Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 999 Just Nodding

The next day, Chi Fei woke up early in the morning, stood in the kitchen and looked at the soaked soybeans, considered for a while between "eating fried dough sticks and soy milk" and "eating Xiaolongbao", and chose to do both, and he did. Not a lot.

After eating, Chi Feichi didn't jump off the building again, packed his breakfast, and took the elevator downstairs honestly.

One was sent to Takatori Yano, and two were sent to the No. 119 training ground, and the rice cooker was used to keep it warm. By the way, an email was sent to the gin and vodka, so that the two of them could pick up breakfast if they wanted to.

The rest was brought to Shinide Hospital for Shinde Tomoaki, the old lady, and Homoto Hikaru.

Feeding makes people feel good.

After ten o'clock in the morning, gin and vodka arrived at the No. 119 training ground, opened the door with fingerprints, went to the living room to get food, and had breakfast when others were eating lunch.

Vodka started to eat without thinking, "Brother, the food made by Lak is still so delicious. After the busy time, do you want to go to the mountain to barbecue again?"

Gin waited for the vodka to take two sips, and only after confirming the signs of vodka poisoning did he prepare to do it, "The one said that Lark has been jumping off a building recently..."

So how big is Vodka's heart to stuff food into his mouth without even thinking about it?

Even if Vodka didn't know about Belmod's poisoning and that Pisk nearly went crazy before his death, he should have a little bit of basic vigilance.

Vodka was not on guard against Chi Feichi, with a confused face, "jump, jump off a building?"

"Who knows what's going on with him," Gin Jiu lowered his head and ate. "That one just wanted to know if there was anything unusual about him recently. I didn't ask too much."

Vodka nodded thoughtfully, "Then I have time to ask him..."

Gin looked up at Vodka, his eyes were cold, "Don't worry about it!"

The vodka almost choked him, he finally swallowed the soy milk in his mouth, and nodded in a daze. It was another day of being raped by the elder brother. Although he didn't understand why he was being raped, he was used to it, so just nodded, " OK, brother..."

Gin then withdrew his gaze and continued eating.

If you ask a snake spirit patient "Why did you jump off the building", you may get a confusing answer. That person should have realized that he is afraid that the vodka will be abducted, which will be very troublesome and will affect his work.

But to ask a snake-spirited person who does not admit that he is a snake-spirited disease, hides his thoughts deeply, and develops from time to time without symptoms, "Why did you jump off the building?"...

The other person might think – ‘Does he think I’m abnormal? How can I be abnormal? He misunderstood me and insulted me just like those doctors'.

Then if something goes wrong, it will be even more troublesome.

All in all, it's best not to ask.

He's been a little bored recently, but he doesn't want to have to deal with troublesome things that can't be cured and have no consequences because of boredom.

However, what Vodka said about going to kebabs another day can be considered.


Didan High School.

Chi Feichi and Shinde Zhiming came out of the principal's office and decided to have lunch outside the school first.

Although the summer vacation was only at the end of August two days ago, and today is the school day on June 21, God arranged that today is the school day, so today is the school day.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and the students in the school were all attending class in the classroom, and it was past one o'clock in the afternoon when the two returned to school after lunch, and the students also returned to the classroom. There was almost no other sound in the whole school except the sound of reading.

Xin Chuzhi took Chi Fei to the school doctor's office late, opened the locked door, and saw a stack of letters on the table, stepped forward to take a look, and began to distribute, "My, yours, yours, mine... "

Chi Feichi found a chair and sat down, sorting out the letter in front of him.

"...yours, mine." Shinide Tomoaki divided up the letters, sorted out his stack, and started sorting out the gifts piled on the table, feeling a little emotional.

It turned out that what Zhu Di said was true, the girls from Didan High School not only sent him love letters here, but also used this place as a transfer station, sending letters and things to Chi Feichi to this office.

After Xinchu Zhiming finished distributing the things, he took Chi Feichi to read the letter.

Of course, not looking at each other, but looking at each other.

In the words of Xinde Zhiming, there are too many letters, and it is too difficult to reply, but this is the intention of others. If you have time, it is best to take a look. If you encounter letters that are not in the right mood, it is best to meet them. , Face to face declined and comforted.

Chi Feichi didn't object, and started to open the letter without raising his head, "You're still like this, good man."

"Really..." Xinde Zhiming laughed, guessing that the person pretending to be him should have made a similar proposal, and some didn't understand what kind of person the other party was, but soon suppressed the doubts in his heart and began to read the letter, "Hmm... recently, high school students seem to be more popular in copying lyrics and scandalous sentences."


Chi Feichi also read one letter after another.

There are indeed a lot of scandalous sentences and lyrics in the recent letter.

To be generous, I copied the popular lyrics of "love or not", very straightforward, and then directly left contact information and signature.

If you are more reserved, use the scarlet sentence.

He saw a letter that only said "In a cherry blossom, a thousand words are difficult to say, give it to you to remember, don't take it easy to read." There are dried cherry blossoms in the envelope, signed but no contact information, it should be a smart person A girl with romantic cells, because if he has a crush, he will take the initiative to find it even if he doesn't leave his contact information, and if he doesn't want to respond, it's useless to leave his contact information.

There are also generosity and enthusiasm in the red sentence, like copying the girl who said "meet each other for a while, comfort me for a while, and miss it more and more, love is like a tide", and there is a lot of eloquence, sharing my feelings .

