In order to avoid being chased, Reiji Himuro rushed into the Metropolitan Police Department and shouted for help, saying someone was trying to murder him.

After a while, Officer Sato came over and took Reiji Himuro to the interrogation room.

Officers Megure and Takagi also came to the interrogation room.

After Reiji Himuro came to the interrogation room, he relaxed all of a sudden.

He thought that even if Minatsuki Kamiya was so rampant, it was impossible for him to do it in the Metropolitan Police Department, right?

Officer Sato frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Reiji Himuro said unhappily, "What do you mean what's wrong? I was almost killed by Kamiya Minetsuki just now! I came to report the case!"

"What?! This is impossible!"

Officers Sato, Takagi and Megure were in disbelief.

Although they were scolded by Kamiya Minetsuki yesterday, they still didn't believe that Kamiya Minetsuki, a detective and a disciple of Maori Kogoro, killed people.

However, as an assistant of the Japanese Public Security Bureau, Kamiya Minetsuki might use violence to intimidate.

After all, this is how the Japanese Public Security Bureau sometimes works.

Reiji Himuro retorted, "What's impossible! Look at the bruises on my body, especially the kidneys, they are starting to turn black! And the other party hit me with a stone slab from the rooftop and threatened me with a knife, and said that this is just the beginning!"

Reiji Himuro lifted his clothes and showed the bruises on his body.

Officer Takagi asked seriously, "Are you sure it was Mr. Kamiya who attacked you?"

Reiji Himuro said excitedly, "If not him, who else could it be? He threatened to kill me yesterday. As the heir to the consortium, it would be easy for him to hire a few assassins to kill me, wouldn't it?!"

"Ah? The heir to the consortium?"

Officers Sato, Takagi and Megure were all confused.

When did Kamiya Minatsuki become the heir to the consortium? They have had a lot of dealings with Kamiya Minatsuki. How come they didn't know?

Reiji Himuro is now determined to stay in the Metropolitan Police Department: "Anyway, if you don't arrest Kamiya Minatsuki, I won't go anywhere and will stay in the Metropolitan Police Department. It's not like I haven't lived there before. When Kamiya Minatsuki is arrested, I will leave!"

Officers Sato, Takagi and Megure left the interrogation room.

Officer Takagi asked in a tricky way: "What should we do now? It seems that Himuro Reiji is determined to stay here."

Officer Megure thought for a while and said: "But looking at Himuro Reiji's injuries, we can't fake it. Let's first ask Kamiya Minatsuki where he is."

Officer Takagi called Kamiya Minatsuki and turned on the speaker.

Kamiya Minatsuki's weird voice came: "Hey, isn't this our police officer? What's wrong, police officer? Do you think I was the one who killed Numao Shingo, so you are going to arrest me?"

Officer Takagi laughed dryly: "Of course not, Mr. Kamiya, just now Himuro Reiji came to the Metropolitan Police Department to report that he was attacked, and the person who attacked him was you."

Kamiya Minatsuki continued to say in a weird voice: "Oh, you are now suspecting me, an ordinary person who is not even a suspect, and you are going to suspect me of guilt? It's really Japanese Good policeman.

Since you believe Himuro Reiji so much, why did you call? Just come and arrest me. I have been in the izakaya the whole time and have not moved my butt. The surveillance camera has been filming me all the time.

Come quickly, I will wait for you. Let everyone see what a policeman with a robbery history looks like who does not doubt the people who betrayed his companions but suspects a righteous detective. "

Hearing Kamiya Minatsuki's words, Officer Takagi, Officer Sato and Officer Megure's faces turned black.

Especially Officer Megure, his face was about to turn blue.

Because Kamiya Minatsuki's words, 'You are now suspecting me, an ordinary person who is not even a suspect, and you are going to suspect me of guilt?', are what he said to Maori Kogoro yesterday.

Officer Takagi hung up the phone and sighed, "It seems that Mr. Kamiya is very dissatisfied with us now."

Officer Sato frowned and said, "Since Mr. Kamiya is still in the pub and there is surveillance evidence, it is not Mr. Kamiya who did it, and Mr. Kamiya is not the heir of the consortium at all, but the injuries on Himuro Reiji's body cannot be faked."

Officer Takagi guessed, "Could it be that Himuro Reiji wanted to frame Mr. Kamiya, so he hurt himself?"

Officer Sato was a little skeptical: "Would someone hurt himself to that extent in order to frame someone else?


“Well, since Kamiya Minetsuki has an alibi, it’s not him who beat Himuro Reiji, so we’ll focus on Numao Shingo’s case first. We, the police, must solve this case as soon as possible!

As for Himuro Reiji, if he wants to stay here, let him stay. We can just keep an eye on him! "

Inspector Megure, who was provoked yesterday and now, was also holding his breath.

As a police force, they did rely on the famous detective Maori Kogoro to solve many cases. Although the outside world also had some bad comments about their Metropolitan Police Department, they did not directly attack them like Kamiya Minatsuki.

Now Kamiya Minatsuki has lifted their fig leaf, so Inspector Megure wants to fight for his pride and not rely on the detective, so the police will solve the case.


Conan is also at the Kitabu Department Store, investigating this incident.

For Conan, time is running out, because Kamiya Minatsuki didn't even come to the office for breakfast this morning.

I went to Kamiya Minatsuki's office to look for her, but I found that she was gone.

Maybe Kamiya Minatsuki is now looking for Himuro Reiji went.

According to Conan's understanding of Kamiya Minetsuki, since it is a hunt, there will definitely be a chase, that is, Himuro Reiji will not die immediately.

So there is still some time now.

Conan came to the staircase where he found Himuro Reiji yesterday and looked out the window.

In Conan's field of vision, he saw the coffee shop where they had dinner yesterday.

But even if Himuro Reiji happened to see them at that time, the distance was too far and he couldn't see it clearly.

So, Himuro Reiji had been monitoring Maori Kogoro from the beginning.

Conan happened to see a surveillance camera on the stairs, and maybe he could find out something in it, so he called Officer Takagi and asked Officer Takagi to help.

"Hey, Conan, didn't Mr. Maori come with you?" When Officer Takagi arrived, he found that Conan was the only one, and asked curiously.

Conan said casually: "Uncle just thought of something else, so he went to investigate. "

Officer Takagi asked quietly: "Is Mr. Kamiya here?"

Conan asked in confusion: "Brother Kamiya is not here, what's wrong?"

Officer Takagi explained: "Not long ago, Himuro Reiji came to the Metropolitan Police Department to report that Mr. Kamiya attacked him. We called Mr. Kamiya, but Mr. Kamiya had an alibi, and then we were scolded by Mr. Kamiya, and Officer Megure was very angry."

Conan said solemnly: "Has Himuro Reiji been attacked?"

Officer Takagi said in surprise: "Huh? Conan, do you know?"

Conan immediately pretended to be confused and said: "I don't know, so where is Himuro Reiji now?"

Officer Takagi sighed: "Now he is staying in the Metropolitan Police Department and he said that he will not leave the Metropolitan Police Department unless Mr. Kamiya is caught."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief. At least Himuro Reiji is in the Metropolitan Police Department, so he should be safe... right?

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