Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 993 Finally got the big deal

"Oh? Why is it impossible? I think this speculation is very reasonable!" Officer Zhongmori said puzzled.

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the door: "Come in and talk."

The door opened, and a guard from the Suzuki Consortium walked into the room.

Everyone looked at him.

The guard looked a little embarrassed and said: "That's right. When Kaitou Kidd appeared, many people rushed towards the display stand. When I was trying to stop the people, I was bumped into by one of the people holding a hamburger. I got stains on my hands. There’s a lot of ketchup on it.”

"Then, when Kaito Kid was about to teleport, I immediately reached out and grabbed his cloak, but he still ran away."

"Are you saying that Kaitou Kid ran away because his hands were stained with ketchup and slipped?" Mouri Kogoro frowned.

"No." Akira Yumiya already understood what the guard meant: "He probably wanted to say that the ketchup on his hand was stained on the cloak of Kaitou Kidd, and this mark was on the cloak of Kaitou Kidd on the roof. Yes.”

"Yes!" The guard nodded repeatedly.

"Look at this," Suzuki Jirokichi pressed the remote control, and the TV in the room immediately started playing the scene of Kaitou Kid on the roof.

And it was shot from the front.

"Please help me tell Consultant Suzuki..." Kaitou Kid's voice sounded.

After the screen played for a while, Suzuki Jirokichi pressed the pause button: "This is it."

Everyone looked at the screen intently.

"Look at that fluttering cloak!" Meng Yu pointed to the left side of the screen and said.

When everyone took a look, they saw a red handprint on the end of the cape fluttering in the wind behind Kaitou Kidd in the picture!

"Are those... traces of ketchup?" Mouri Kogoro's eyes widened: "So the person on the roof is really Kaitou Kidd?"

"It shouldn't be wrong." Suzuki Jirokichi said with a solemn expression: "No matter how powerful he is, he never expected that my guard would just get the ketchup and catch his cloak."

"Is it possible that this guard is also an accomplice of Kaito Kidd?" Mouri Kogoro questioned.

"Even if he is an accomplice, you wouldn't expect to encounter a guy holding a hamburger, right?" Sonoko retorted.

"Maybe the one who took the hamburger is also an accomplice?" Mouri Kogoro continued to insist.

"If you follow this idea, then the TV staff on the roof can also be Kidd's associates. It is very convenient for them to climb over the guardrail. In addition, the staff monitoring the transmitter can also be Kidd's associates. Otherwise, why would Kidd Can you find the transmitter on the high heels?"

Akira Hanomiya looked at Suzuki Jirokichi with a faint smile: "Mr. Jirokichi, what do you think?"

Suzuki Jirokichi waved his hand: "He has been with me for more than ten years. There is no way he can be bribed by Kaitou Kidd. No matter what happens, Kaitou Kidd can never be richer than me!"

"Well, I really can't refute this." Mouri Kogoro said with a sneer on his face.

"It's impossible for Kaitou Kidd to have so many accomplices!" Officer Nakamori also said: "The person who appeared on the roof is Kaitou Kidd himself. This must be some kind of trick!"

"Yes, Kaitou Kidd will not allow so many auxiliary personnel in his magic." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"So, we must figure out his methods." Suzuki Jirokichi suddenly looked at Hanomiya Akira: "Detective Hanomiya, you must be fine, right?"

"Well, well..." Yu Gongming touched his chin, seeming hesitant.

Suzuki Jirokichi waved his hand: "If Detective Hanomiya you can crack the method of Kaitou Kidd, then regardless of whether you can catch Kaitou Kidd in the end, I can give you a reward of 10 million!"

Hearing this, Yu Miyazaki coughed slightly: "To be honest, I do have some ideas, but they still need some verification. Before Kaitou Kidd takes action tomorrow, I will tell you the method. What do you think?"

"No problem! But I still hope that the sooner the better, so that I can make targeted arrangements." Suzuki Jirokichi replied.

"I'll do my best." Yu Gongming smiled.


On the way home.

"Damn it! Why only entrust you and not me? It's so unfair!" Mouri Kogoro looked at Hanemiya Akira with envy and jealousy.

The other people looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Akira Hanomiya smiled: "Maybe it was because I stopped Kaitou Kid from stealing the golden goddess statue last time and managed to get into the eyes of Advisor Suzuki, right?"

"Tch~ I really gave you an advantage! At that time, I almost thought of Kaitou Kidd's plan!" Mouri Kogoro said still unhappy.

Conan chuckled in his heart: "Because Kaito Kidd had no intention of keeping it a secret forever. If you had thought of it at that time, he would have gone to nowhere!"

He turned to look at Hanomiya Akira: "Brother Hanomiya, do you have any clues about Kaitou Kid's teleportation?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "What? You want to get a share of the information from me?"

"How is that possible? I'm just out of curiosity!" Conan was speechless. He had forgotten that this matter already involved a large order of 10 million.

However, Yu Gongming changed the topic: "However, I do have a guess about his method, so I will give you a little hint."

"Oh? Tell me?" Conan immediately became interested.

"Tomorrow, remember to watch the news on the TV station about tonight's incident. You may gain something!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Really?" Conan raised his eyebrows slightly, looking thoughtful.

"Tch~ Conan, don't be fooled by this kid. He must have deliberately misled you!" Mouri Kogoro maliciously speculated.

Yu Gongming was noncommittal.

After a while, Akira Hanomiya arrived at Sanchome and said goodbye to Conan and Moori.


The next evening.

Mouri Kogoro patted the isolation net in front of him and frowned: "Why has the net been pulled up now?"

"And the general public are not allowed in today." Xiaolan seemed a little regretful.

"The broadcast staff of the TV station also blocked the outside, including Uncle Jiroji." Sonoko added.

"It seems that old man Jiroji has really made a big decision this time!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will definitely be able to get in in the end." Conan was not worried at all.

"Oh? Conan boy, what do you mean?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

Sonoko chuckled: "What he probably means is, let me, the second young lady of the Suzuki family, take you in!"

"Eh? Is this really okay?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Of course! Uncle Jiroji will not refuse such a small request!" Sonoko said with confidence.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about." Conan looked around and said quietly: "Not just us, but the people around us can enter."

"Eh? Conan, do you have any clues?" Xiaolan knelt down and looked at Conan curiously. She also slightly tilted her delicate white ears toward him. The meaning was self-evident.

Conan was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, there was suddenly a strange noise coming from around him.

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