Everyone followed the sound.

I saw an object emitting white smoke gradually rising into the sky along a beautiful parabola. After reaching the highest point of the parabola, the object exploded with a "bang" and bursts of white smoke rose.

In the slightly puzzled eyes of everyone, a white parachute slowly fell downwards.

At the bottom of the parachute, there is a small card tied with the cartoon avatar of Kaitou Kidd.

At the sight of the iconic avatar, a commotion broke out in the crowd.

Then, a voice came from the card: "Good night, everyone!"

"It's Kidd-sama's voice!" Sonoko, who is a big fan of Kidd, recognized it immediately.

And there are definitely not a few people like her here. ,

As a result, the commotion gradually turned into enthusiastic cheers!

And the voice from the card continued: "I am Kaitou Kidd. I am really sorry for asking you all to come here."

"Kidd! Kidd!"

Uniform slogans sounded.

However, Kidd's next words stunned the crowd for a moment.

"Please allow me to cancel the magic show tonight."

After being stunned, the crowd became commotion again, with disappointment written all over the faces of countless people.

"how so?"

"Why cancel?"

As if hearing these questions, Kaitou Kidd's voice continued: "Even though I also want to perform magic, but there is no live TV broadcast, and there is no audience in the deserted scene, it really makes me lose interest."

After a pause, Kidd said in a very regretful tone, "Well everyone, we can only meet again next time."


After another burst of smoke, the parachute plummeted and finally hit a mobile team member.

After a brief silence, the crowd erupted again.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

"I came here from get off work early on purpose!"

"It's because you don't let us in, Master Kidd doesn't even want to come!"

"Let us in!"

"Yes! Let us in!"

Later, the slogans became unified, and the voice of "Let us in" became louder and louder.

Meng Yu looked at the excited crowd around her and couldn't help but laugh: "It seems we don't have to trouble Yuanzi anymore!"

"I didn't expect Kaitou Kidd to use this move." Mouri Kogoro clicked his tongue repeatedly.

On the other side, Officer Zhongmori, who was waiting in the isolation net, was in a less wonderful mood.

"Damn it! The situation seems to be a little out of control!"

"Officer!" A police officer ran over and reported: "Someone just saw a man shooting with a strange gun!"

Officer Zhongmori's expression changed: "That must be Kidd. So, he must still be hiding in the crowd, let me find him immediately!"

A group of mobile teams immediately took action.

However, Officer Nakamori, who only wanted to catch Kaitou Kidd, ignored the crowd that was on the verge of an explosion.

Finally, the first person began to try to lift the isolation net.

With the first one comes the second, then the third, the fourth...

Finally, someone talked about a small section of the isolation net and the entire isolation net was lifted!

The restless crowd immediately cheered and rushed in along the gap!

People from other directions also successfully opened the gap one after another, and people from that direction naturally swarmed in.

"Damn it! These guys!" Officer Zhongmori's face suddenly filled with anger.

Suzuki Jirokichi snorted: "It's okay to let them in. Doesn't that Kaitou boy want an audience? Then we'll just give it to him."

Officer Nakamori was about to reply when the intercom rang.

Officer Nakamori answered the intercom.

"What? The TV station wants to broadcast it live? No way!"

"No, we can only approve it now." Suzuki Jiroyoshi on the side said: "If we don't approve it, and Kaitou Kidd doesn't come, won't there be no one for us to arrest?"

"Damn it!" Officer Zhongmori looked unwilling, but he had no choice but to issue the order.

A moment later, the host's image appeared on a nearby outdoor TV: "Hello, viewers, this is Rimai TV. Just now, we have regained the live broadcast permission."

"Now, we have arrived at the rooftop where Kaito Kidd appeared yesterday,"

Xiaolan looked at the TV screen and blinked: "Even the live TV broadcast has been resumed?"

"This is not surprising at all, right? Brother Hanomiya?" Conan looked at Yumiya Akira.

Yu Gongming looked back with a playful look: "It seems that today's news was not in vain."

Conan pushed up his glasses: "Yes, it seems you noticed that when you were watching the replay at Jiroji's house, right?"

"It must be a coincidence, otherwise I wouldn't dare to accept Mr. Suzuki's commission rashly!" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"Hey! Have you cracked Kidd's method?" Mouri Kogoro looked at the two of them suspiciously.

Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "Who knows? After all, that is Kaitou Kidd. Maybe my reasoning is wrong in the first place."

"Mysterious!" Mouri Kogoro muttered and didn't ask any more questions.

Akira Hanomiya glanced at his phone and said to everyone: "Okay, I'm going to have a good chat with Mr. Jirokichi now. Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course I want to go together. I want to see the difference between my reasoning and that of Brother Hanomiya!" Conan was the first to say.

"If Conan goes, then I can only go with him." Xiaolan followed.

"I'll go wherever you go." Meng Yu hugged Yu Gongming's arm and said with a smile.

"Hmph! I want to see if you have really solved Lord Kidd's tricks!" Sonoko said.

"Then, let me, a famous detective, test the reasoning of you two brats!" Mouri Kogoro also said.

Akira Hanamiya was not surprised by everyone's reaction. After nodding slightly, he went to find Suzuki Jirokichi with everyone.


Night falls.

But the crowd's enthusiasm was already running high.

"Consultant Suzuki, I have already told you the method, so whether you can catch Kidd or not depends on the abilities of you and Officer Nakamori." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Of course, as long as there is nothing wrong with the method you mentioned, Detective Hanomiya, then I will definitely make it difficult for Kaitou Kidd to fly!" Suzuki Jirokichi laughed.

"Then, we will just wait for the good news." Yu Gongming said with a smile.


Kuroba Kaito arrived near the Ginza intersection.

Looking at the commotion of the crowd not far away and the live broadcast on the outdoor TV, he nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, everything is ready."

He took out a small communicator from his arms and whispered: "Dad! What do you think?"

"Yes! I have arrived at the scheduled location." The other person replied.

"Okay! Then it will be the same as yesterday..."

"But young master..." The other person hesitated to speak.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Kaito asked confused.

"I... always feel like something is wrong." The other person's tone was a little uncertain.

"Huh?" Kaito frowned immediately.

The person on the other side seemed to hesitate for a while before saying: "I always feel... as if someone has been watching me."

When Kaito heard this, his eyes instantly narrowed!

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