bear it, and he or she coughed violently.

Everyone was stunned again.

Although the voice is a bit hoarse, it does have the characteristics of a woman.

"She's actually... a woman?" Everyone was a little surprised.

When Yuan Kenzhi saw that his companion kept coughing, he quickly asked her to go back to rest, and then looked at everyone: "She has been working out, so it's not surprising that she admitted her mistake."

"Um, I'm sorry, I'm really rude..." Officer Megure said with an embarrassed look.

"Ahem! Well, let's continue the investigation!" Officer Takagi quickly changed the subject.

"Actually, you can look at the monitor at our counter." The staff raised his hand and said, "You can see who is passing by in the corridor from there."

Officer Memu was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Okay, let's go and have a look."

The staff led Officer Megure to the surveillance camera, and Akira Hanamiya followed him silently. Officer Megure didn't say anything.

Several people began to observe the contents of the monitor.

In the picture, Honma's figure was the first to come out of the box.

"Mr. Honma is the first one, what are you going to do?" Officer Megure looked at Honma.

Honma quickly explained: "I'm going to the toilet! Isn't there a toilet over there in that direction?"

"Hmm..." Officer Megure was noncommittal and continued to look at the screen.

"Next is... my classmate!" Officer Megure looked at Hondo Eiyu who was walking out of the box on the screen.

"I also went to the toilet, and I remember it happened to be when Mr. Honma came out of the toilet."

"Well, yes! We did meet him at that time!" Honma said quickly.

Sure enough, Honma's figure soon reappeared and returned to the box.

Officer Megure nodded and continued to look at the screen: "Next is Mr. Arimoto."

"I also need to go to the toilet." Youyuan said.

"Well, the last one is Mr. Tamai. Are you going to the toilet too?" Officer Megure looked at the last person.

"No, I wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes, but the brand I liked was no longer available, so I had to leave empty-handed." Yujing replied.

After a while, he did come back empty-handed.

Then there was no one on the screen for a period of time.

"Huh? Why hasn't Yingyou come back yet?" Officer Memu was confused.

"I was feeling a little uncomfortable at the time..." Hondo Yingyou explained.

"Then let's fast forward." Officer Megure fast forwarded the screen.

Hondo Yingyou finally appeared.

As he said before, he entered Box 4 by mistake, was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and finally rushed into Box 3 as if running away.

Officer Megu's head was full of black lines: "It's exactly what Yingyou said..."

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