Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 998 Feeling a little redundant

Shinde Zhiming also found that he had slipped his tongue, sweated in his heart, and smiled, "Ah, I went to Aomori and brought my grandma and Xiaoguang back. After thinking about it, I still decided not to go to Aomori. I have worked in the hospital, and there are some familiar patients here, so I am really worried."

Chi Feichi walked towards the window to get the empty chair in front of the window, "Is it because of Mr. Otonashi Yoshiichi?"

That is, the old man from the haunted house incident kept clamoring for Shinde Chiaki to take care of him until he was buried.

Xinde Zhiming quietly looked at Judy while Chi Feichi was pulling the chair.

He just came back last night, and Judy told him a lot about the time he was away, but Judy never said that Chi Feichi knew Mr. Otonashi...

Judy returned a 'powerless' look.

She didn't know everything about what that woman pretended to be Xinde Zhiming did. Chi Feichi's test was the saddest. This guy is too sensitive. She asked Xinde Zhiming to call Chi Feichi over. Trying to pass the level, it really is the right decision.

Shinde Chiaki felt that it was rude to say something, that is, he felt that Judy's presence was useless, and he still had to make it up by himself, "It's not just Mr. Otonashi, there are also some patients who don't want to see me. leave."

Chi Feichi pulled a chair to sit on the edge of the bed, looked at Shinde Zhiming, "Mr. Otonashi told me before that although he made a fuss about not wanting to go to another hospital, but if you really want to work in Aomori Hospital, He respects your choice and doesn't want to delay your future."

Xinde Zhiming smiled gratifiedly, and sat back on the chair, "No, in fact, I am more worried about them, so I still don't leave. I plan to rent out the Xinde Hospital, leaving only the house behind, and entering and exiting through the back door. , I will work as a school doctor at Didan High School in the future, and I will tell the principal tomorrow, what about you? Do you want to go to Didan High School with me tomorrow? We can walk around the school by the way."

Judy eats melons silently.

She really didn't know about Mr. Otonashi.

Chi Feichi nodded and agreed, "Call me tomorrow when you're leaving."

Shinde Zhiming saw Feichi's head protruding from Chi Feichi's collar, and greeted with a smile, "Huh?'re here too?"

How dangerous, he almost said 'Long time no see'.

Feichi didn't care whether Xinchu Zhiming could hear it or not, and said hello, "Long time no see, the real Xinchu doctor."

"Oh~ Feichi sneaked in," Judy joked in an awkward Japanese tone, "It's a pity that I don't have any snacks for you to eat here."

"It's so cold." Chi Feichi said blankly.

This joke is so cold.

Judy was speechless for a while, and Ban Yueyan teased, "Speaking of which, if the new doctor goes back to Didan High School to be a school doctor, you two will receive a lot of love letters again? When I was a teacher, I encouraged girls Bold expression, but you two guys have not responded, I am also very distressed, should I persuade the girls not to continue, or make a bet with everyone to see which one you eat, or as a teacher, I should teach them A little experience..."

Chi Feichi looked at Judy silently.

As long as Judy still imparts love experience, forget it.

Zhu Di sensed Chi Feichi's gaze, and interpreted some inner meaning of "I don't believe you can do it" from that calm gaze, and said in disbelief, "I'm very experienced, don't Mr. Chi believe it?"

Chi Feichi said truthfully, "I really don't believe it."

Judy: "..."

Can't this guy let her, a patient whose injury has not fully healed?

Very well, it made her completely lose interest in chatting with Chi Feichi.

Xinchu Zhiming couldn't help laughing, "Haha...cough, then Mr. Judy, do you want to go back?"

"I'm just on vacation..." Judy paused, "Let's talk about it after the injury is healed."

The three of them sat and chatted casually about Didan High School.

Before leaving, Chi Feichi proposed to go to the bathroom first and left the ward.

"You guys seem to have a good relationship." Judy smiled, without maintaining a weird tone, and spoke Japanese very standard.

"Of course," Xinde Zhiming laughed, but fell into the memory with some sentimentality, "he lived in my house for a while..."

During that time, in the morning, he and Chi Feichi were waiting for Xiaoguang to prepare breakfast in the consultation room. While studying the model, they listened to his father's consultation outside. Occasionally, when they encountered strange cases, they would discuss in a low voice.

After breakfast, Chi Feichi went to the pet hospital to go to work. If his father was out of the hospital or resting, he would sit in the new hospital, and if his father was in the hospital, he would help.

During the occasional break, he and Chi Feichi went to Didan High School to play basketball.

Sometimes Chi Feichi had a lot of surgeries on the day, so he would come back very late, but when he came back early, he and Chi Feichi would use models to practice surgery, auscultation, emergency hemostasis and first aid, and his father would guide them .

He thinks that those who have brothers will probably be like this when they go home.

"Ah, I know this, because he lived in your house, so we suspected that the woman pretended to be you and wanted to get close to him..." Judy said, and found that Shinde Zhiming was distracted, and called out, " A new doctor?"

What Shinde Zhiming doesn't know is that the real brothers are likely to fight, and they may also make fun of each other. It is difficult to get along so harmoniously and peacefully, and continue to be immersed in sentimentality.

