The old man was in trouble.

Reiji Himuro now feels something is wrong, very wrong.

The newspapers did not report anything about what happened yesterday between Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minetsuki.

He went to a lawyer to sue Kamiya Minetsuki for attempted murder and Maori Kogoro for being an accomplice, but no law firm accepted the case.

Reiji Himuro suddenly thought of a TV series he had watched before.

The lawless rich second generation, who has everything in Tokyo, can kill anyone he wants, unscrupulously and wildly.

Reiji Himuro knows Maori Kogoro's background clearly.

He used to be a policeman, now a detective, has a daughter in high school, and an estranged wife who runs a law firm.

Then the problem comes to Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki, this guy, gives Himuro Reiji the impression of being lawless.

In front of so many people, he wanted to throw him out of the seventh floor.

After being stopped, he even wanted to strangle him to death.

And the most terrifying thing is that Kamiya Minetsuki kept smiling the whole time.

Even when the police came and were about to handcuff him, Kamiya Minetsuki was still smiling, and even lit a cigarette, looking like you try to catch me.

Then there was a group of people who came later. The guy who led the group didn't know what he showed to the officer named Takagi. Officer Takagi directly said that it was a misunderstanding and Kamiya Minetsuki was fine.

Himuro Reiji was crazy and came to a conclusion.

The group of people who came later might be from a certain consortium, and Kamiya Minetsuki was the heir of a certain consortium!

Himuro Reiji's expression suddenly became horrified.

In this country, the consortium is a very terrifying existence.

However, Himuro Reiji's understanding of the consortium is limited to TV dramas.

After all, the consortiums in TV dramas are all bad guys, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil, and they can also let official agencies help them get away with it.

Although Himuro Reiji is a vicious gangster who robbed a bank, the robbery was not successful, and he was in prison for so many years.

He was finally released, and he planned to take revenge on Numao Shingo and Maori Kogoro, and then go to enjoy life.

If this provokes the consortium, there will really be no way out.

It seems that no one can block information like this except the consortium.

And looking at Kamiya Minatsuki's look, he really intends to kill him.

Himuro Reiji, who succeeded in his own imagination, has firmly believed that Kamiya Minatsuki is the heir of a consortium.

Himuro Reiji looked around nervously.

After he figured out everything, he always felt that someone was watching him.

Maybe Kamiya Minatsuki hired a killer to kill him.

Himuro Reiji shuddered and blended into the crowd. The flow of people gave him a sense of security.


"Oh, so sensitive? He sensed our presence."

Kamiya Minatsuki leaned against the wall, looking at Himuro Reiji who blended into the crowd in surprise.

And Obara Yuto and Sawakuri Isao, who was wearing a hat, stayed on the left and right sides of Kamiya Minatsuki.

Sawakuri Isao looked a little excited: "Brother Kamiya, how do we do the hunting game?"

"Let me think about it~"

Kamiya Tsuyu exhaled a puff of smoke and showed a nasty smile: "I plan to make him experience the ultimate fear, the fear of being isolated and helpless!"

After Kamiya Minatsuki told his plan, the three of them split into three groups and started to act.

Sawakuri Isao took the lead and followed Himuro Reiji into the crowd.


Himuro Reiji, who was in the crowd, planned to blend into the crowd to go to the subway station and then go home quickly.

With so many people around him, Kamiya Minetsuki should not be able to find him.

Suddenly, Himuro Reiji felt a sharp pain in his waist, as if he was hit hard by a fist, and fell to the ground.

Because there were too many people around, Himuro Reiji did not see who did it.

Himuro Reiji roared: "Who! Who hit me!"

However, no one stopped for this reason, and pedestrians passed by Himuro Reiji indifferently.

There were even a few feet stepping on Himuro Reiji because there were too many people.

Himuro Reiji endured the pain in his waist, walked through the crowd, and came to a corner of an apartment.

Himuro Reiji lifted his clothes and looked at his waist. A purple-black bruise appeared at the waist.

He pressed it with his fingers, "hiss!", Himuro Reiji grimaced in pain.

At this moment, Himuro Reiji seemed to sense something and looked up.

When he looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A cement board fell from the sky and hit Himuro Reiji directly.

Himuro Reiji jumped forward and dodged the cement board.

"Damn it!"

The furious Himuro Reiji rushed directly into the apartment and ran to the rooftop of the apartment.

At the corner of a staircase, Himuro Reiji's neck was suddenly pressed down and pressed against the wall.

Just when Himuro Reiji turned his head to see who it was, a knife was nailed to the wall.

A gloomy voice came from Himuro Reiji's ear: "This is just the beginning..."

Then Himuro Reiji was thrown out and rolled down the stairs.

"Ouch... Ouch..."

Himuro Reiji screamed in pain all over his body.

After a long while, Himuro Reiji recovered and sat up from the ground.

Then the guy who attacked him was gone.

Reiji Himuro began to tremble all over, and murmured in horror: "It must be him, it must be Kamiya Minatsuki! It must be someone he is looking for! He wants to kill me!"

Reiji Himuro ignored the pain in his body and ran out of the apartment.


In a pub.

Ohara Yuto and Sawakuri Isao came to the pub and found Kamiya Minatsuki who was drinking.

"Hey, you're here."

Ohara Yuto and Sawakuri Isao sat next to Kamiya Minatsuki and reported: "I just gave that guy some appetizers."

"Okay, then wait a little longer, let him relax, and then set off."

Kamiya Minatsuki put a tablet on the table.

A map was displayed on the screen of the tablet, and there was a red dot on the map.

This red dot was where Reiji Himuro was.

Sawakuri Isao punched Reiji Himuro on the kidney and put a location tracker in Reiji Himuro's pocket.

"Huh? I didn't expect this guy to have such a low mental endurance. He ran straight to the Metropolitan Police Department, faster than I thought."

Kamiya Minatsuki looked at Himuro Reiji's position on the display screen in surprise, and found that Himuro Reiji was almost at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Himuro Reiji looked at the Metropolitan Police Department in front of him breathlessly.

Himuro Reiji thought of the way to survive, which was the Metropolitan Police Department.

If the news doesn't report it and the law firm doesn't accept the commission, the Metropolitan Police Department will always pay attention to him, right?

As soon as Himuro Reiji entered the Metropolitan Police Department, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Help! Someone is trying to murder me!"

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