The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Sindorra Manor.

The organization members are fighting with the security personnel in Sindorra Manor.

Some security personnel who want to get close to Kamiya Minetsuki and the other four were shot dead by the organization's snipers one by one.

Kamiya Minetsuki melted the special steel protecting the villa with thermite bombs, and then blew a hole big enough to pass through with the bomb.

Gin commanded Kamiya Minetsuki, Vodka and Vermouth to enter the villa through this hole.

Then when Gin was the first to step into the hole, he immediately retreated.

Because although most of the security personnel are now outside the villa, it does not mean that there is no one in the villa.

As soon as Gin stepped into the hole, he was hit by fierce firepower.

Gin took out two flashbangs and said, "I'll count to three, let's go in together!"


When he counted to two, Gin pulled out the pins of the flashbangs and threw them into the cave entrance one on the left and one on the right.


Gin, Vodka, Kamiya Minatsuki and Vermouth entered the cave entrance together.

Gin and Vodka attacked the left, Kamiya Minatsuki and Vermouth attacked the right.

Gin and Vodka fired with submachine guns.

Kamiya Minatsuki, holding an M1216 combat shotgun with a total capacity of 16 rounds, slid and approached the security personnel in a low posture, and kept pulling the trigger and shooting at close range.

Vermouth covered Kamiya Minatsuki with a pistol.

Kamiya Minatsuki, holding a shotgun, could take out at least one person with one shot. After all the 16 shotguns were fired, there was no one left standing in front of Kamiya Minatsuki.

Then Kamiya Minetsuki reloaded the shotgun and fired another shot at each of the corpses to prevent them from faking death.

Gin and Vodka on the other side also dealt with the security guards on the other side.

Kamiya Minetsuki walked to Belmode and glanced at the pistol in her hand.

"Tsk, a toy."

Kamiya Minetsuki replaced the magazine of the shotgun, took out another magazine, and stuffed it into Belmode's hand.

"Here, I'm not as stingy as you, I'll lend it to you to play with."

Belmode looked at the shotgun that was forced into her hand, and the veins on her forehead bulged.


Can't she afford a shotgun?

She is a lady, and ladies must be elegant!

What does it look like to hold a shotgun?

Gin asked Belmode: "Belmode, what should we do next?"

Belmode took out a map, which was the architectural map of the villa.

After Vermouth made a comparison, he pointed in a direction and said, "Go there."

Under Vermouth's guidance, the four encountered the first password door made of special steel.

Gin, Vodka and Vermouth all looked at Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki once again had a thermite bomb in his hand, and shook his head and said, "What will you do without me?"

Vodka complained in his heart.

Left you?

I'll go to the bar to celebrate for three days!

After Kamiya Minetsuki triggered the thermite bomb and threw it to the door, the four hid in the corner.

After feeling that it was about the same, Kamiya Minetsuki threw a grenade in the same way and blew the door open.

On the other side of the door, there were also security guards guarding, and they began to fire fiercely at the position of Kamiya Minetsuki and the other four.

The four cooperated and dealt with all the security personnel. After a few steps, there was another password door. After blowing up the password door, there were security personnel again.

After repeated many times, the four people became more and more familiar with the route.

And Vermouth suddenly got the pleasure of the shotgun.

With one shot, even if the opponent was wearing a bulletproof vest, the powerful impact would not kill him or leave him disabled.

It is much more useful than a pistol.

The four finally came to the entrance to the underground.

After blowing up the underground entrance, they successfully entered the underground location where the server of Sindorak Company was stored.

Gin opened the black briefcase he carried with him, which contained a computer.

After connecting the computer to the server with a data cable, he began to read the data in the server.

The security personnel of the villa were gathering at the underground entrance in an endless stream, trying to enter the underground entrance to prevent the four from stealing the server data of Sindorak Company.

Gin looked at the computer and said to the three people, "It will take at least 30 minutes to read the server data. Let's guard the intersection and wait for the data to be read!"

Kamiya Minazuki rushed to the entrance first and first dealt with several security guards who had already entered.

personnel, then took out the Type 41 flamethrower and pointed the flamethrower tube at the entrance.

"Ahahaha, it's time for me to show my prowess! I'll give you a barbecue set!"

Fierce flames spurted out from the flamethrower tube, forcing the security personnel who were about to come in, and the security personnel closest to the entrance were directly burned into firemen.

It's just that the Type 41 flamethrower is cool, but continuous spraying can only last for ten seconds.

After the fuel ran out, Kamiya Minazuki threw the flamethrower aside.

"Don't be impatient, this is just the beginning!"

Kamiya Minazuki took out the MK-153 rocket launcher again.

But the rocket loaded this time is not an ordinary rocket.

It's a burning rocket.

When it explodes, it will spray incendiary agents all around. Although the temperature is not as high as that of thermite bombs, it is not something that people can bear.

Kamiya Minatsuki leaned half of his body out of the entrance, and aimed the rocket launcher at the security personnel who retreated because of the flames.

"Hey, the little missile is coming~"

After pulling the trigger and launching the rocket, Kamiya Minatsuki quickly retracted half of his body.

After the huge explosion, a burst of flames rushed in from the underground entrance.

If Kamiya Minatsuki didn't retract, the half of his body that was sticking out might be burnt.

Gin, Vodka and Vermouth had silently put down their guns.

Although Gin had seen Kamiya Minatsuki's firepower, he was still shocked to see it again.

Vodka and Vermouth were already stunned and stunned.

It was not their turn to intervene.

Now Kamiya Minatsuki was playing more and more excited. The flames outside were raging and he couldn't lean out, so Kamiya Minatsuki threw grenades outside.

There was only one entrance, and only ghosts could get in!

With Kamiya Minetsuki here, there is no need to worry about someone rushing in.

Gin returned to the computer.

After more than ten minutes.

The progress bar has reached 59%.

Suddenly, Cohen's voice came from Gin's headphones.

"Gin, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces have been dispatched, how long will it take you?"

"Can you hold out for 15 minutes?"

"The main force of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces has not arrived yet, 15 minutes is basically enough, but it is also the limit!"

"Got it."


Gin lit a cigarette comfortably and glanced at Kamiya Minetsuki who was laughing wildly over there.

Now they are the safest, just waiting for the data to be read.

Kamiya Minetsuki saw Gin smoking, and his urge to smoke suddenly came: "Hey, I can't free my hands now! Who of you can light a cigarette for me quickly!"

Gin and Vermouth looked at Vodka at the same time.

Vodka's face turned black.

Why is it his turn to do this? !

Vodka reluctantly lit a cigarette for Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki, holding a cigarette, instantly doubled his firepower. Even though there was no one outside, he continued to fire.

Anyway, the organization will reimburse him, so he can enjoy it to his heart's content.

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