The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

Kamiya Minazuki, Gin, Vodka and Vermouth have sneaked into the outskirts of Sindorra Manor.

The security personnel inside Sindorra Manor are patrolling the manor with guns.

Vermouth said: "At midnight, these security personnel will change shifts. The security personnel inside the manor villa and the security personnel outside the villa will change shifts. In other words, for a period of time, some of the security personnel in the villa will appear outside the villa.

At this time, if we can trigger the villa's defense mechanism and stop these security personnel outside the villa, if we successfully invade the villa, the obstacles we encounter will be much smaller."

Gin glanced at his watch. It is now 23:30, and there is still half an hour for the security personnel to change shifts.

Gin said to Kamiya Minetsuki: "Golden Barley, when the security personnel change shifts, you directly use heavy weapons to attack the villa, trigger the villa's defense mechanism, and prevent those security personnel from entering the villa."


After explaining Kamiya Minetsuki, Gin ordered the organization members through the headset: "When the explosion sounded at Sindora Manor, everyone move, the helicopter will directly fire at Sindora Manor, and the sniper will pay attention to our position and cover us to enter the villa!"

Kamiya Minetsuki, who started to prepare, took out a rocket launcher from somewhere.

This is the MK-153 rocket launcher.

It is easy to operate, with high accuracy, range, and power. It can be said to be a good weapon that must be used at home.

The most important thing is that this rocket launcher has no recoil.

Even Kamiya Minetsuki, who is now strong and healthy, will have bruises on his shoulders after using some rocket launchers with large recoil.

Vermouth and Vodka stared at Kamiya Minetsuki, not missing any details, just to find out where Kamiya Minetsuki hid the weapon.

Logically, how could such a large object be hidden on the body without any flaws.

However, even if Vermouth and Vodka stared with bloodshot eyes, they could not find any flaws.

Gin was not interested in Kamiya Minetsuki's magic tricks at all, he only cared about Kamiya Minetsuki's firepower.

After taking out the bazooka, Kamiya Minetsuki took out four more rockets.

"Hey, Vodka, since you are going to set off fireworks, let me set them off directly. When I finish firing one, you can help me load the second rocket."

"Ah? But one rocket should be enough to trigger the villa's defense mechanism, right?" Vodka glanced at his elder brother Gin. He couldn't make up his mind, and he didn't want to help Kamiya Minetsuki.

Gin thought for a while and said, "Vodka, you help Golden Ale, it would be better if it can be more chaotic. Golden Ale, I will only let you fire four rockets at most. There is no time to waste with them here. The remaining three rockets will be fired directly at the crowd!"

Kamiya Minazuki agreed with a smile: "No problem!"

Kamiya Minazuki loaded a rocket into the bazooka, put the bazooka on his shoulder, knelt on one knee on the ground, and locked the villa building through the optical sight on the bazooka.

And Vodka reluctantly picked up a rocket and stood behind Kamiya Minazuki to prepare.

He just wanted to help his big brother!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone was waiting for the manor security personnel to change shifts.

Finally, the time came to 12:00.

The door of the Sindor Manor Villa opened, and a team of security personnel walked out.

Kamiya Minazuki put his finger on the trigger.

Gin announced in a cold voice: "Everyone get ready."

When the last security guard walked out of the villa, before Gin gave any orders, Kamiya Minatsuki had already pulled the trigger.

The rocket was accompanied by white smoke and shot towards the villa.

The moment the rocket touched the villa and exploded, a thunderous sound rang out, the villa was ablaze, and the alarm sounded.

The villa's defense mechanism was activated, and the entire villa was covered with special steel.

At the same time.

Two helicopters appeared above the Sindor villa, and the machine guns on the helicopters fired at the bottom.

"Hurry up! Vodka load the bullet!"

Kamiya Minatsuki, who was now completely excited, urged Vodka.

After Vodka quickly loaded the rocket in his hand into the rocket launcher on Kamiya Minatsuki's shoulder, he picked up another rocket on the ground and prepared.

Kamiya Minatsuki aimed the rocket launcher at the bottom and was suddenly attacked.

The crowd was in chaos due to the attack.

At this time, Kamiya Minatsuki's adrenaline surged because of excitement.

"I have to shout now..."

"Explosion is art!"

The rocket flew directly towards the crowd and exploded in the crowd, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Vodka quickly loaded the third and fourth rockets.

Kamiya Minatsuki pulled the trigger twice again, and the rockets blew up the security personnel in the villa.

"Vodka, hurry up! What are you dawdling about! Load the bullets!"

Vodka had nothing in his hands, how could he have rockets now.

Gin urged: "Stop playing, let's go!"

Kamiya Minatsuki was already in high spirits, and he didn't want to leave, pretending to take out a new rocket.

Gin, who knew that Kamiya Minatsuki was going to go crazy again, grabbed Kamiya Minatsuki's right arm and called Vodka.

Vodka understood and grabbed Kamiya Minatsuki's left arm, and he and Gin carried Kamiya Minatsuki to the villa.

"Let me hit him again! Just one shot!"

Gin and Vodka pretended not to hear and continued to carry Kamiya Minatsuki to the villa.

After the four of them arrived outside the villa protected by special steel.

Kamiya Minatsuki also regained some calmness, but was still savoring the feeling just now in his mind.

It's much better than smoking and drinking.

Gin said to Kamiya Minatsuki: "Behind this is the gate of the villa, Golden Ale, melt it with thermite bullets!"

Kamiya Minatsuki had two cylindrical thermite bullets in his hand.

Then Kamiya Minatsuki took out a pair of tactical goggles and put them on his eyes slowly.

Vermouth, Gin and Vodka also quickly put on their tactical goggles.

Instantly, the light of 3000° high temperature flames.

If you look directly at it, you will go blind.

Even if you close your eyes, your eyes will be in trouble.

After Kamiya Minetsuki was ready, he placed the two thermite bombs on the palms of his hands, then pressed his hands hard in the middle, triggered it and threw it on the edge of the steel plate.

Then Kamiya Minetsuki trotted away.

Vermouth, Gin and Vodka followed Kamiya Minetsuki.

The two thermite bombs instantly burst into a blinding light.

The special steel plate burned red under the high temperature of the thermite bomb, and the steel plate that was directly burned turned into liquid dripping.

Kamiya Minetsuki, who felt that it was almost done, took out another grenade and threw it over.

The explosion sounded.

The steel plate that turned into liquid directly blew a hole.

After waiting for the fire to subside, Gin commanded:

"Go! Enter the villa!"

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