And no matter what it is, it contains a pure heart. He also thinks it is better to look at it, but it is only an analysis of the character of the target person, and the response is fine.

Most of these girls and what he sees are two different worlds. These girls don't understand the reality he sees, and he can't understand the beautiful and bright things in these girls' eyes.

Communication and coordination is a very arduous process, just like the saying "You are busy working to make money, but she complains that you don't accompany her and coax her" circulated on the Internet in his previous life. It may be possible to communicate to understand each other, but it requires a lot of The time, energy, and good mood to endure, may also fail to communicate and coordinate, and affect Bibi not like himself...

Well, he just didn't want to provoke girls who were too innocent, and he never considered the group of high school students or those under eighteen.

In fact, he could guess that the same is true for Xinde Zhiming. He has no idea about female high school students. Otherwise, with Xinde Zhiming's popularity, even if he finished picking his looks and personality, he would have already left the order.


There was thunder outside the window.

Seeing the dim light in the room, Shinde Tomoaki got up and turned on the light, walked to the window and looked outside, "It's going to rain, so today's student club activities should be cancelled... By the way, Feichi, you bring an umbrella Yet?"

"No." Chi Feichi raised his eyes and looked out the window, then continued to look down at the letter, "It's okay, it won't be long."

"That's right, the weather forecast says it will be rain showers." Shinde Zhiming raised his hand to close the window, but suddenly froze, "Huh?"

The office assigned to Shinde Tomoaki is in the building on the side of the teaching building. Shinde Tomoaki can see the school gate when he looks out of the window.

Due to the imminent rain and the cancellation of club activities, some students have already started to leave school.

He saw Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko arriving at the school gate, and brought a little boy into the school, muttering in a low voice, "It's Xiaolan and Conan..."

Chi Feichi read the last letter, skillfully opened the desk drawer, took out an iron box and put the letter in, "I'll put it here with you first."

Xinchu Zhiming saw that there was already a stack of letters in the iron box, and he understood, it should be put there by someone pretending to be him, maybe Chi Feichi would also put the letter here.

It's dangerous, if Chi Feichi doesn't take out the box first, he doesn't know about the box, and if he is not careful, he will be exposed.

It seems that we can't stay with Chi Feichi any longer, and wait until tomorrow when he comes alone to familiarize himself with the things in the office.

Thinking of this, Shinide Chiaki put the letter in the drawer, and suggested with a smile, "Let's go say hello to them, and then we'll go as soon as possible! Maybe when the rain starts to fall, we'll be home long ago. That way you don’t need to bring an umbrella.”

Chi Feichi nodded, but he didn't agree with Xinchu Zhiming's words.

Go say hello to Conan, it is very likely that they will not be able to go back when the rain stops and stops, and then stops...

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The place where the school building changes shoes.

After changing his shoes, Conan looked at his former classmates joking with Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan, the carefree youthful atmosphere made him a little distracted.

Mao Lilan waved goodbye to his classmates, and when he turned around, he saw Conan in a daze, "Huh? What's wrong with you, Conan?"

"Ah... um," Conan returned to his senses, and hurriedly said, "It's nothing."

"Then let's go." Mao Lilan led Conan into the teaching building, then turned to talk to Suzuki Sonoko with a smile.

Conan walked among the high school students going out, and lost his mind again.

He is no stranger here.

Originally, he was supposed to come here to go to school every school day, telling his classmates, "Are you ready for the exam", "What are the rumors in school recently", "Who seems to be in love with whom", "Who is the football club with this time?" The school's clubs have such boring topics as competitions', and they live the life of ordinary high school students.

Yes, if he hadn't been drugged with gin and vodka and turned into what he is now...

Damn... In order to restore his original body and return to Kudo Shinichi's life, he must find out where those guys are and find the antidote to that medicine!

Conan, who misunderstood "ordinary high school students", was unwilling to grit his teeth, and the figure of gin and vodka appeared in his mind again, his expression became heavy, and he also thought of Belmode and Shinide Tomoaki.

It was only one step away, but Belmode escaped, and I don't know if Belmode's words of "giving up Huiyuan mourning" are true.

In any case, Belmode is a witch with thousands of faces, a master of disguise no less than Kaito Kidd, maybe he will disguise himself as someone else, lurking here for a certain plan...

Especially with Chi Feichi, Belmode has been in contact with him as "Chris Wynyard", and after Yi Rongcheng's "Xinchu Zhiming" is also in contact, maybe he will appear next to Chi Feichi again...

As Conan was walking, he suddenly felt that the light cast in front of him was blocked. When he looked up, his expression changed drastically.

In front of him, Chi Feichi was still casually dressed in long-sleeved trousers, wearing a dark blue jacket, his face under the black hair was expressionless, and he looked down at him, while the new Zhiming, who was wearing a beige suit and eyes, was looking at him. By Chi Feichi's side, the look in his eyes was innocent and harmless.

As far as he could think, Chi Feichi was very likely to appear near him. This kind of magical summoning was already scary enough. He finally got used to it. Did Chi Feichi actually start bringing people to appear...

The point is, Belmode pretended to be Xinde Zhiming!

Could it be that woman ran back again? Was he guessed right, and still appeared beside Chi Feichi?

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