Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 995: Something unexpected happened while it was going on!

eight pm.

"Friends in the audience, now that the moon has gradually risen into the sky, I wonder when the magician under the moonlight will come here?"

The TV host on the roof explained enthusiastically.

"Ah! It's Kidd!" A staff member next to him exclaimed.

The host immediately turned around and looked.

Under the moonlight, a hang glider came from far to near, heading towards the crossroads.

As the hang glider approached, onlookers on the ground also noticed it.

"Lord Kidd is here!"

"Very good!"

Waves of cheers suddenly broke out.

In the eager anticipation of the people, the hang glider finally arrived over the intersection.


Above the hang glider, several police helicopters were circling, and the searchlights focused on the hang glider without exception.

Everyone could clearly see the familiar figure under the hang glider.

"It's Kaitou Kidd!" Officer Zhongmori shouted immediately.

Suzuki Jiroji glanced up and smiled disdainfully: "Didn't you notice the propeller at the tail of the hang glider? I think it must be the same as yesterday, a dummy."

"That Kaitou boy must be hiding in the crowd, waiting for the dummy in the air to detonate and then jump onto the display stand!"

"Oh? Really?" Officer Zhongmori glanced at Kidd in the air again and frowned slightly: "But why do I feel that something is not right?"

As soon as Officer Zhongmori finished speaking, Kidd made a move in the air.

Kidd's figure, which was originally parallel to the ground, was instantly turned ninety degrees, as if standing in the air.

The next moment, Kidd fell downwards with the entire hang glider!

"Wow!" The crowd suddenly exclaimed, and the expressions of Nakamori and Suzuki also changed.


Kaitou Kidd landed on the display stand with great precision, and slightly bent his knees to absorb the impact of his fall.

He raised his head slightly, showed his signature smile, and said loudly: "Good evening everyone, thank you for your enthusiasm for letting me return to this stage!"

"Oh!!!" the crowd responded enthusiastically immediately!

Kaitou Kid nodded slightly and continued: "So. Please enjoy my performance again!"

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you arrest Kidd!" Officer Nakamori not far away yelled at the mobile team surrounding the display stand.

A group of mobile teams finally recovered from the appearance of Kaitou Kidd, and hurriedly rushed to the display stand, trying to catch Kaitou Kidd.

Kidd's expression remained calm when he saw this, and he even smiled at the mobile team member who was about to catch his cloak: "You can catch me, but you must hold it firmly!"

The mobile team member who was originally going to grab the cloak immediately got excited when he heard this and subconsciously retracted his hand.

The other team members also slowed down, obviously hesitating.

The smile on the corner of Kaitou Kidd's mouth grew a little wider: "If you let go while teleporting, you will have no choice but to wander in the cracks of time and space forever."

A group of mobile team members were even more hesitant.

Kidd's eyes flashed with a trace of ridicule, and then he jumped up suddenly!


Pink-white smoke rose up, and the smoke dissipated, leaving no trace of the person.

The display stand also became empty.

The jeweled heels were taken away.

All the mobile team members suddenly looked at each other.

"Asshole! What are you doing standing there? Why don't you look for it quickly!" Officer Zhongmori shouted.

The mobile team was in action again.

After seeing the mobile team getting busy, Officer Zhongmori's originally anxious expression instantly disappeared.

He took out his walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "Are you all ready?"

"Yes! On call at any time!" replied the other party.

"Okay! We must gain something this time!" Officer Zhongmori looked quite confident.

"Oh? There is indeed movement on the roof of the building? Okay, don't act rashly, wait for my order!" Suzuki Jirokichi on the other side also hung up the communication.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "We must catch Kidd this time!"


Kaito quickly put on a black cloak in the smoke and blended into the crowd before the smoke dissipated.

He wanted to take advantage of people's subconscious search for Kaito Kidd's white attire, and then quickly walk through the crowd dressed in black.

In this way, even if someone accidentally saw him and saw him dressed in black, they would subconsciously ignore him.

His white outfit is so popular.

After leaving the crowd and arriving under the building where the TV station staff were, Kaito took out his communicator and asked, "Dad, are you okay there?"

"Yeah." The other person responded.

"Okay." Kaito nodded, and then came to the bottom of a scrolling electronic text.

And there, hanging there, was a very thin fishing line that was easily overlooked.

Kaito fixed the fishing line to his body, then took out a special pistol and issued the first card.

The card hovered for a while, then fell into the crowd and was picked up by one of the girls.

"It's 3!" the girl shouted excitedly.

And Kaito's figure began to rise upwards with the scrolling text!

And that black outfit made him perfectly blend into the black background behind the text.

The moment his figure began to rise, he fired a second shot!

The card was picked up, causing another commotion.

"Okay! Next is 1!" The sidecar fired the third shot.

According to his calculations, if the card fell to the ground and was picked up by the crowd, he would just be able to reach the top of the building.

So far, so good.

However, there was not much pride on Kaito's face.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the roof above.

There was nothing strange on the roof.

"Strange, am I overthinking it..." Kaito muttered in his heart, and then turned his head again.

The next moment, his expression changed instantly, and he shouted loudly: "Quick! Throw the heavy object away!"


The crowd suddenly heard a strange noise and turned their heads following the sound.

"Eh? What was that sound just now?"

"It seems like something fell."

"Hey! Why are all the police gathered there?"

Looking at the police on the ground, Kaito's expression became a little serious.

There was a curtain where the police gathered.

And his companions are now hiding behind the curtain!

This is the secret of magic.

With a simple pulley, let the accomplices lurk on the roof in advance, and then use the pulley to quickly go up and down the stairs.

The only difficulty is that the goal of two people going up and down the stairs is not small, and they must divert the attention of the crowd.

So, there were the screaming viewers, the TV crew, the three cards, and the building that could be hidden.

The surging crowd will cover up any movement.

However, the place where my companions are about to land is already surrounded by police!

Kaito looked upward again.

Heads popped up one after another.

That's Suzuki Jirokichi's guard!

The flashlights were shining straight down one after another, and even Kaitou Kidd, dressed in black, could no longer hide!

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