Before Chi Feichi moved into his home, he lived in more than one family and had to leave after a short stay. During that time, Chi Feichi was still preparing for graduation.

He remembered that when he graduated, he could go home when he was tired, he could be encouraged when he returned home, and his father was helping him wholeheartedly...

Without this trip to the United States, he would never have understood that feeling.

This time he left home and went to the United States, only then did he realize that people's hearts can be so unsteady.

In the middle of the night, he occasionally wondered whether they would have to hide their names for the rest of their lives, whether they would never be able to go back, whether they would have to change places and identities to live after a while.

After going back and forth, those places are not home.

The more Xinchu Zhiming thought about it, he forgot that people are different, and he didn't think that Chi Feichi might not have as many emotions as he did, so he sighed.

"New doctor?" Judy asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you? New doctor?"

Shinde Chiaki continued to be distracted.

It's not that he doesn't have troubles. He has been a 'other people's child' for too long. He is afraid of revealing any dissatisfaction with others. He dares not speak out when he complains to his father, and he dare not even be found out. He has always maintained filial piety, gentleness, and politeness. A good boy.

On the day of dealing with his father's funeral, he faced Chi Feichi, and finally revealed a bit of his dark side, and Chi Feichi still looked at him as always.

The heavy sandbag he had carried for many years seemed to have opened an opening, and the sand inside poured out through the opening, making him feel more relaxed than ever...

Judy: "New doctor?"

Xinchu Zhiming was still distracted, he was deeply moved, and silently sent a stack of good person cards to Chi Feichi in his heart.

Judy: "New..."


The door of the ward opened, but Chi Feichi didn't enter. He just stood outside the door and looked in, signaling Xinde Zhiming to leave.

Xinchu Zhiming came back to his senses, stood up and said, "Teacher Zhu Di, take your medicine and rest for a while, Feichi and I will not bother you."

Judy: "?"

No, she yelled for a long time, and Xinchu Zhiming was distracted for a long time, but as soon as Chi Feichi came back, Xinchu Zhiming woke up and was about to leave immediately?

Why does she feel that she is redundant today?

"By the way, Teacher Judy," Shinde Zhiming stopped at the door and asked back, "Do you want to eat something? If necessary, I will bring it to you later."

Judy suppressed the speechlessness in her heart, smiled and said in an awkward tone, "Oh~ don't bother, the food provided by the Cupido Central Hospital is also delicious~!"

After leaving the door, Shinde Zhiming smiled helplessly.

Zhu Di was worried that Chi Feichi would reveal his secret here, so he asked him to invite Chi Feichi to come to the hospital to meet him, but he still felt that Judy's presence was useless and would make the conversation more difficult.

Judy and Chi Feichi can chat about video games, but he is not interested in games.

He and Chi Feichi can talk about medicine, but if the conversation goes too deep, Judy will definitely find it boring, just like listening to an academic debate.

And just now he was chatting with Zhu Di about Didan High School, in fact, he knew that Chi Feichi was not interested in chatting about how the students were doing or gossip about the school, so he was basically listening.

Although he felt a little sorry for Chi Feichi, but he knew that Chi Feichi didn't like to talk but could listen calmly and not feel uncomfortable, so he could only wrong Chi Feichi for a while.

But then, it would be better for him to talk to Chi Feichi about medicine.

During this period of time in the United States, he discovered a very peculiar medical theory, which was related to traditional Chinese medicine. He felt that Chi Feichi would definitely be interested, and he had long wanted to discuss it with Chi Feichi...

The two found a cafe to eat and drink coffee.

Xin Zhiming's conjecture is correct. Chi Feichi has indeed read the research paper on Chinese medicine, some of which are reasonable, and some of them are more illusory.

The two chatted from the coffee shop to the izakaya. Shinde Zhiming didn't drink, and Chi Feichi didn't drink when he was driving. He just ordered juice and food to continue the discussion, and he didn't leave until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Chi Feichi sent Xinchu Zhiming home and drove away by himself.

Shinide Tomoaki watched the car round the corner and disappeared from sight before taking out his cell phone and calling Judy.

"Judy, it's me..."

"Oh~ Have you finished chatting? How did it turn out? Mr. Chi didn't get suspicious, did he?"

"Don't worry, we chatted about a foreign paper on traditional Chinese medicine, and we broke up just now," Shinde Tomoaki said, "He doesn't have the heart to ask questions that I don't know."

Judy: "..."

Can we chat for so long talking about papers? And made Chi Feichi not in the mood to ask other questions?

Why does it feel like her presence made it more difficult for the newly released Zhiming to return to the integration plan? An illusion, definitely an illusion.

"The point of view in that paper is really interesting..." Shinde Zhiming thought that Judy wasn't interested, so he braked the car and didn't continue, "In short, I will go to Didan High School tomorrow, and I will behave more naturally, just like before I'm the one staying there."

"Ok!" Judy laughed, "You should get in touch with Xiaolan and the others first, and you should have no problem integrating into the school. If you meet a cool boy in the future, you can tell him the truth."

"Conan? Does that kid know this?" Shinide Tomoaki was a little surprised.

They even hid Chi Feichi from him, but they didn't hide it from a child?

"Yeah, he will be shocked when he sees you..."

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